[ ] Hug
[ ] Smooch
[ ] Bully
[ ] Deport
Monster Musume
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Murder by decapitation.
>It is the 4th of July
Where do you bring your waifu?
[x] Commit a crime
[x] genuflect
[x] Deport
Worst girl, everybody agrees
To Freedomland
[X] Marry
[x] Hold hands
Hug, then smooch.
She looks pretty terrified.
[x] ask on a date
Achtually, it say
>nigeru (translator's note: means "flee")
I'm on my tablet at work. Sue me. Parking lot duty sucks, especial in this heat.
>Where do you bring your waifu?
To church, of course!
Today is both July 4th, AND a monday.
Kill yourself
Calm your edge Lalafag.
You mean horsefag right? They seem to be the edgy cunts.
I might just if this heat doesn't kill me.
Why are cereafags so awful?
Underrated post.
Here. All my MonMusu lewd shit.
[x] Marry this snake.
People come to resemble what they love, hence the unfortunate number of horses asses among Cerea's fans.
What's with that bad animation?
[X]Quadruple Giga
That's a question for the people who make the game. I just put the webms together.
That's the finest animation free to play can buy, user
Music for added feels
tfw no wasp daughterus to attack you with hugs the moment you get home from work
What do you think wasp's pet name for Darling is going to be?
>ywn see wasp getting jealous of her own daughters when they receive your hugs.
>ywn be 'punished' after bedtime for making her feel that way.
Judging by the colouration of his arm, Bike Cop is drowning and Mako is dragging him to the surface.
Best girl.
Best abs.
> Fanfiction trash
That's not even your Bike cop girl. Some Japanese artist just drew the default shark mermaid.
This is happens when your OC characters are identical to the ones Crab drew.
>Calling someone's waifu "trash"
Who pissed in your Cheerios?
That makes me reminder how cave runes came out faster than moon runes.
And I don't know nor wants to know how to read the cave runes.
Pic is my face
I think she will be arrested for digital piracy.
And I think Kii is one of the member because Torrent.
What was the reaction of crabman to this anyway?
I would like to know this too.
IIRC we've sent him a whole imgur album full of Bike Cop stuff
He loved
Same as everything else. He liked it.
Whether or not he's being genuine or just doesn't to upset his fans is something else. He's definitely not going to say he didn't like it.
Fuck. This monster is not Torrent, it's Treant!!
I came here for monster porn not monster feels fug
>While the character initially had no name, Okayado accepted the name "Satsuke" (an allusion to the Japanese police "Keisatsu") after reading the name from the community forums.
I wonder if it would be a heresy to marry a mon musu in the Abrahamic religions?
>biting without drawing blood
that shark is letting the human know she is dtf
He was freaked out that Western fans remembered his birthday, surprised at the volume of stuff sent, then complimentary about it as he worked his way through the pile.
Although, he did say that next year we could just send half off coupons for instant noodles.
Or she's just being tsun
Of course.
Oh, wrong pic.
Marriage is between man and a woman
Mon musu are women
No problem I think
>implying they would not consider monster girls as demons.
However monster girls are not human user, so it is definitely haram. They may invoke the prohibitions against Zoophilia to justify the ban. Actually come to think about it, in a world that had monsters in it; There would of been a 11th commandment the forbid marriage between man and monster girl in the Abrahamic religions.
Newt is cute
I want to rub her breasts
I think human x mon-musu marriages would be forbidden in sunni islam but ok in shia and Alevi islam
just my two cents, inb4 mudslime
No idea about Christianity though
bully bully bully bully bully bully bully bully bully bully bully bully bully bully bully bully bully bully
Why do you think that? I know literally nothing about the different sects of islam, just that they really hate each other.
Is she 72?
If it can pass the Harkness test it's good enough for me
Only the literal demons like succubus, which are of course heresy
But are women
You know, I think I'm actually going to ask a priest about it, will come back eventually with the answer
sunni lawmaking states that you smply have to obey the laws that were made when the prophet was alive
so its stuck like more than a 1000 years in the past and cannot evolve, hence the backwardness of the islamic world and terrorism
shia lawmaking is through reasoning an evolves to fit the time
>heartfelt scene where alice reveals her troubled childhood
>suddenly ero.ogg plays
>rape scene
way to ruin the mood.
No problem if she cant be killed.
thats what harpies were made for
Even if it was, you just need to kill the people who oppose it.
Don't explosions make heads go boom?
If it ain't 100% human she doesn't count as a woman in the eyes of religious leaders.
>Zombina joins the bomb squad
>Doesn't like to follow safety protocols
Fuck of I know
That's how you get killed, same goes for zombies
>she cant be killed.
oh she can be killed
[X] Marry
Manako is really pissed about the sunglasses, isn't she?
look at that thick ass.
Heartfelt sex is the best.
[X] Talk
I'll give you 27 Macca if you join me. Gotta be honest though, you're just fusion fodder.
>implying Miia is a top tier demon
She can cast Luster Candy and spam Megidolaon if you really needed it.
I have Alice for that, Miia is just trash to fuse to fill out the Compendium
Miia is a better Alice you pleb.
Also cuter. She works real well with Demonee-ho on the team too.
No, the GOOD Alice
My mistake for posting the BEST Alice then.
You can't kill the dead!
>Crabman was at AX
>Live in NC
Whatever helps you sleep at night, son of man.
She's too nice to get pissed
Gentlemen, you're both wrong. Clearly the two are equal in quality and are both best girls.
I agree with you, but we're talking about another Alice, friend.
Black Alice then?
Then how come KC has done a one panel comic of Miia and Crabman hasn't done shit with MGE?
Whoops quoted wrong. That was for
Because Crab is too busy drawing both monster girls AND monster boys.