How much credit do you guys give to this?
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>How much credit do you guys give to this?
They claim every single attack to ever happen is theirs. It's cause they are attention whores.
wait, is this for real ?
White Old American Converted to Islam
Wow this is so BASED
Yes, many sources are starting to post it.
And they always find evidence that it's true. What's your point?
even the independent claims it. That sttuff better be true.
>And they always find evidence that it's true.
No we don't. We just find that it's factual.
Just because something is a fact doesn't make it true.
Big if true
large if verifiable
>white old man guns down +50 people
>turns out he is a Muslim convert
>can't say anything against it now since that would be racist
The shooter killed himself, so this is really unlikely.
If false
>see, Islam is NOT the problem!
If true
>wypipo can be muslims too so bigger muslim population makes no difference! :^)
>Just because something is a fact doesn't make it true
American education
>facts aren't real
If brue trig
Fucking zero, the imam gives you a new name when you convert.
Siteintel are the pr firm that made all those fancy Hollywood production beheading videos for Isis. They are cia for sure.
I'm really not sure how to respond to this
It's a Muslim, after all. Rejoice.
How will Shaun King twists it to blame white supremacy ?
>white people can be muslim too
>The toxicity of the religion is so strong that it's infecting your fellow man
>causing him to murder your other fellow men.
>crusades 2.0 when
Yeah because muslims never kill themselves........
This is all fake news damage control, i'll believe it when I see at least one actual journalistic organization actually report it (you know fox would in 3 seconds if it was true)
libtards BTFO
ISIS would claim responsibility for skinning and hanging a cat from a lamp post if it was controversial so im taking this with a pinch of salt
wew lads
it's being reported by outlets that offer multiple languages you dipshit
e.g, check any major indian outlet
nobody says daesh you obama mongrel
ISIS claimed responsability for Ghostbusters (2016) being a box office disaster too.
i thought they blew him up with explosives
Starting to break across the news sites, I'm sure Fox will pick it up shortly.
We were attacked. Again.
And the goddamn liberals want to blame guns. Again.
By blowing themselves up, not by shooting themselves in the head, which he apparently did as the police were busting into his hotel room.
they knew before everybody else.
Mossad converted him I bet
Another successful CIA operation
>pls no disparage my holy allah thx u
i wouldnt be surprised if he was psychotic and just wanted to kill or some shit but i doubt a white 64 year old is suddenly an Islam convert and guns down a few hundred
Dunno yet, but one of the more widely read tabloids in Germany is reporting it as an ISIS attack:
>Die Terrormiliz "Islamischer Staat" behauptet nun, der Mann sei einer ihrer "Krieger" und bereits vor Monaten zum Islam konvertiert.
>the terror militia "islamic state" now claims the man is one of their "fighters" and converted to islam months ago
They really don't, so this is actually interesting
Bin Laden was a "white male" too.
White means not a Muslim, neither a Jew.
Its the leftist lie of the day, "they claim everything", thats how assblasted they are
Liberals heads are exploding across the West. Muh, they claim everything. Yes, they do claim Islamic Terrorists killing people in the name of Islam. Who would have guessed, huh.
And just because something isnt fact doesn't mean it isn't true.
>holocaust historian logic.
So the story goes....
Muslim terrorists do not allow themselves to be caught, they run if they think it's possible, but they would rather die than be interrogated and give up info.
Assuming he even is muslim
His chinky waifu could be Muslim. Lots of them in the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia
>Just because something is a fact doesn't make it true
Mateen in the Pulse nightclub attack, the San Bernardino shooters and all ISIS attackers in Europe fought until killed by police, they didn't shoot themselves because committing suicide like that is a hue sin in Islam. His shooting himself says he wasn't Muslim.
yeah, i notice they keep cutting out the asian women form the released photo of him, so she could of been the starting point of his conversion
>media said he shot himself
>welp it must be true the media is never wrong
I doubt it. If reports are true that he an heroed after he had his gun range funtime then it doesn’t exactly fit with what radical sandniggers do. Then again even crazy guys don’t bring 10 fucking rifles to the regular psychotic rampage
This is big if true
Is there anyway to confirm that paddock did in fact convert? Where did he live and where was the closest mosque?
>Arab muslim shoots up nightclub
>White muslim convert shoots up festival
What is the muzzie population in the phillipines (or wherever the woman is from)? He might have been converted through the roastie.
Of considerable importance if accurately conforming to reality
it's as real as it is fake
We need a Civil Race Crusade X soon.
please call them by their proper name, islamic state
>bunch of muslim lovers tricked retarded westerners into calling it daesh
>What is the muzzie population in the phillipines (or wherever the woman is from)?
Tons. Basically the whole South of the country is Islamic.
I saw a pic of a black guy lying dead
There are a lot of Muslims, and radical ones at that, in the southern Philippines. Filipino ISIS almost captured a whole city there a while ago
Isis soldiers don't commit suicide when the police shows.
>they claim every single attack
No they don't, you fucking liar.
top kek
They would claim credit for hurricanes if it was feasible.
Unless they deliver martyrdom vid I 'm not buying.
ISIS claimed responsibility when I tweeted about stubbing my toe the other day.
Haha shills BTFO
I assume they've claimed responsibility for this year's unusually harsh hurricane season.
their cruelty against fags is limitless
how many shekels do you want?
wtf are u talking about fucking pseud
They claim people they trained and people they did not train who contact them. And even people who didn't contact them but declare their allegiance during the event. It's a thing where if you actually believe in Islam considering the work that gets you into heaven.
True or not, ISIS always looks to provoke the US into attacking, because when they inevitably do more innocent people die and start sympathizing with radicals, creating more terrorists and instability.
perfect flag for the post
zero credit
they are just toying with the investigation
20 dollars says someone unironically uses this on Twitter
They blow themselves up retard. Not by a shot to the head.
yeah and maybe to stay off the radar while planning your big spree you don't go around calling yourself Mohammed Allah Saddam bin Laden? Just a thought.
Bullshit unless the shooter left behind video or other material that corroborates this.
>I am a [redacted] of the [redacted] and I pledge [redacted] to the [redacted]
Not necessarily, cause saracens also believe that dieing while jihading wipes away their sins.
He filmed himself the whole 32 minutes
There is a lot of Allah Akbar during the video
This is straight from LVPD friend, video will be released in a few hours.
Islamists always claim responsability for terror attacks. They did it back in 2011 when Breivik rekt the shit outta Utoya
Not sure. Last i heard black people in Vegas don't listen to country music
Woman claims all will die before actual shooting
big if true
What if he converted to Islam just to make Muslims look bad?
No they did not, why are you lying?
Are they self-Thanks-Obama-ing themselves into being responsible for every shit that happens? Am I going to get an email from an ISIS representative claiming responsibility for missed buses and bad weather?
Are you for real?
>t. Sheik Musab al Faiz