Wtf I hate the Constitution now?

wtf I hate the Constitution now?

Other urls found in this thread:

>silences from 140 dB to 120 dB

Then move to another country hurrr

>put politics aside and engage in politics

I just want her to go to sleep and never wake up.

And now we know just what would have happened had she won.
>Mass shooting
>Populace disagrees
>Jews get their good goys on the news, social media, and paid goys out on the street wanting gun control
>Congress thinks "Huh, guess people don't want guns"
>Gun control
Fuck the left

>bullets shot at range
>silencer causes more deaths

This is what the left actually believes

It's fucking suppressor, you cunt

>muh silencers
>Muh nra

Jesus fuck we dodged a bullet not electing this cunt

So retarded. If someone wants to commit a shooting, they will get a gun, legally or not it doesn't matter.

How long do you think all these leftists have been waiting for another mass shooting to tweet this shit




if they can't get a gun they will use trucks

Fuck off and die already you stupid cunt

Can you imagine a truck ramming that crowd of people

>we can and must put politics aside
Hey bitch, read your tweets!


>guy shooting from an improvised machine gun nest just laying into a crowd with indiscriminate fire
>somehow a silencer would have made this worse
Even if silencers actually worked they way she thought they do it wouldn't make any sense.

>imagine the gunman was a giant ant colony conspired to kill us


Ban assault ants

Clinton's speaking from her experience dodging bullets in Bosnia I suppose

Yeah, it would still cut through a concert audio. Liberals have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to guns. As usual.

No, she meant for people who disagree with her to put their politics aside, so she can push hers unhindered.

>put politics aside
>push my political agenda

If someone used these exact same words against Islam this Bitch would have a screeching fit.
Also why the fuck is it that everytime shit like this happens these politicians blame it on guns? Didn't fucking do much good to restrict them apparently so why is it always more of the same
>Oh but if we restrict them even harder this stuff surely would not happen.
Was any of the firearms he used even legally owned?

same shit different president

using a silencer to shoot at things hundreds of yards away. It's so painfully obvious she knows fuck all about guns

this is part of why she lost and shes still fucking doing it.

It's called a suppressor you tard. A silencer would be using subsonic ammunition which would lower the casualty count significantly.
And a suppressor only quiets the rounds to the extent that the shooter doesn't need ear protection or is hard to determine the location of WHEN OTHER GUNS ARE PRESENT, it would still be easily heard over the audio and screams at the concert.

muh constiturdstion is not an argument

nuh-uh, have you seen John Wick 2? you can fire a gun with a silencer in a train station and nobody will even hear it.

silence is relative you autistic shit

AND calling it a silencer is perfectly fine. Not only is that the legal terminology used to describe the technology, but the inventor of the first suppressor called it a silencer.

She lost because those pantsuits accentuated her lard ass.

>sound of gunshots
>echoing like a mother fucker between the buildings

they actually said it was impossible to tell where to run because off the echoing shots.

Silencer was his retarded marketing word for his invention. Anyone in the military will not call it a silencer unless it's an integrated suppressor + subsonic ammo.

how would you know, you've never been in the military

antman pls go

because it's not silent

You're right, I haven't. I'm a detective.
But four of my cousins, three uncles, and two close friends have.

Fucking worthless thread, but just came here to say that this shit is why the cunt lost.


lmao some """detective""" that doesn't know the legal terminology

The irony here is you're a man who claims to be able to read but can't read the 2nd amendment of my country's constitution.

>Stop politicizing this guys!
>Fucking the NRA

Shillary logic.

Does she think Suppressors make guns sound like in the movies?
At one point, she was an elected official and she legislated about guns, not knowing jack shit about it.
damn bruh.

I wish we could catapult Hillary Clinton into the sun.

>Let's put politics aside
>Now if he didn't have a gun that I campaigned against, everyone would've been safe! Damn that NRA, we need to stand up to them and stop this
>If he had a silencer, more people would've died but luckily I personally fought against the sale of them, YOU'RE WELCOME


They are called suppressors. They don't silence anything.

muh constiturdstion is not an argument

>mass shooting happens
>politicians talk about how things need to change without offering any real solutions
>two days later Beyonce is photographed coming out of a shoe store
>the never ending cycle of modern "journalism" continues
>a week later
>what mass shooting?

Gun laws is not an argument for people that break laws.

>They are called suppressors.

No they're not, you retarded little /k/ommando

>everything should be legal because criminals break laws XDXDXD

juvenile argument level

Nice quads. It's not about the guns it's all about the control. Look across the pond to 1984-astan. Chav's and packi's behead people in the streets, but don't you dare say mean things on twitter. Bin that opinion you filth white tax payer.

Wait. So they want to do something after THIS happened?
Why can't they just be more tolerant...
Pic related tolerant

lmao this fucking woman is unbelievable. I hope she sticks around for as long as possible and fucks up her party even more.

Fuck you and that hillbilly, lesbian piece of horse shit you love so much.

We're talking about a man who owned illegal firearms, stop talking out your ass because you've never fired a weapon in your life eurotrash.

>1 post by this ID

Decibels is a logarithmic scale. If your numbers are correct, this reduces sound by a factor of 100.

>Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get!
Using a national tragedy for the political equivalent of an infomercial is some next level bullshit.

>1 Post by this ID
Why didn't he use a suppressor?

It reduces the square of the peak amplitude by that factor, but the way we perceive loudness is itself logarithmic so the decibel scale is probably less misleading.

Silencers don't make guns whisper, this ain't the movies


>legal terminology
>implying the people who write laws have any clue what they're banning
This is the face of gun control:

Please kys Dane, reperations when?

just ignore this retarded dane

I shoot all the time, here in the UK sound moderators are actually encouraged by the police because they protect hearing and reduce noise pollution for houses near the range.

but of course if they ever find the butter knife I have hidden in the basement I'll never see the light of day again

Don't do it Yankee doodles, it is but the first step


Liberals really are mentally ill. I thought it was a joke my parents would say but they were being serious.

Relax. No one taking our guns away. Ever.

Well we knew this morning, 6 hours ago his gf had been in Dubai. We saw a photo of her. Did he go with her? Was that his "pilgrimage"? Is that why they "knew who he was"?


Imagine if it was a platoon of bowmen on the roof of that hotel. No one would hear and even more people would have died.
Can we ban bows?

This is bait

Hopefully his presence will ward off glider fag. As unbelievable as it sounds ant man is not k's worst poster by a fairly wide margin. God willing you never have to experience the horror that is .50 cent shitposting. That uppity Ching Chong makes our but hurt Turk roach look like a respectable human being.

No you

>she thinks silencers work like they do in the movies

brain is stuck in endless loop. don't worry. she feels no pain. barely knows where she is. but beware the demon inside still lives off the energy for now. danger for others.

>I am well versed in gun silencers because I saw them in movies

> Put Politics aside
> Plays Politics

This bitch is sociopathy personified. Her death would be akin to the death of Sauron, and event marked with a holiday.

Thank god this cunt never made it into the office.

Anti gun laws are not written to increase safety, they are written to disarm law abiding people. Because of anti gun laws, it is easier, faster, and cheaper to buy illegal guns.

Gun "buybacks" show how cheap guns can be had. Promise no legal repercussions for illegal weapon possession, and people will trade a functioning rifle for a $100 gift card. The line will go around the block. This happens in the same state where buying a rifle starts with a $25 test followed by a $35 dros and background check. If you don't lie about owning a safe, you have to buy a gun lock and have a receipt proving it was purchased within days of the background check. Add the price of a rifle on top of all that nonsense and you have way more than a $100 gift card invested. Gun laws don't just make illegal gun sales appealing, gun laws make illegal gun sales necessary.

Unfortunately, the argument against gun laws is lost on people who chose to not understand and instead edit in "XDXDXD" while calling others what they see in a mirror.

If you used a suppressor on a gun that loud and fast in the videos, it would melt after the initial load.

>nowhere in the rest of the world similar shootings and shooting frequence happen outside of the us
hmmm, n-no the liberal boogeyman :DDDD fug gonna buy muh gunz before they ban'em!!

Sup Forums on damage control again

Banning guns sure prevented that concert massacre in France a few years ago.

He killed more people than fucking suicide bombers on 7/7 in London. Nobody has managed to kill 59 people in the UK by "finding a gun" or "using some other tool". You're thick as fucking shite. It's a statistical certainty if you flood 300m people with 300m+ guns you'll get massacres that can't happen in a gun control nation.

And not a single open-carrying real American hero in one of the most gun-lax states made any difference, but this guy having a hell of a complicated time getting a gun and getting it around without being caught as would have been the case in the UK or Japan would have.