Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.
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First for WaniKani is the path to wisdom.
Why did you make a new thread? We already have one up:
3rd for you're not as good as you think you are
user-kuns pls help. Adjectives and nouns were a fucking dream compared to verbs.
When does it end? There's so many fucking conjugation rules. The tenses, the stems, the polite forms, the verb particles, jesus.
Verbs are the biggest topic within the language right? Tell me it doesn't get any worse than this.
What do I read to get this shit down
Verb conjugations are all part of "beginner grammar". Might as well complain about learning kana.
It's all pretty regular. I'll take Japanese verb conjugation rules over English any day.
>There's so many fucking conjugation rules
are we learning the same language
there's what, exactly 2 tenses? with only past tense having some rules to remember
and everything else just goes based on the 5 vowel sounds
it doesn't get any easier than japanese grammar, the hard part of this language is kanji
Kanji is a beginner meme. :^)
Not even Anki is safe.
kanji is a native speaker meme
其he 新ew 法ethod 居s 此ere.
>tfw called a racist for referring to japanese kanji as "chinese characters"
Let's use this fir op next time
Kanji literally means "Chinese character". Tell whoever said that they're a fucking idiot.
natives have no trouble reading kanji though
Does this work
Summer is fucking awful, you twat. I can't wait for it to end.
>164 on j-cat
There's no way I'm an intermediate.
You seem to be good at guessing then
are you pretending to be japanese?
Wasn't there a Firefox extension that did this? I can't remember what it was called since it was a long time ago the last time I saw it.
Do you guys ever shop at asian supermarkets? There's one in my city and I love going there for stuff. It's a bit out of the way but it's worth a trip.
Found it
Probably worth a shot if you use that method.
mine onomatopoeia, yes or no?
at the local japanese dollar store, sure
i should really go to the local kinokuniya to get some nice reading material though
>tfw you realize you know enough Japanese to watch her anime without subs
don't get excited
that episode was easier than yuru yuri and ichigo mashimaro
I really need to practice my listening so I can stop being 出来ない
Social anxiety moe taken too far, no one without severe autism is actually this bad at talking with people.
This goes with Japanese too.
Just started with this shit.
Am I too retarded if it takes me more than two days to learn ひらがな?
>Am I too retarded if it takes me more than two days to learn ひらがな?
no. just keep going
you're retarded for thinking its a race, yes
Know it? No. Don't know it? Yes.
Take your time.
>downloading subs for easiest show of the year
It actually is kind of good that this language is as easy to pronounce as my first language.
Japanese is the easiest language in the world in terms of pronunciation.
enjoying watching games done quick and all the turbo autists using the jap version of the game because the text scrolls faster and saves muh frames
Haha so autistic!
doesn't stop you from having an unerasable accent if you're an american EOP
it has nothing to do with faster or slower, it's just whatever the standard that people picked.
>it has nothing to do with faster or slower
Let me guess. Having trouble pronouncing well stuff like the 'R' sound?
Some native Spanish speakers have trouble pronounce the English R sound and vice versa.
The R in Spanish sounds the same as the Japanese one, for reference.
Top kek!
Are you even learning anything or are you here just to utter memes?
>are you here just to utter memes?'re not?
>The R in Spanish sounds the same as the Japanese one, for reference.
Portuguese R also does.
no, i'm not bitter about my own accent, just being an asshole
i speak russian which has pretty much every sound japanese has and more
>the R in Spanish sounds the same as the Japanese one
it's somewhat close, but for one the japanese "R" can turn into what sounds like L and still be the japanese R, while the spanish one is sharp and more trilled and won't ever sound like like that
I've put in so much effort but the road ahead is endless.
Endlessly fun!
The reading material is endless too. It's amazing.
>2007 was 9 years ago
>2009 was 7 years ago
Still feel like shit after going through this entire motivational video. The guy certainly is charismatic though.
Welcome to 日本 fucking 語
>tfw did too and thought I finall knew Japanese
>watch another anime
>can't understand shit
looks like there is an important difference between wanikani and anki in how they handle wrong cards. With wanikani, since you have to write the answer, you can decide not to check what the correct answer was. If you don't, and you get it right later, it counts as correct.
I'm not sure what effect this has on remembering and on the mental effort to do your reps.
What anime? Most anime has a pretty low vocab count. Honestly, if you know 2k+, you should be good from at least a vocab perspective on a wide variety of anime.
Obviously your listening skills also have to be competent.
Apparently wanikani shills are a real thing, people are talking about it on koohii and the Japanese reddit as well.
Why are you spreading lies?
I'm just trying the demo.
I didn't even read your post, I was just commenting in general.
wait a second... don't tell me
you're shilling wanikani right now??
We've been rused, now time to move on.
What lies? You could literally watch almost every SoL/CGDCT anime assuming you did at least 2K.
2000 is basically nothing, that's a ridiculous statement to make.
>tfw core10k with cute girls failed so quick
Been trying to figure this out. I'm thinking it's something like "Rei thought, in an instant, "I have to change the subject, I can only do this if we're on a cheerful subject" but I know that's probably a loose interpretation at best. Anybody?
>You could literally watch almost every SoL/CGDCT anime assuming you did at least 2K.
This is definitely not true
I guess you haven't even reached 1k words. It's just plain wrong
Feel free to post your Anki stats
Where's your proof?
I'm too lazy to learn 2 alphabets + Chinese but I just wanted to say I appreciate this OP
Rei instantly thought, "I have to change the subject, and so much as it's possible, to a cheerful one."
I think.
I wish there was an Anime Core, that'd make me motivated af
Anyone know of an Anki deck with Slang/Vulgar language?
I want to translate Doujin.
I want to abuse the Japanese language
>wanting to translate
Failed before you even started, but to answer your question, there are but they all suck. Just read doujin.
compare raws with translations that aren't trash
most doujin translations are fucking horrendous, so you have plenty of examples of what not to do to work with
>I want to translate Doujin.
Just don't.
Not this Sup Forumsnon but stating something, without any proof, and then asking other Sup Forumsnons with a different 'opinion' for a proof doesn't make any sense. You are either trolling or you are pretty new to this.
Here's somewhat of a 'proof'
>The 10,000 most frequent words accounted for 92% of all occurrences, the top 5000 accounted for 86%, the top 2000 accounted for 76%, and the top 1000 accounted for 68%.
You can google most slang. There are many explanations in Japanese on the web for almost anything. There are also some slang dictionaries (in Japanese). Just google
Approaching 17000 vocab cards from mining and I still haven't finished core6k
Half way to fluency, good luck!