Let's have a morale thread, I bet some of us need it

Let's have a morale thread, I bet some of us need it.

I'm just demoralized, guys. I already always feel like drinking in the middle of the day, then shit like this happens and it's even harder to resist.

My Facebook's already exploded into exclusively tragic posts and "OH BUT TELL ME AGAIN ABOUT GUN CONTROL BALH BLAH BLAH," people already trying to capitalize off fucking tragedy. Everything I believe is constantly under assault. An inherent right I truly believe in is already under more attack than usual, and I can't even be that mad because this isn't some piddling shit even if any legislation wouldn't have stopped it.

It's cyclopean. It's massive. Any argument I put forward or dissent will be discarded as idiotic and heartless, even if it isn't. It's all just getting hard to bear.

How do you deal with it, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


Alcohol and started smoking again recently.

Weed, meditation, long walks. I have come to realize that the dirty kikes have already destroyed America and they won't let us rebuild it because they ain't going nowhere.
Slowly turning into a massive nihilist, it's the only possible outcome.

truly sorry life is shitty right now OP.

I deal with it by not participating in those sorts of social media. It's all grandstanding and brain-dead people getting their feelios out. Just take some solace in the fact that the 2nd Amendment protects the public from tyranny. How the hell are we supposed to engage in capitalism without the ability to defend ourselves? The state absolutely cannot do it for us, and it would be immoral to try (e.g. removing any avenue of self-preservation from the people). Firearms are a right and a responsibility, just like speech.

Also yea I'm 3/4 through a handle of Sailor Jerry since Friday.

The for Nihilistic anons like Realise that somehow the forces of the universe came together to bring your consciousness into existence, infinity is a very long time and anything that has happened can happen again, including you're ability to consciously experience the universe again. Technically, with infinite being infinite, perhaps you would even be able to retain your old memories from this life, who knows

Numb is the best way to put it. I feel like I should be sad and hurt, but have become desensitize from it all. It's like I've run out of remorse/pity points for an entire lifetime. I guess in short, what else is new in this God forsaken floating rock?

*For the Nihilistic anons

I really need to go to sleep now



Will boomers become the "old people who went on rampages" generation?

Focus on things that are solely within your control.
There. I just spared you from insanity.

access to weapons is actually what is destroying you. they wont attack you psysically, they will watch society breakdown as more and more use these weapons in a suicidal rampage caused by dejection from humanity. you watch your very way of life crumble as you grip your gun, which is in reality totally futile unless you turn it against your fellow countrymen in a fit of madness or false enemies.

your real enemy is invisible, the guns are a very welcome red herring

Demoralization and isolation are the single most powerful weapons of the left. I know this very well in this poisoned country. Do not let it get to you.

hey that's my line btfo my gig ya mook

>I'm just demoralized, guys
As you should be shit is fucked and our enemies have control over the entire narrative from the top down.

This. I just feel really empty. Nothing seems worth doing. Humans were never supposed to live in this globalised, urbanised, despiritualised hell scape. Nothing about the modern world gives life meaning.

>How do you deal with it, Sup Forums?
Not well, turned 29 this morning and I think I'm finally tired of waking up and want to stop forever.

Staying in my room or playing vidya. Get from my place to class and back as quickly as possible. Dont hold long conversations, basically be a hermit. I want off the ride, hoping something massive BTFOs us to the point of no return.

Oh, I know. I need to just delete Facebook. And I know that about the 2nd. My fear is that the idiots will try and erase this and will ignore everything, every argument against and just prop this up as a great, new 'BUT MUH-" argument everyone remembers. We were that fucking close to having non-NFA suppressors, too.

I'm 3/4ths through a bottle of Chivas. Started on my birthday Friday, and now it's a race to the bottom, I fucking guess.

Have these been posted before? Im getting massive deja vu from these posts. especially the second one.

>the type of people who think their politics are superior

I feel so burnt out from all the crap going on in the world I'm just so tired of fighting I've try'd so hard to fight for truth and freedom in any way I can but this world is a lunatic asylum. I've had a crappy life but I have forgotten my problems to try to help others but dam I'm so tired I need rest.

The image is popular and the sentiment is rife among us. I have not posted this before.

Where did I inject any politics into this, nip?

Allow God into your heart brother. You're not alone. You never were.

Don't worry, he's the type of people who think their politics are superior.

same. can't even drink anymore because of liver problems though

Yes, but where does that end and the effects on my life begin? That's the only reason to care about politics. Shit, I have dreams to get big, get money, like any fool, but I've come to a point I only want that to buy enough land to fuck off in the woods somewhere and live with my family. The only reason to care about politics is because, eventually, it comes around to get you.

Can I not be concerned for the state of my nation? Why shouldn't I be concerned that such a tragedy has happened, or that agitators and infiltrators will co-op this and use it as fuel for their agenda? Why should I not feel awful and scared when I know how many of my friends, good people, smart people, agree with them, fall for the deception? How do I know I'm not deceiving myself?

Yes, it's insanity. But has life in society always just been a series of equations leading to blind rage and madness, or is that just these days?

You know what's demoralizing? COUNTRY MUSIC. That shit is set to a dreary tempo and full of cuck lyrics on purpose. Good riddance.

Don't go on Facebook.

Who broke your achey-breaky heart user?

Probably some country thot who ran away to Vegas with her girlfriends for the weekend, idk.

I gave up drinking and smoking along time ago to get healthy I never really liked drinking that much anyway it never gave me fulfillment or happiness. Better off without the booze.

>when your shitposting is ignored

Stars are generated in the universe and implode. A baby is born while a another person dies. Civilizations rise, decay, and collapse.

You are right to want to escape this earth prison by going innawood with your family, but you should not to worry too much about the people in charge of our world, for even they are not in control of everything.

You have given people the power to rule over you, and now you're surprised that they want to enslave you?

dump social media


Ive felt a lot like you do user, but the way I dealed with it was just accepting the fact that the world is generally a shit place and so are people. No matter how good you are to someone they can always stab your back at any given moment, you must find inner peace and connect with yourself and accept who you are once you do that you’ll be able to handle situations more clearly, feel better Bro I completely understand your sorrows but truth is just that humans are shit creatures and have been that way since cavemen.

Find yourself a nice girl user

Friend, if you're that worried about muh guns, worry not. It's so easy to buy a gun in the US, especially outside the ATF-controlled distributors. All of my guns were bought second-hand, and none of them are officially registered to me.
People say if you ban guns, everyone will be safe. But that's irrelevant, because even if you ban guns, people are still going to own guns. Just enjoy life the best you can, and don't be afraid to defend yourself.

don't overthink it lad, you think those bleating sheep posting mindless crap on facefuck actually bother to think about issues/events. Their inane drivel should be ignored, they can't think for themselves so why even bother going to the effort of providing rational responses to their prepackaged mass produced arguments when it will just be ignored. Orwell coined a very apt, but not as popular phrase in 1984, duckspeak, the ability to vocalise approved speech that bypassed the conscious part of the brain and spout it directly from the reflexive, subconscious. Duckspeak has taken over most of the interactions on social media and MSM when it comes to politics and society.

I dunno women are getting really fucked in the head these days.

Call your congress peoples, tell them no gun control: it will just lead to greater tragedies.
>Can't deport aliens
>But we can control hundreds of millions of guns.


Yeah, but not to be all "woe is me," I wonder why in all of providence, in all of existence, I was made to live this hell and be so aware of it. Empires fall, but why was I made to know it, to comprehend the exact way this is? Why was I made to ignore the opiate of the masses, not be one of the people just posting about gun control on Facebook and instead feel constant ideological agony? If there is some great plan, if there is some hands in control, greater than anything comprehensible, why is my role this? Am I supposed to get pissed and get into politics, am I supposed to write, what the fuck is it?

And this is another thing that gets me. I just turned 24. This weekend. I have no stake in where I was born, who came to power, the closest thing I have is voting for a dude who became President. I don't want them, I don't want any of them, so fuck off.

And why should I just accept it? Everything you say is true, everything is endemic to the nature of man, but why am I supposed to just accept that?

I'm not sad, I realize. I'm not demoralized. I'm angry. I'm constantly, seethingly, spitting fucking mad about this, and I don't know what to do about it.

You know, fuck the white surpremacists that keep fucking stuff up, but this has really given me a strong thought; just how the fuck pissed was Hitler? How mad was he until he decided to go argue at people in beer halls, and how long did it take for that rage to infect others?

I know. I know all of it. I have every statistic and legal example to argue down any logical dissent of gun control. Then shit like this happens. Statistical outliers that give everyone feelbads. It's easy, but it doesn't matter if it's easy if the reason it's good it's easy is because we need them to fight a civil war because they're trying to take basic fucking rights to self-defense for everyone.

Being on kikebook is your first problem user.

I'm getting that impression.

I'm starting to understand Alex Jones. Like I already got it, but if he isn't a shill, I realize why he yells so fucking much. Even reading that fucking Hillary tweet boils my fucking blood and makes me yell the fact that anyone believes a crowd of 22,000 people yelling and listening to music heard a fucking ~160 Db AT THE MOST gun report and uses that as any argument against suppressors.

The shooter was a Muslim.


Focus on improving yourself first, then your family and then your local community. Educate others about the problem. Some people are not going to listen to you so don't worry about them.

If you want some advice on how to ground your self: meditate, do some breathing exercises, take a morning stroll through the woods, listen to some good music such as (youtube.com/watch?v=ly47wisWzFM)

Or, you could go insane trying to rail against the "system" with very little chance of success, and end up deranged.

As a weaponless cattle in a cage of wolves i respectfully disagree with your opinion.

Well, that's my fear. I fear I'm already too spiteful, angry, and deranged to calm back down and maintain balance. You ever been that way, or no? No way I'm a unique case, just don't feel like there's a way back.

Why? If I don’t let it get to me, what do I win? Will the world be a better place? Will I feel better? Knowing everything truly sucks and life has become the endless struggle of knowing it’s all lies but still carrying on like existence is some precious gift?

Fuck this world and fuck humans. You’re all filth. As am I. I’m sticking around to bear witness until I run out of options than I’m out on my own time by my own hand. Anyone walking around right now saying “Everything’s cool” or “Don’t focus on the negative” is retarded or willfully ignorant. Jesus Christ. How can you live such a forced, exhausting lie?

Never did I expect to live in a world where a fucking leaf would say exactly what I'm thinking.

But seriously. What's that answer to that one? It's obvious that is a great tool of their, and what is the countermeasure?

When I learned the truth, i couldn't sleep for three weeks. I barely talked to anyone. Then I stumbled upon Chris Duane's work and have found a semblance of inner peace despite the chaos around me. Now, I work most of the time and volunteer at a non-profit thrift store and sometimes a homeless shelter.


The five stages of grief are very relevant in the process of being red-pilled, and if you are not careful, you could destroy yourself.

>Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God. - Matthew 5:9

Don't let the anti-gun cakeboys get to you, OP. The gun control movement is dead in this country.

I get on pol and start shitty concern troll threads

The mainstream media will just come along and say something stupid like our polls show 80% of Americans now support banning all guns and they will create a false sense of reality just like that.

The masses of drooling retards will then believe it and then (((they))) will just take the guns away by force.

You're fucking brainwashed. Congratulations idiot. I for one will have a good time watching you grasp at straws and languish in your life. Keep the funny stories going guys!

One foot infront of the other user. That's the only way progress and glory are found.

Take the black pill, OP.

Elaborate on the five stages. Maybe talk about what to do if you already did destroy yourself a bit.

You know, as dumb as it is, that little propaganda image helped a bit. Checked.

They control the media, they control everything.
We must... you know, what we must do.

I think thats already been done, but what do yoy do after you take it, kill yourself? If not, why?

I stop using any of the popular media platforms,open my most stress relieving game(currently it's Clone Drone in the Danger Zone) and just ignore it until the world moves on

I echo that.

Have a nice alcoholic beverage, user.
And open music. Listen to your fave artists.
Don't worry much about it.


I just detach myself from nearly everyone. I work a job with little interaction. My facebook has not been touched in two years. I began ignoring friends most the time instead of listening to them talk about the latest TV show or the latest politics or fuck drumpf. If anyone discusses politics I just say nothing unless i'm pressed to give an opinion. I mainly just do solitary activities now like gardening, video games, hiking alone, build gunpla and live in my own little world since I don't fit in with the real one.

Oh my God you have to read stupid things on facebook! You're life must be so terrible. How do you cope?

I can't even imagine how bad your life must be, I mean there's stupid comments on facebook, and you have to read them!

This is just the most awful thing I can imagine. It would drive any strong willed man to drink.





>He doesn't get pure enjoyment from happenings

You're not a Sup Forumslack, stop being a pussy now

Hey it's that old guy from Dark Souls 2

Don't lose courage brothers!

I'm not saying I'd racemix with that, but I'd cum inside her and make mixed babies. I wouldn't take responsibility though, fuck that

I have been in a demoralized state as well but then I just roll a blunt at the end of the day and unwind at home with some music and shit posting. One day at a time, Anons. One day at a time

lol. Are you gonna take it "one day at a time" until the day you die? At one point you gotta gear up and take care of business, dumbo.

>Zero Empathy
I found the non-white

Ride the tiger, user, ride it all the way to Valhalla

GTFO facebooking you dumb niggercunt

Is it bad that I just don't give a fuck about what happened? I literally just don't care. How many people died? 50? How many people are born right now to replace that number? All these shooters are retarded. I don't see the point. I just hope less whites died in the shooting.


Quite the contrary. Embracing the black pill is not about nihilism or pessimism. But rather, it's about taking the truth knowingly that you can't change it.

In OP's case, it's about realising that his debates are worthless and he must seek his own journey.

>50+ people killed
>crying about how depressed you are and how you have to drink because people said they want to take away your guns on facebook
found the pissbaby

The “black pill” is just nihilism with a millennial label. People have been BPd for centuries, hell for millennia. Necking yourself is always an option. Many have. Others decide to say fuck it and simply try to bear witness. To me that’s how I find what little meaning I have in life. When I die at least I can say I watched without flinching. I spent my life thinking and analyzing and trying to find “answers” or meaning. As ugly as it is, I will at least die with honesty and dignity. Unlike some fucking zombie who’s lived a life of motivational posters, dinner parties, conspicuous consumption and willful ignorance.

>50+ people are dead and you somehow made it all about you

I fucking hate these narcissistic alt-right retards who think that everything in the world that happens is related to them just because they shitpost in some coddled safe space where they aren't called out for their retardation.

Ya because that limey “stiff upper lip and all that” has served you so well as Mohammed rapes your children and runs over your wife. Stay strong Col Blimp. You’ll always have your memories of greatness.

Having a plan doesn't mean you have to try to rush it. Working a day at a time until you reach it helps from overbearing feelings and stress. Maybe you guys should have done one day at a time with your migrants instead of trying to hit your quota as fast as possible to get Ahmeds cock in your ass

Damn someone posted something mean on the internet I better post a feels pic and start drinking.

> When I die at least I can say I watched without flinching. I spent my life thinking and analyzing and trying to find “answers” or meaning. As ugly as it is, I will at least die with honesty and dignity. Unlike some fucking zombie who’s lived a life of motivational posters, dinner parties, conspicuous consumption and willful ignorance.


It's all about embracing the storm.

Fair enough you cum-guzzling faggot. You made it out as if all you do is smoke weed and drift off into your little fantasy land, but if you're actually preparing yourself that's obviously good.

And what does that have to do with you moosefucker?

Not that anything happens in canada nor is canada related to any geopolitical things in the world ever.

But yeah you're the special one who knows all things from your snowed out cabin in the woods.

You have something against venting and sharing your opinions on here? I see countless threads about the shooting trying to decipher logistics and debate FF nonsense. One thread where someone admits this shit is getting to him and all of a sudden everyone’s a whiner in a safe space? How fucking retarded are you, worthless antipodean spawn of convict trash? Go back to “Tinder and lift, brah!” and leave the adults to their discussion.

>venting and sharing your opinions

So basically you're just poor little snownigger who knows nothing but is mad at things so you suddenly know all of the things.

Okay, good to know.

Let it feed your resolve, user.

If course not, im not complacent enough to just sit around and smoke until I rot to death. I just don't stress myself and have a heart attack at 30 because I am trying to make everything happen as fast as I can for instant gratification. Nothing happens overnight so there isn't a reason to try to force it.

All I know is how little I know about anything. I observe and make judgements. I dedicate my life to reading and gaining knowledge to either confirm or discredit my observations. Nothing is about me until it happens to me. Doesn’t stop me from having an opinion on something.

I feel pretty upset about it. First and foremost for the victims. But also because I am supposed to be going to Vegas next week for a mini-vacation with my lady. We are staying at Luxor.....

Shit sucks. Not sure whether to cancel the trip. Perhaps we can get a refund and try to book somewhere on the opposite end of the strip.

what do you guys think?

On FaceBook.

NormalFag detected.

BTFO and GTFO!!!

That's actually very helpful. It gives some aim or purpose to it. It may just be a comforting delusion, but it makes it so that staying strong in the face of it, searching for purpose is the purpose. Telling the abyss to go fuck itself. It's something.

I feel optimistic today. I realized I was doing a lot of things wrong over the weekend and am making moves to improve myself, my thought process and my surroundings. We're all gonna make it, brahs.

>All i know is how little I know anything about

>post ad hoc with every snippet of information coming out like he actually knows what's going on

Sometimes it's good to just stop the post finger and think before you spout bullshit like an empty fucking vessel changing his tune every two seconds.

Nobody will ever take you seriously. Every idiot has an opinion. Having an informed opinion is what matters.

If you don't know anything stop posting like you do.

>I dedicate my life to reading and gaining knowledge
Lurking on Sup Forums 24/7 and reading twitter links doesn't make you knowledgeable in dogshit.