So this is obviously going to be the meme anime of the season, right?
So this is obviously going to be the meme anime of the season, right?
It has zero (0) bunnies getting knifed
I don't know what this mean.
Can you stop talking like a redditor?
Aoi is my waifu.
You can't have her, she's mine. And since when was there a second person on Sup Forums who likes her?
How? It requires familiarity with non-Sup Forums source material to even watch
Sorry for your loss
if by meme you mean boring shit then yes
I-it's fake! Aoi is forever
Will Komaru be in it?
Maybe. First episode feels kind of early to be killing people off.
>Genocide Jack
I still haven't gotten over this.
pls dont kill mai waifu ;_;
If you mean shit, then yes.
That first adaption was pure trash.
But this isn't an adaptation
Only if "I want Komeda to run" returns
Doomed to obscurity forever like Byakuya
Over what? I know nothing about Dadgum Roombas other than it has cute girls.
>meme anime
What did he mean by this?
Any link to a good AE playthrough on youtube or somewhere else?
It probably won't be accessible at all to anyone who hasn't played the games, so I'm gonna guess not.
>genocide jack
meme translation
Just one of many really bad choices from the people translating who had no idea what the fuck they were doing
There are a couple without-shitty-youtuber-commentary LPs up, I think they all use the dub though
That's not going to stop people from watching it and then spamming threads with nonsense questions
the two DR animes are probably gonna pass as the most underrated ones as only the fans are gonna enjoy them
>they all use the dub though
Oh no, WHY
I fucking hate dubfags holy shit.
Does it bring you despair?
Sometimes people like different things than you do
Well DR is a shit series as a whole so can you blame them?
Apparently Nagito is in his AE outfit during a flashback sequence in the first episode of Mirai-hen, so it's possible.
I doubt it though. At best we'll get her as a cameo in Mirai-hen.
It's going to look so QUALITY
That studio could barely handle a single DR anime and now they're producing 2 at the same time
Togami will show up.
Probably for a cameo.
Yeah he was bowing down to the Warriors of Hope showing that DRAE exists at least.
Berserk already staked that claim
Hina is dead. Get over it
Hagakure is the mastermind
What a tweest!
>I was only pretending to be retarded!
Berserk is too shitty to count as an anime
I will start worldwide riots
>Asahina died before Hagakure
Yeah, something is up.
Someone is dying the first episode, that's confirmed. Some people says it's Aoi, but unless I missed something, that's not confirmed.
Count me in. This literally can't be, it's not fair and doesn't make any sense.
Hanging out with her bro at the great donut shop in the sky now.
Where did this rumor even start?
Supposedly they pre-screened the first episodes and naturally people went straight to the internet with the spoilers.
shes ded jim
And her best friend.
Life isn't fair nor does it make sense.
The only place where I saw that Aoi is the one who dies is here.
>Supposedly they pre-screened the first episodes
What do you mean "supposedly"? This is exactly what happened.
>jeez do you seroiusly thing people will go on the internet and tell lies?
Supposedly because I've only seen it said here.
I certainly fucking hope not. But I think Berzerk has filled that role for now considering the CGI controversy. I don't think anyone is watching this besides fans of the games since its required to watch them anyway. If anything it might be on the more civil and fun side of watching a show with Sup Forums since besides people arguing over waifus, which is pretty much a constant law around here, the only people putting the time in are fans of the series from way back to Project Zetsubou, though maybe I'm projecting because I'm one of them.
It was literally pre screened yesterday you dumbass. It was an event at Japan with Kodaka, Kishi and some VAs there. It's literally talked about on Kodaka's twitter
No someone from tumblr made a huge post about it thats getting copypastad over here, the original source is shitty fujo's blog who thinks Kirigiri x Asahina is somehow a thing. One of her footnotes of Mirai-hen was freaking out because Baconhands smiled at Donut.
Similar spoilers were posted on different places and from different people
We'll know for sure next week anyway
Then where did the Hina dies rumor come from? That same person?
Future Foundation is definitely evil, right?
>something nobody gives a fuck about
>become a meme
That's not how it works.
>evil for wanting to kill terrorists and murderers
Yep they're evil alright.
No, it's just a fake spoiler to keep people from figuring out who the actual first death is. It's easy to see who's gonna die first if you're not an idiot
No she actually refused to divulge who dies first because of integrity of the twist, so its from other dudes. But she was one of the first people to post spoilers yesterday that I saw get spread around here a lot word for word. She got a whole lot of asks on tumblr about it that probably has more info then just the footnotes but I didn't dig through them, I just went to the block post.
Does anybody besides DRfags even give a fuck about Danganronpa?
No, that rumor comes from here so we can't know if it's real or not
So R.I.P Kyoko or Kenzan.
Though the OP makes it seem like she won't die until maybe later.
Hmm I see.
This is from the shithole that is Sup Forums so it probably won't show up here, but I know sometimes ZEfags come and shit up threads saying how thats a better series. But since Zero Time Dilemma literally just came out they've congregated into a pseudo-general for now.
But Monaca's whole plan hinged on how willing they would be to glass an entire city at without even waiting for an explanation. Those don't sound like good guys to me. Just another group of radical nutjobs.
>but I know sometimes ZEfags come and shit up threads saying how thats a better series
It is though
Yeah but they have no point in posting in these threads because its for an anime of Danganronpa, not people arguing over which video game is better.
But there was no proof they were going to do that.
While true they don't need to shit on DR threads constantly.
Yeah. It just comes off as arrogant. Let people just enjoy discussing the topic of the thread.
Woops meant to reply to this comment
I kind of wish they could have wrapped up this storyline with a game. It'll certainly give it a fresher format, but going from one medium to another to finish a story feels a bit weird. It's even worse knowing that the first anime was a fucking disaster.
>Kirigiri is going to die
>Believe a Naegi and Kirigiri were the OTP since day 1
Curse you Junko, you've won you gyaru bitch
The visuals will probably be a mess but since it was written as an anime first maybe the story won't be so bad.
Kirigiri is so boring anyway, Naegi is better off.
>Just one of many really bad choices from the people translating who had no idea what the fuck they were doing
Yeah, the fan translation was far superior with no retarded memes.
Ohh wait. .
I'm pretty much of the exact same opinion, and I'm a big fan of the series so I'm really hesitant. I downloaded the original anime when SDR2 came to Steam and skimmed it and honestly, the biggest flaw was that it was *too* loyal of an adaption. They had the evidence gather animations and truth bullet shootings from the game, and in the anime it just felt awkward. I haven't seen anything by Lerche in years but people who watched AssClass and whatever else they've done since then say that they've really improved. Now that its a totally new format I have some hope, and despite everything else I'll stick with it til the end.
If I can make it through Utaware2mono's shit anime adaption after being a fan of that series for 6 or 7 years, I can survive this.
I can get why the DR2 prequel would be an anime, it still remains to be seen what it is about the Future Arc that makes it bettersuited for the anime format though
I'm hoping Naegi dies to be honest. This is apparantly ending the Hope's Peak stuff and all so there's nothing to lose.
Are you one person posting this over and over again? Because that's super autistic.
ZE is really a COMPLEX trilogy.
>people want to cram the both stories of DR3 into a game
>people still don't get that the first anime was just some rushed adaptation from the game
>this anime is all new content
I can sort of forgive that shit though because there really isn't much you can do translation wise when people make 2ch and 2chan memes in their dialogue. Either you keep it faithful and need a footnote explaining it or you can try and keep the same meaning but as a result get stuff like that. So its one of the Catch-22s of translating IMO.
Well tbf Naegiri was never gonna happen either way.
Ohio Godaimomo!
best girl reporting.
Ibuki is my waifu and you can't have her
But she's the sole survivor of Naegi's harem. If she dies, then who's he gonna fuck and start a family with?
They could always flashback to a confession before one of them dies for maximum despair
>implying Makoto won't end up with the one who was by his side the entire time
Does DR3 follow the story of DR1 or DR2? I've only played the first one, and considering DR2 has entirely different characters, it would be safe to assume that it continued from DR1, no?
It's split into two. One is a sequel finishing out the series, and the other is a prequel showing what happened to the DR2 kids to fuck them up.
Both. DR3 is made up of two cours (probably 12 eps each) with one set after the games and the other set before, and both will almost certainly overlap plot-wise too.
Just go play DR2.
Sounds like unless you bust out SDR2 before next week you'll be stuck watching Mirai-hen instead of both. I say give it a whirl if you liked the first one, people say one of the cases is the peak of its series and honestly although a little predictable, the climax is really fucking awesome in my opinion.
Now get out of here before you get spoiled.
It's set after DR1 and before DR2.
One follows Makoto and his organization an the other follows the cast of DR2 in their school days.
Play DR2 because the Despair side will spoil major plot points.
Yeah sure user, eat up those memes and they are okay because it's just a fan trans right?
judging by the spoilers floating around online the Future side will spoil some stuff about it too, it has flashbacks featuring the Remnants of Despair apparantly
>implying that means shit when that person dies
Are you saying Makoto is gonna fuck a corpse? I get he's the Ultimate Hope now just like Izuru was but it doesn't mean he has to follow in his footsteps completely.
Out of curiosity, how would you go about doing it? Just stick in the actual 2ch meme, and hope people get it?
well, its to be expected, they are in Jabberwock Island undergoing rehab , so I guess it was inevitable talking about them.
But is it flashbacks or a resolution to their story?
Like I said I'm not justifying it, I'm just pointing out there isn't much you can do about it.