Strange how the mainstream media isn't calling this man a terrorist, or this event a terrorist attack, yet when a drugged up Muslim man stabbed a police officer in the UK sometime ago, that's all that was talked about for weeks and he was called a terrorist by everyone. I wonder why this man isn't. Help me out, Sup Forums.
Terrorist attack?
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Shhhhh, just let the Sup Forums narrative continue to play unabated
No idea user, all I know is I wanna claim a jizzHad and go full ass terrorist on chick in your pic.
wut im seeing tons of people call it an act of terror
Terrorist aren't paid by politicians to help promote gun control user.
Me too.
No large media outlet has, and that's what's important. The media is supposedly liberal and loves muslims, yet I'm seeing the opposite.
Do you not know the definition of terrorism. Are you seriously denying that this was an act of terrorism?
>the media is full of liberals and pro muslim
>the media also portraits muslims as terrorists.
a terrorist has, by definition, political, religious or ideological reasons.
the reason for this attack is unknown so far.
yet, mongoloid like you still don't get it.
It is terrorism ... far-left terrorism, doubt youll hear that in the msm either, PS we still dont like you muslim cunts, fuck you and fuck mohammed with a pigs cock ;)
That's nice and all, but could you drop a source on that pics, please? I'm asking for a friend, of course.
checked for truth
search google for fat ugly nip cosplay.
>"why does something that lacks the elements of a terror attack not get described as terrorism when this one time something that did contain these elements was described as terrorism?"
seek help
>shooting up a massive crowd of people and killing more than in any mass shooting in the US ever
>not terrorism
>le words have no definitions
Jews did it, there is no doubt to this, as a false flag for their manipulations. It is written in Talmud that all the goyim must be slaves of the jews, and this is a part of their grand plans to reach that goal. Therefore this attack has a religious reason and this is terrorism. Kike terrorism against goyim.
read this you moron
a few simple examples:
muzzie blowing up has religious reasons => is a terrorist
breivik had ideological and political reasons => is a terrorist
school shooters usually have reasons like being bullied, can't get a girl and are usually mentally ill => not a terrorist
las vegas shooting. we don't know anything about his reasons. was he far left or far right and had political reasons? then he would be a terrorist. was he just mentally ill? not a terrorist.
simple as that.
Strange, isn't it.
Higurashi RIn, though she goes by several names.
Half the terrorist attacks in the UK perpetrated by Muslims had none of those motives, and the ones that did, the perpetrators were called terrorists before they were known. His name is Ahmed, let's call him a terrorist and THEN find out his motives. Don't deny it either, since the exact same thing happens on Sup Forums. Unless you're already too blinded by your ideology.
>when a drugged up Muslim man stabbed a police officer in the UK sometime ago, that's all that was talked about for weeks and he was called a terrorist by everyone
i have no genuine clue when this occurred, can anyone link me?
i know there was one or two times in london where they played death rally but not this
terrorist attack has political reasons for a grand purpose that goes on beyond their end
if its a guy who just wants a lot of people to die and kill himself, its not really a terrorist attack
why do people say retarded shit like
>being white means you are automatically exempt from being labeled a terrorist
these people act like definitions dont exist. what the fuck is wrong with them?
>Half the terrorist attacks in the UK perpetrated by Muslims had none of those motives
then they were no terrorists. but could you give some examples of "terror attacks" from ahmeds in UK that didn't had one of those reasons?
and yes, i know that people would immediately call him a terrorist if he was a muzzie. it just annoys me that people lack the knowledge how "terrorism" is defined. it's not that a school shooter or otherwise mass killer is any better or not as evil as a terrorist.
it's simply a definition, nothing else.
>"guys, I'm really worried we're being unfair to the Muslims!"
>ISIS just claimed responsibility
Nice try, cuck.
they are idiots.
just look how today is every trump voter a nazi or fascist. just ask one of those morons what fascism actually means. i'd bet 95% of them couldn't give even a rough answer.
This seems the most likely to me too. Perhaps not directly by the Jews, but by those who want to divide us further.
Westminster, the guy who crashed his car and walked up to the PM with a knife and tried to stab her, but of course he was stopped and only managed to stab a police officer. He was called a terrorist from the get go. Tell me that some retard who crrashed his car and literally walked up to the most protected woman (after the queen) with a knife to try to kill her is a terrorist. Definitions may be hazy, but this was blown the fuck out of proportion just because he was Muslim.
Also that French guy last year who was imprisoned, released, acquired a gun and went out into the public and killed only police officers. He didn't even target civilians, only police. He was called a terrorist and it was blown out of proportion too. He was just a guy who hated the cops.
Oh they do, just not on Sup Forums, You people are guilty of severe doublethink.
Drumpfsters won't handle this level of (((truth))) about themselves.
oh god shes beautiful
I want to impregnate her
terrorism = for political or religious causes
mass shooting = for psychological or unknown cause
It's quite easy finding out the political motive of a retarded Muslim. They always yell Allah akhbar.
>walked up to the PM with a knife and tried to stab her
sounds politically motivated
>French guy last year who was imprisoned, released, acquired a gun and went out into the public and killed only police officers
>he was just a guy who hated the cops
this one is a bit more gray, truthfully
Unless Paddock has some political/religious or otherwise ideological reason he is by definition not a "terrorist"
Yes, "okay" is right you fucking retard.
Words have meaning, unlike your life.
I think I’ve seen her before.
> "Fucking Muslim cunts!"
A terrorist attack has to be politically/religious motivated. They don't know this guys motivation, so they are just calling it mass shooting.
Looks like I'm a nazi fascist then.
What's important is the effect that it has. Most people don't care about the news and will only read the headline and move on about the day, but the headline and the information therein stays with them. Something happens, people die, the perpetrator is Muslim, he is called a terrorist immediately, the average person will read the headline, see the guy's name and move on without knowing whether or not he really is a terrorist or what his motives were. That stays with him and that is how mass manipulation works. Good thing that large media outlets are losing viewers, and people turn to alt media, and this is what makes people either love or hate muslims, or be a minority that doesn't see the world in black and white.
>sounds politically motivated
It was, but it was blown way out of proportion. That attack did not bring about any terror, and that is what terrorism implies. Like I said, definitions are hazy. What's important is the impact, and the impact of that attack should not have been as great as it was.
Doesn't look like her, and she never exposed her vagoo fully.
Except when they don't.
They could be related to the same sort of thing idk.
because all of the white shooters are leftists and they don't want to admit that democrats are the terrorists.
They refuse to make that connection because its damning to their movement, and they know their followers will willing buy into the "its because they're white!" narrative. As usual, low IQ democrat voters are getting played by their master.
They focus on their color when they are white because they want to disconnect you from their ideals. What ideas are leading them to violence, spoiler: leftist ideas
Only exception being Brevik, but he wasn't American.
What's that one's name though? I only recently started getting into cosplay.
>religious motivated
until now
Do you really need the large mainstream Media organizations to reflect your own beliefs for you, shill? There's plenty of individual lefty bloggers already saying he's a terrorist because he caused terror. Doesn't that make you happy?
>because all of the white shooters are leftists
lol no
>As usual, low IQ democrat voters are getting played by their master.
You're all being played by your masters and the fact that you don't see it means that it's working.
I'm not a lefty.
Her name is Mai Araki, I believe. Thanks for the images btw, only reason I’m in the thread.
it's true though, they are all democrat shooters.
>terorism: the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
KYS faggot. SAGE
look up the definition of terrorist attack dumb lolbertarian
Thanks lad.
Literally not true. Are you so incapable of validating your views with a single google search, or do your beliefs not require evidence?
if he doesn't want to install fear to push his political or ideoligical agenda it is NOT a terrorist attack. Learn the meaning of words before you use them....
Read the thread before you post in it.
>fat sakuya
Np. If you have Discord or anything, I wouldn’t mind swapping pics.
She has a robust anus, but her flaps are already saggy.
Anon5 was proven to be not a larper once again.
Have a fatty Yuyuko instead.
Sounds inconvenient. Most stuff is on the panda anyway.
It's because he was one their own.
10/10 body -10/10 face. Every fucking time with these gooks. If only they didn't have that downy panface.
Really? I think it's very cute.
>full of makeup
>I can still see lots of wrinkles
try harder women.
Because killing people for not believing in your religion = terrorism
Killing people just because you are insane with no political motivation = not terrorism
Damn,that bitch has a retarded face.
Well you see, This man was an Atheist
It's impossible for an atheist to perform a terrorist attack since Atheism isn't a religion.