You know what is the one thing that is common in all these terrorist attacks?

You know what is the one thing that is common in all these terrorist attacks?
Yep. They're always males!

How do we stop male terrorism Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

The helicopter would move with the train.

So male wont get triggered and be happy.

the helicopter would move with the train because the air in the train is being displaced as it moves

Just look at these absolute fucking retards.

Yes, lets deport all males from the Earth, surely that won't cause anything harmful

would the helicopter at least "stumble" when the train started to go?
I am confuse

but... but..

but Poland if full of males

i i i i think it would smack since the air isn't still but its constantly ventilated trough tight gaps

American education everyone

The helicopter would actually move forward in the train

Are you retarded?
mass moves along the way if its accelerated ?
or are you one of those faggots who still believe the earth is round ?

finlan is right, we need to put males on their own island with artificial wombs

>American education

A woman doesnt have the the resolve to take a human life. Why do you think every respectable military keeps them out of combat?

Can we stick to the topic please?

What can we do about this rampant MALE terrorism?

Mass does move along the way its accelerated but it sure as hell wont instantly have the same speed as the train. It will accelerate way slower and smack into the back wall

>mass moves along the way if its accelerated ?

That would be the case IF the helicopter was resting on the floor of the train. It's flying independent of the train.

Think of it like this:

There is a helicopter hovering ABOVE the train; would the helicopter move with the train when it begins moving or not?

God damnit.

The helicopter wouldn't work inside the train since there's not enough air.

i don't see any terrorism in Best Korea, do you ? here's your answer

kill all males

Idk, if the world is orbiting around the sun at 1,000+ mph does a helicopter get left behind in space?

d-d-d-i-d you just assume his gender????
you fucking bigot

That's because women are pussies and never fight for their believes.

Depending on how air-tight the seal of the doors was the helicopter would move. Basically if the air in the cabin moves with the train, the helicopter would move. If the air can escape or stay stagnant as the train moves away, then the helicopter would stay with the air.

Na m8, you have made the classical blunder of posting a picture more interesting than your question.

>hans leg den maßkrug weg
did you fail middle school my friend ?


>The helicopter would actually move forward in the train
The balloon would moves forward because it's filled with helium... the RC heli would smack against the wall in the back of the carriage.

no MALE terrorism in Poland

your argument is that of triggered purple whale

Shut up faggot, the helicopters more important


>The balloon would moves forward because it's filled with helium
No, the balloon moves forward because the air doesn't immediately accelerate with the car and instead creates a high pressure zone towards the back and a low pressure zone towards the front, both pushing and pulling the balloon forward

An object suspended in air will move relatively forward at first in an accelerating car

I've literally been questioning this helicopter dilemma my entire life.

i thought of that video too. The problem is that in the video the balloons were less dense than the air, the helicopter is far more dense though its producing lift. So as the air sloshed back the balloons floated to the "top".

I'm honestly not sure but suspect it would go backwards.

kill all men.


You can literally google it and see that im right mr. genius

Air is like water faggot. Its not independent of the train, its not a vacuum. The air being acted upon by the train would move with it, but not on a 1:1.

Buy them all toy helicopters

>San Bernardino never happened

Just as soon as we work this helicopter thing out.

Proof Earth is orbiting sun?

Big if true

agreed, death to men.

it's hardly fair to expect Americans to know how a train works. Public transport is for poor people and Europeans.

If the question had been about a helicopter inside a plane then the answer would have been much clearer: the helicopter is dragged straight to the back of the plane by the airline staff and then assaulted for not complying with the 'seatbelts on' sign.

>american educatio
The force of the air isn't enough to make the helicopter move at the train's speed

let me put it simple to you
gravity is not a concept of "things" its a concept if mass in space
just because it appears to your eyes that the thing is moving backwards doesnt mean it really does.
if you drive against the gravity field upon a hill,etc.

>No, the balloon moves forward because the air doesn't immediately accelerate with the car and instead creates a high pressure zone towards the back and a low pressure zone towards the front, both pushing and pulling the balloon forward
wrong, moron. the helium baloon moves forward because of the equivalence principle. gravitational and inertial reference frames are equivalent.

>to prepare for a Progress supply ship...
>...and a space shuttle coming after it

As soon as the pressure balances out, it is
The train's speed is irrelevant, the helicopter's in a closed environment.
Acceleration is all that matters.
Newton's first law, faggots

wow you're dumb, even balloons try and float to the back, at least initially. The balloon probably wouldn't float the whole way back because of drag.

The helicopter would crash into the back wall. As the train would move around it.

All these retards... It would move. The train starts to move after it takes off, so there is no force to keep it in place. If the train would start and had a constant speed, and then the heli would take off, it would stay in one place since its speed is the same as the train's.

what if the train was in outer space?

every week a new female teacher is busted for fucking her underage students

How we end toxic femininity? why can't they stop raping?

there wouldnt be any tracks for it to travel on

If there was no gravity you could turn the helicopter sideways, and THEN it could follow along.

Resolved for good faggots

What if the inside of train was an air-locked to have a stable atmosphere independent of the atmospheric pressure outside of it?

that picture is the free market in its purest form and I love it

no, they don't. a helium filled balloon will move in accordance with the equivalence principle. in a car accelerating forward, it will move forward.

that train is already moving, they key is 'and the train starts to move' when the train accelerates the helicopter will remain at rest with respect to the ground

Air resistance isn't enough to stop the helicopter from moving for fucks sake, it will only move with the train once it hits the wall.

That's false, buddiboi.
Lots of female suicide bombers, especially in the middle east.
Usually use children (or children surrogates) to carry their explosives and get close to the target.

>fpbp, because the air moves with the train also.
>has never heard of air resistance

There have been many female suicide bombers here in Israel. And knife attackers.

Your right.

I'd move with the train and would hover normally before being blown up or raped by smelly dirty sand people

>a helium filled balloon will move in accordance with the equivalence principle. in a car accelerating forward, it will move forward.
What if the car was open?


>How do we stop male terrorism Sup Forums?

Lower competition levels in society by bringing back monogamy, and stop importing young males to replace existing populations.

The fact that Saudis can't get laid due to women's hypergamy being socially supported in their society features heavily into their affinity for terrorism.

>Air resistance isn't enough to stop the helicopter from moving
>even though it's the thing that keeps it in the air to begin with

I guess it depends if we're talking about a helicopter that's actually hovering or one that's not controlling itself at all.
If it's the second one then a person sneezing would be enough to crash it

>pretending you didn't know this would happen

Ha ha! You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders - the most famous of which is "never get involved in a land war in Asia" - but only slightly less well-known is this: "Never post an image more interesting than the thread topic!"

>The air in the sealed compartment moves with the train
>The helicopter floats on said reasonably stable air

who she

What if the car was open?
the force of air coming in through the windows would affect the motion of the balloon. in a closed car or elevator that is accelerating,, the balloon would behave exactly as it would in a gravitational reference frame.

Just use some common sense for fucks sake, do you move with the car when you accelerate or brake?

You sit on the seat, faggot

Not analogous. Air pressure plays no part in how we move in an accelerating car

estrogen therapy until the males stop chimping out

Yes, but you do feel the acceleration, and accleration has a direction.

increase female shooters! equality now!


>do you move with the car when you accelerate or brake?
you seem impossibly dumb. if what you are claiming is correct, there would be no need for seatbelts or airbags, and people wouldn't be catapulted through windshields during collisions. it's called inertia, genius.

But chopper is just airborne, it isn't acting against the acceleration in this case. I don't see what relevant role does the air play here.

>What can we do?
Doesn't matter what we can do, what we should do is nothing. Males are supposed to be this way, faggot.

I don't think you understood what I wrote.

I don't think you did either.


The dude posed a rhetorical question. He didn't explicitly say one way or another what the answer was. You just assumed he meant something retarded when it could easily be interpreted in the opposite manner.

I think you should re-read that and my other posts instead of jumping ASAP to act smart.
Train is closed though. There is no air flow.

it will do the same thing you do if you stand on a train and don't make any adjustments when it starts moving.

>rhetorical questions in physics
I don't mind what the user you're defending asked, but you're a fucking faggot.

(((public))) (((education))) on display, folks.

>There is no air flow.

there's enough to affect this balloon

The air isn't attached to the train.
The train being closed is why the chopper won't fly to the back.

The only way it flies to the back is if the air the chopper's hovering on remains stationary while the rest of the train moves around it.

Okay, sorry, I meant that there's no relevant air flow to affect the helicopter.
It will just crash into the back wall.

your other posts are as indecipherable as the one to which I responded.