AFTER after 2 YEARS of debinilating 2 years for the first time watching SERIAL LAIN SERIAL XPERIMENTS LAIN. I am FINALLY I HAVE I FINALLY uncered: THE TRUTH. About L A I N. She, (Lain), does has what we might conciceter Anesciticism.
Hehehehehehe… I'A DONE IT HEHEHE HAHAHAHAHAHA… Let me Entain:
Okay: So you have: protogenitor Lain (RAIN MAN), and aftercarchates: Lain's the FATHER, line Mother (together as becomes preprotogenitor), sesterial aldogenitor, the FRIEND Alisu (the victim/marytr), Jesus (the SAVIOR), soots (willsmith), Suicide Girl (SG), Drug Addiction (DA), bar Tender, the kid, Christian adds Alian, and NiGHTYS.
Soo... Tache all thes the elemants, mash them to one with an heavy healping of digital taims, tectons, and esphericals, and then mass it with an very atmospheric and musical, but ellowened butdget, and to this you get? A demper enonsation of the themp: anischerality.
On my in my prevatory dissatations I have givern polentia edevince to Lain has Anischeral. But WHY would the CREATOR(ors) make LAIN a pizza god? The key, my fireneds, belongs to you. The Sexual Energetic Lawn's SEL's Lain is to repesent a not just one Anist, but ALL ANIST. and Who does Anist the most affal? Of course, it's YOU, the Audiente!! Congrats!! This is the reason why Line depicts an abscess of DIGITAL taims, Sup Forums the bboard posted a lot too (Anonymous = YOU!! CongratS!!). So and sHE has no style fascionism (EMBER SOOT), no soscemial grace (LITERALLY NO FIRENE), and a funny face when ALAMAO as Christian Alien sweater. THIS THE SPIT IMATATE OF YOU. The Otter have create this just for YOU, to represent you. And she also doesn't tip.
(Part 1)
(Contade BALLOW)