Stephen Paddock

Now that the trolls and spinners are making shit up, let's put our autism to work.

Facts only -

-Owned 2 airplanes
-Had a pilot's license
-Hunting license in Alaska
-Brother named Eric, who said he was "just some guy" and couldn't imagine why he'd do it
-Fucking Marilou Danley
-He called his mother before he did it, didn't tell her he was going to do this.
-Lived in Florida and Nevada
-Lived in a retirement community on a golf course
-64 Years Old
-Had no known credible social media accounts

Have at him boys

Other urls found in this thread:

Very similar to the guy that shot Scalise.
Probably just a coincidence though.

What the fuck was his motive?

Shooting up a "country" concert shows he was targeting rural type people which is what put Trump in office. I'm willing to bet 100% he's a liberal.

Pic - Autism activated.

- What weapon was it used?
- Was the stage and screen not obscuring his line of sight to the First Row?
- Why did the artist flee the scene as if the shooting was going among the crowd?
- Why were the gunshots so loud, considering the distance and the noise?
- What weapon was used? - That didn't sound like anything I've heard.

This. Not all gun owning outdoorsmen are Republican.

>Modern country
Its basically pop shit.

Owning 2 planes, Alaskan hunting license, he probably mail ordered Marilou.

>wealthy liberal

Because no one would shoot up their own people.

>owned 2 airplanes
Wasted opportunity tb.h

Honestly thats a great point. Well done Dinn.

>Possible Motives: Political (hates trump/republicans), Political (ban the guns), Blackmail (someone coerced him to do this), Suicidal (does someone sick of the world really plan something like this out and carry it out?)

What say you?

ISIS claiming responsibility. seems odd but who knows maybe that gook gf was an undercover towel head?

This guy is like a low rent spook.
Ive been looking for hours and found shit.

>tfw unexpected kamikaze attack at country music concert in las vegas

Bernie Bros strike again.


10+ per source in the police, rifles were found in his room

no clue what types yet.

This guy must be well off if he owns two planes whereas the Scalise shooter was living out of his car. Also a fully automatic weapon is difficult/expensive to get, and takes some skill to use effectively. Hodgkinson on the other hand had a cheap milsurp rifle that he barely knew how to use.

Or maybe he just didn't fall for the social media meme. He's 64, he doesn't really have a need for social media accounts. When I google my name, all I find are social media accounts that I created myself

maybe gun violence was his goal. Target white americans with the guns they love

If that were the case would he really hold down 2 hotel rooms and have his wife/exwife in tow?

The details of this shit is just fucking weird.
Judging by the talking head though its a push for gun legislation before their foot soldiers move on Nov 4th.
Every one keeps saying he wasnt attached to anything, even the interviews with his brother is like "he was attached to nothing political"
Shit sounds like a flag op more and more.

just another white guy with issues. at least he pulled the trigger on himself

That weapon wasn't full auto. It sounded more like a crank.

He converted to islam

Didnt he use an SKS?

This guy has a few high high cap mags but fore sure used more than one rifle. You can hear the difference in rounds from the first longer volley and the second and third one from the concert videos.

Why did it sound like there were two guns firing simultaniously?
Was there a second shooter?

The gunshot sounds sped up sometimes as if two were being fired at once, but he couldn't have fired two fully automatic rifles at once accurately at that distance, and couldn't have switched to a gun with a higher rate of fire that quickly, there was no break between the rate of fire speeding up.


>Also a fully automatic weapon is difficult/expensive to get
Has the type of weapon been confirmed yet? I thought /k/ said it was a semi-auto with a bump fire stock or a crank?

A crank mechanism would do that on the down turn.

Im not sure about that but I know he was using a crank and not a full auto. the rhythm is not mechanical its human powered.

probably a crank. Bump fire can be difficult.

We need to look into who he killed now I'm thinking.

user posted pic stating first responders he was close to believed it was a "coordinated attack of terror with multiple shooters"

You might be right about that, but my point stands.

I'm about 95% sure it was a GatCrank


-10 or more rifles found in room
-He was in room for 3 days before shooting; apparently to case the scene before the shooting

Looks like the concert was always the target. Sounds like he REALLY wanted to kill people at this concert. I doubt this was just a random thing.


Stephen Paddock is anagram for desktop chap den.

We should check this chap's desktop located in his den.

Girl interviewed said Hispanic couple told people in first row they were all going to die 45 minutes before the shooting started

>-He was in room for 3 days

Where was his residence? I'm sure he was moving stuff in for a period of time.

Two shooters confirmed

He either waited till his last chance or the most people. It would be interesting to see the numbers on attendance.

crack bang sound delay and echo. Look up counter sniper tactics on wiki. Took me 5 min. to figure out 1. its real. 2. its a single shooter from the mandalay windows based on video.

They're saying the sex offender paddock is not him. Comparing the 2 images. same nose,ears, lack of eyebrows and receding hairline. The 2nd sex offender paddock just disappears,no known address as a REGISTERED sex offender and thats A fucken OK.

Just for the record if he really did get 50+ fatalities from gunfire only, he's number 3 on the global high score list and number ONE on the USA high score list.

two rooms confirmed

wow Sup Forums solves the mystery again!!! xD

Could this be another Charles Whitman? Though if the guy was not properly trained there will be bullets well outside the target area form the alleged distance fired

If the GF was a Fip or Indonesian, she could have been a muzzie supporter and converted him.

religious. he was a muslim convert and did it at the behest of isis.

You hear different sounds because the guy is strafing.
>fires to the left, to the right
You even hear the bullets whizzing by.
He had 10 rifles, they could be different types for different sounds.
There are periods of no fire where it can be assumed he was moving from window to window in that time.

Both windows are for the same room.

There would definitely be security footage of him talking to accomplices if there are any. Plus his gook girlfriend would definitely be aware. If nothing does come out from it they are definitely withholding information.

>Santa Claus
wew lad

>“He’s not an avid gun guy at all. The fact that he had those kind of weapons is just – where the hell did he get automatic weapons? He has no military background or anything like that. He’s just a guy who lived in a house in Mesquite, drove down and gambled in Las Vegas. HE did stuff. Ate burritos.”


What will happend with the loli now? :(

He could have just blown all is money at the casino. had an automatic with him because you can head to machine gun ranges in Vegas. Probably did some blow and just went at with nothing left?

>born in 1968
>reported as a 64-year-old
Unless it's 2032, pull your head out of your fucking ass. Ultimate chas

The exact number of casualties is yet to be confirmed though, there's still a chance he'd end up second on global ranking.

Mk Ultra

why haven't you find his brother's social media?

Please give sources for these claims

Theres no way to determine wether it was bump fire, full auto or crank just from shitty cellphone audio

Both windows are in the same room, I've stayed at the Mandalay.

Monarch Programming is a bitch......

They were probably some tiny kit planes that weight 400 pounds.
A guy in Texas a few years ago flew his plane into the IRS building. It broke a few windows and bounced off the side. Only killed him. Barely even made the news.

>two rooms confirmed

Those aren't two different rooms. You ever been to vegas buddy?

>Mass shooting
>Spain can only think about fucking little girls

as in, he went akimbo?

and the "fact"he cranked Megadeth while committing the act, is there proof or only speculation or joking?

I thought the shooter was paddock?

/k/ thinks based on the sound and rate of fire that he used an RPK or a full auto AK.

the gun being used sounded like a PMK, would make sense with the reload times, changing a belt, etc

sounded like an AK to me.

but then it's been awhile since I was in Nam.

All bets on 'Nam Vet. Uncle Ho deals final blow.

We dont know enough about him to make a guess one way or the other.
Being on Sup Forums durring this kind of thing so many time over the years and for once we can come up with nothing is odd in it self.

Im not sure what to think.

No we want them alive


/k/ here. Rifle bullets travel faster than the speed of sound. That means you will hear a crack and then a bang. The crack is the supersonic bullet breaking the sound barrier, then you will hear a bang, because the muzzle blast is traveling slower than the bullet. So at range when being fired on, you will effectively hear 2 "gunshots for every round fired.

>Has the type of weapon been confirmed yet?
No confirmation, just a report of multiple weapons. It'll be months before anyone FOIAs the police report to find out anything more than "full auto AK-15s" that the jew media will be reporting them as.

>Bunch of CIA storm in his room
>Kill a bunch of dudes in a concert
>Kill the old man and frame him for all the killing.
>all guns are ban
>Trump remove from office by antifa coup

dude just took too many blackpills and understood nothing matters

who is this cute trap and where can i go to suck her penis

Lol, that's Republican all the way

Charles Whitman pretty much did the same thing in 1966. Just all of a sudden went nuts and started shooting people indiscriminately with no motive.

He had a brain tumor.

Fuck off you red haired rothschild agent...

Asuka a shit, forced into evangelion by rothschild.

Chrono trigger's protagonist being a red hair, is also a rothschild plant, subtly implying that they have time travel technology.

I'm starting to think this. Both the Scalise shooter and this guy are around the same ages; it seems like someone is activating the sleepers.

>dude was white
>the most violent race in history, behind every major war
>people still wondering why he did it
Really? Its just in his blood.

it's a girl, Alexandra Gaier who looks great as Asuka. Lots more pictures of her floating around.

This is fishy as hell, there's no motive at all, and nothing is lining up. The brother said the guy wasn't into guns at all nor had any military background.


Mesquite Nevada, on the border with Utah and Arizona

It's like bullets break the speed of sound, causing two booms of which one gots ta go fassa den speed of sound

100% Whites need to be dealt with, they're fucking barbarians

I'm almost positive we found his Facebook in the early stages of the happening but Facebook shut his and his wife's accounts down, if true we have screenies of the group's he was in and his comments.

>This guy must be well off if he owns two plane
Depends entirely on the planes and their state.

At least that was what we were told. Who trusts the gummint with anything anymore?

Perfect patsy. Nothing to cross reference. Probably shot, and just placed in the hotel room, and then blamed for it.

This. Fuck Drumpf and fuck wypepo.

Fake news, but hey good luck with that.

Wouldn't he just shoot up a far-right rally?

It was a clear attack against white American culture.

Anyone that doesn't see that is blind.

Look for Steven, not Stephen.

>A guy in Texas a few years ago flew his plane into the IRS building.
>Barely even made the news.

I recall there was evidence the guy was a lefty.

I suspect if the evidence pointed to him being right-wing, it would have made the news bigly and we'd all remember it.

>Santa Claus