I want the shills to fucking leave.
That's all. It's readily apparent who's who, maybe everyone's just flocking to Sup Forums cause of this and it's just leftypol faggots. But I want every single one of them to fuck off immediately. That's all.
I want the shills to fucking leave.
That's all. It's readily apparent who's who, maybe everyone's just flocking to Sup Forums cause of this and it's just leftypol faggots. But I want every single one of them to fuck off immediately. That's all.
This is not Reddit you stupid cunt.
We will be here forever
They are pissed because of what Anon5 said and revealed.
I keep hearing this referenced, QRD?
saw the thread last night, but didn't read
archive pls
I want them gone too they are annoying time wasters.
They work in shifts, they organize outside and they maintain a continuous presence.
Meanwhile, cross-boarding libs and general shitposters have bandwagoned on and shit up the place constantly also.
We'll never go back to how it was, user. The 8 steps and GG disrupted it, and the election destroyed it. It's not how it was, and never again will be.
plz gib link sempai
I'm more worried about the normalfags who come here because the epic Sup Forums made the news again. It pisses me off, I want them to leave.
Its a mix of reddit, leftypol, and curious normies. I don’t know which is worst
why is Sup Forums a cesspool i took a break for a month what happened
It's no different than last month, user. It's been like this for like 20 months.
The only shills here are Russians.
Been shitty for a few years, got really bad during elections.
too many fags "taking a break"
Sup Forums needs its regular users to return to posting
Sup Forums has been shit since /news/
Oy Vey, muh civic "Anybody But The Jews" Nationalists are here.... You Faggots
Every Sup Forums board I go on has gome noticeably downhill in the past month for whatever reason. You’d think with summer ending it would be the opposite but nope. Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and /fit/ are all filled (comparatively) with fucking newfags and lefty faggots. /biz/ is still ok though
ye but i see a lot of shills
and blacks and muh whites threads
>and blacks and muh whites threads
Those have been here for years, user. Are you sure you used this board before?
This board is not your safe space you pathetic millennial twink
Nice larp flag faggot an hero
Agents of the Canaanites are everywhere at all times, every platform, this is how it has been since the beginning. They will never leave. Spy vs Spy
so its even worse there used to be more good threads here now the place is completley full of shill threads
i know but the threads used be a bit interesting now its shills and leftist subhuman monkeys
>not filtering the memeflags
Do you really want to hear anything an anarchist or an EU faggot has to say?
They fight a losing battle here don't know why they bother, their gas lighting and nonsense only provides opportunities to demolish their narrative and they bend to our will and purpose and regardless. Just thank them for their service
>i want the shills to fucking leave
that's what we said about the trump shills from the_donald and the russian spam shills but look where we are today.
>threads used be a bit interesting
Did you leave here three years ago and just now returned? Because what you describe has been the new normal for quite some time. 2016 destroyed this place, it's a bombed out ruin cluttered with refugees from all places shitposting constantly.
Well everything been going downhill for at least a couple years now but for whatever reason the last month has sucked. Also you picked a bad day because it’s ahappenin’ and lots of shills and normies are coming here cause the msm mentioned us
average /leftypol/ or reddit shill everybody
Promising long term stability
Right on, dudelet
What a dumb faggot you are OP. Fucking brainlett. We will never leave
Gay flags too, just filter 'em.
How to spot the nu-Sup Forums shitter who's only been here since the election.
by a helicopter ride you might
There is one good thing about leftypol posing on Sup Forums, they are just reminding us how fucking stupid they really are.
The more the left opens their mouths, the more they lose. They pretty much destroyed their own party and guaranteed Trumps election for showing the world how embarrassing the left truly is.
As long as the keep spewing their retardation, then the more likely we will not have a retarded liberal president ever again.
Hey leftards...
Oy Vey, muh "Ethnonationalists in a Country Without an Ethnic Identity" Nationalists are here.... You Faggots
>I want the shills to leave
I know, since Trump this place is just tragic.
Sup Forums calling people a shill isn't new
sounds like you want your... safe space.. back?
Find a new way to shitpost mlp memes. Or meme so much that the rate of oc out paces the shills ability to adapt.
But we need to spam our anti gun stuff for at least 2 days or we don't get paid
oh didums did dey cum into yo safespace asshole
>Sup Forums has been shit since /n/