50+ people die and 1000+ injured and all he can muster up is a 2 minute speech with cliche quoted and bible verses.
50+ people die and 1000+ injured and all he can muster up is a 2 minute speech with cliche quoted and bible verses.
Other urls found in this thread:
Amerigoy voted for this faggot
>Rural and suburban
Rural and suburban
>Rural and suburban
Rural and suburban
>Rural and suburban
Rural and suburban
>Rural and suburban
Rural and suburban
>Rural and suburban
Rural and suburban
What the fuck did you want him to do? It's over now.
He needs to hold white people accountable. He would be holding Muslims accountable if the guy we're Muslim.
Yeah he should have given a multi day speech.
>all he can muster
It's not about him.
Uh oh...
>Rural and Suburban
Rural and Suburban
>Rural and Suburban
Rural and Suburban
>Rural and Suburban
Rural and Suburban
he has to wait until the Isis connection is absolute, then just wait for his next speech.
give you a hint fuckboi, starts with a DUES
Tfw white guy is Muslim
It sounds like he cares about some dead burgerclaps almost as little as I do. Truly the Sup Forumsack president.
Iove my President. But I'll give you a sage for your trouble, chump
I knew you libcucks would be upset
How the fuck do 1000 people get injured?
>He would be holding Muslims accountable if the guy we're Muslim.
Just wait user....just..
If the man had given a 60min speech you still wouldn't be happy. You really had nothing better to do than start a thred complaining about a 2 minute speech. How about you take time to pray or consider the victims.
in large crowds people get knocked down, stepped on, etc
1,000 does seem like quite a lot though
Why? "White people" isn't a political or religious affiliation.
guy was probably muslim you lefypol faggot
B-b-b-but he's supposed to be magically fixing Puerto Rico! How can he do two things at once?!
He should've addressed the issue of black gun violence which claims many more victims each month.
I dont care about Las Vergas
With 2000 bullets?
If you idiot liberals wanted gun control, you should have kept your Muslim, BLM, and Antifa pets on a better leash. They've been way too open in the past couple years about how much they look forward to wiping out white people. There's no way they're going to allow any "reasonable" gun control now. They know you're coming, and they know how to handle it.
at least the piece of shit dint drop the ISIS bomb while talking to the nation...
From my cold dead hands leafnigger
>50 people
>In a country of 350,000,000+
>In a world of 7,000,000,000+
Jesus Christ, why are humans so full of themselves that they think 50 people aren't expendable?
Because, it now means that people will be more afraid to go to public gatherings. People will change their behavior. That was the point of this
Did he at least mention that the victims looked like his children?
fuck drumpf desu
2 minutes was all that's needed. Thank god we don't have a crocodile tear bitch baby in the white house that asks people to stop owning guns.
Last I heard it was at least 5000 injured
If everyone in america was christian like in the new testament then mass shootings wouldn't happen
>Millions of Americans will go about there day like nothing happened
Then the point was moot.
As an impartial outsider who watched the speech live from across the pond, I honestly think it was a great speech.
He didn't politicise, wasn't overly cloying and mentioned togetherness and American values repeatedly
I think he did a great jerb, I really do, fantastic.
I heard it was 6 million
Youtube link to the speech?
I support gun control.
[spoiler]for MINORITIES[/spoiler]
this thread is a waste of catalog space.
if this becomes a regular thing, the point won't be moot
for example, these days you have to go through massive security at the airports, back in the 70's and 80's you didn't even need to take off your shoes. Why? Because of the threat that someone will hijack a plane and take down another building.
This diminishes the public trust, and makes everyone more paranoid, increases the demand for heightened levels of security.
For example, in Europe, all parades and protests now have huge blockades erected to prevent another truck attack
Oy vey don't disrespect the fucking 666 satanillions.
he should dedicate his next golf trophy to the victims
This happens routinely during black friday sales.
Gotta love how these people think just because the shooter was white that it wasn't a deliberate act against whites. I guess the concept of "white guilt" is alien to many, even still.
The guy was confirmed a convert months before the shooting you fucking faggot. Try to learn how to make a better fucking argument.
It was a very appropriate speech. This recreational outrage is getting tiresome.
Holy shit you all normie deserve to be shot
Clearly a CIA psy OP MLK Ultra brainwashing a good white goy to shoot other goys so that more gun control will be passed. Expect gun sales to skyrocket after all this. Bury your guns keep them out of plain sight because the jew will take them away all because of this single lunatic who traded away the 2nd amendment for a south east asian pussy. Liberal leftards are drooling in how much cui bono they can profit from this. Also more anti drumpf sentiment from MSM cherrypicking look heres a whitey shooting whitey we need dem guncontrol nao! Also fuck those 50 whiteys they deserve to die fuck prayers and condolences lol unless ISIS does it when they can only claim responsibility like losers did in their shitty life. Also why no one record this shooting it is clearly staged i bet the jews did this
>a muslim with an illegal gun
you can almost hear all of the liberal hearts shatter.
50,000+ people are killed or wounded at Gettysburg and all Lincoln can muster up is a 2 minute speech full of cliches?
Trump's not falling for it, he knows there wasn't any shooting.
Israel's plan for Syria/Iran is falling apart and they're geetting desperate. tillerson just said we don't recognize the Iraqi (((Kurds))) independence vote. Netanyahu's coming unhinged at Putin;s house. The jews are losing it.
If only the speech was 3 minutes then we could heal properly.
Hopefully he knows how to spell it...
I advise all my American brothers and sisters to prepare yourself. It has become a forgone conclusion that we are headed for civil war. If you are in heavily blue areas you should look into leaving. America will be divided because they want it to be.
Don't leave it til it's too late /guys/
You dont deserve your flag you fucking disgrace
>Trump doesn't speak out
>Trump speaks out
You guys need to die.
>used an outlawed weapon
Where are they getting this? I haven't found shit on the weapon or weapons used.
he just knows that
>be american
>get shot
is not a meme
who cares?
Commander goy in chief
My sides
Exactly, why was there no "Shooting" until now? This smells like another false flag. Also the funny thing is the MSM are getting their hopes up because "He is white." But wait theres more! He was an Islamic convert months before this shit went down, plus he had a C3 weapon that is not obtainable without a C3 license. So he got it from Achmed's back trunk or the Soros foundation.
More planes were highjacked in the 70s and 80s than today, you underage idiot.
Why won't he call it what it is. Radical White Terrorism.
He's nervous because he knows it's going to come out that Paddock was a Trump supporter
If he spoke for an hour, you'd say it was too long winded.
>Why won't he call it what it is. Radical White Terrorism.
Why won't you call it "Radical Islamic Terrorism?"
They just want to claim the high score, there's no way this guy was Isis
Because of people trying to escape eastern europe. They'd hijack a plane and force it to land in a western country.
The planes weren't crashed into buildings
You are really shilling fucking hard today David Brock finally cracked out the nose candy today?
Sauce? Big if true...
This is such an obvious response, I'm shocked it took someone this long into the thread to make this joke.
I can see the hurt in his eyes, fuck you OP
Americans died today.
>2 minute speech
simple is best
What would you have liked him to say? What should he have done?
they'd say he was "making it all about himself"
Republican President
>muh God
>muh prayers
Democrat President
>muh gun control
>muh chilluns
I sometimes wonder the same thing, people just don't think about such incidents logically. 50 people out of 350,000,000 holds 0.00001428% probability of someone being among the lucky 50, the probability is just too low, you have literally better chances of buying a lottery ticket and winning.
>The guy was muslim
>Trump gives 2 minute speech on Las Vegas
>(((Media))) will use 5-30secomd soundbite
> Trump gives (((Media))) 400%
Because the muslim has a motif that stems from his radical belief in his religion that has no place on these lands. Its not only an attack on the dead people...Its an attack on the country.
This white guy is most likely 1) mentally ill 2) an islamic convert or 3) a plant to cause mayhem so they can make a final push to take guns.
>muh 2 minutes... He's finished! (Yet Again)
Oh go and fucking end yourself you miserable loser.
If he'd spoken for 15 minutes you'd be mithering that 'He's trying to profit from a muh genocide'.
Donald is maga
You are a fagger
>1000+ injured
>believing isis
>described as a lone wolf
Oh well that explains everything
FBI already said not connected to ISIS
fuck your fake news
The same FBI that has been saying that Russia hacked our election because Trump pissed on Russian prostitutes?
During the primaries and election, I would visit this site daily for the raw content. This type of thread over and over and over and over has made this place and absolute shit hole as a stopping spot on the interwebs.
great thing about this shooting is he can do both!
It was clearly the fault of blacks
If they weren't monopolising the Gibs me dats actual humans with problems could get the help they need.
This is a day of national black shame. Again.
>FBI already said not connected to ISIS
its been 12 hours, also source
>Not trusting the CIA or their puppets