Record scratch

>record scratch
>freeze frame
>"Sooooooo, yeah, I bet right now you're probably wondering how I got here, huh?" It all started when i was young little rabbit
>Teenage wasteland stars playing

Other urls found in this thread:

Love this meme

Why does a rabbit have human feet?


He is real huamn rabbit

It's an apostle

damn, i missed out on the birth of an epic new meme

I don't get this reference.

holy shit he actually does
and guts ate him
no wonder he puked him right back out

>Is there a doctor in the house? Is there a doctor in the house?
>I'm a doctor
>Eh, what's up, doc?

>Eh, what's up, doc?
Dammit, now I want there to be a freeze-frame with this line playing

Pretty close to the manga senpai.

i'm getting tired of this shitposting.

he's a mixed kid don't be a racist

hahahaha, not close at all. that guy is supposed to look weird and ugly and have a slightly big head and no neck. instead we got a bobblehead mutant.

also thanks for reminding us that it was a hostage situation in the manga and that there was something actually at stake. whereas in this episode it's just... why are these guys even in the episode at all?

>pretty close to the manga
>posts page from an arc not being adapted, featuring a character never shown, the character in question having none of the show's "manga-like" shading and having arms twice as long

i'm even tired to answer you with proper argument. Are berserk threads doomed to constant brandead shitposting?

>Are berserk threads doomed to constant brandead shitposting?

Only until you give up on shilling, senpai

shilling on what? i'm not part of the production. I pity them.

why pity them? if you can't ball, don't step on the court. if you can't animate, don't do an adaptation of a classic.

Who is Berserk?
That black guy?

I think I'm going to make a meme video of this

no, it's Griffin

Who is Griffon?

The girl?

He died for our carrots.

you are not carrot of mine



Video's done

That was fast

Yeah I haven't had anything better to do for years

I shouldn't have laughed so hard as I did.


You win

you're a god

You owe me a new pair of sides, user.


Holy shit it's perfect.

>Not teenage wasteland
otherwise 10/10

it does need to be teenage wasteland to capture fully what you are parodying.

Im in tears

I still had the editor open so I figured I'd do this too

the song is called "baba o reily", user

What are you using to edit? I used Vegas usually but that doesn't naitivly open mkv's so I'm curious.

Unless you just downloaded the raw.

now do the roger rabbit

Your voice makes my heart go dokidoki, senpai

After Effects. I torrented it so it doesn't have all the features, and it can't do gifs like Vegas can.

it's a joke like it ain't me user

You can use Handbrake to cut and convert sections if you don't want to download the raw mp4.

y-you too



>Sacrifice friends
>Turn in rabbit

it could be worse

He made the right choice.

Top kek, you renamed my bloated oversized screenshot. Glad you liked it enough to save friend

Copied to clipboard