Anime Plots

Hard mode: Include a plot twist/bait and switch that would make otakus and most of Sup Forums pissed off
Bonus points: Review at least one idea before posting yours

Other urls found in this thread:

We're introduced to the MC who is a bland self insert and his harem that includes the tsundere flat chested princess, the childhood friend, the Rei clone, the senpai, etc. etc. etc. They are in a fantasy world military academy in a rich island kingdom with many overseas colonies. However trouble is brewing and by the end of the episode, they are recruited to join the air force. Being a fantasy setting, they ride around in dragons. So far so good. Episode 2 is more of the same harem slice of life and also the the island kingdom is now at war with one of the new Empires in the mainland which has attacked one of its allies. The episode ends with the MC and his harem squad being given their first mission which is to escort the heavy dragons that are carrying a heavy bomb load in their swifter light dragons (basically fighters escorting bombers to their destination). Episode 3 opens with everyone being kind of nervous but optimistic that they'll pull through. Cue the actual mission where the inexperienced squadron gets their shit pushed in and they all die except the MC who only survived because the childhood friend blocked a fireball meant for him. He goes back to the base alone and as he debriefs, the reality of being at war finally settles in. To make the suffering even worse, he gets to see the aftermath of the bombing on the city. Episode 3 ends with him thoroughly disillusioned on the glory of war.

Some kind of a romance. Boy loves girl from a school/class. too shy to make a move. The boy has schizophrenia, what viewer knows, but boy not. Boy makes contact with characters that what to help him to get girl's heart. These characters are boy's hallucinations.
Some of these characters are fictional like angel, devil, Sherlock, Bond, some are historical, some are typical anime-deres.
With this we could see the conflict between different mindsets about love and MC trying out diffent tactics.
The plot could be psychological with girl turning out to be hallucination as well, or shallow with end message that in love you should be yourself.

Is it too cirnge?

Episode 4 opens with MC having been transferred over to a new squadron. Because his dragon was injured badly, he had nothing to fly and thus was put into one of the bomber squadrons he was supposed to protect. The crew is initially hostile to him because his squadron's fuck up cost the lives of some of their own. However, eventually they realize how badly the mission fucked with the MC and how it was their first mission. By the end of the episode, they become more friendly with him to bring him out of his depression and to make him competent enough to be a good crew member next time they fly.

I should mention that the heavy dragons require multiple crew. The MC would be something non glamorous like a gunner rather than a pilot.

But anyway, this crew unlike his old harem squad is mostly dudes with a few women and they are all adults in their 20s and 30s rather than highschoolers. They are also rather experienced. So the MC and his new squadron members practice and train together in Episode 5 and slowly grow closer. After a montage time skip that goes over a month or two, they are all good friends who have already flown a few missions together. At the end of the episode, they receive. Their new mission. Unlike the others, this is a top secret major operation. Bombing and destroying one of the enemy's major dams using a prototype bomb during night time. From then on, it turns into Dambusters: The Anime with the squadron preparing for the mission, the scientists and engineers trying to make everything perfect and the politicking of the officers and politicians over the mission.

Also the girl that wins the MCbowl is the tomboy christmas cake.

Thoughts and opinions?

It's a harem but all the girls just end up gay for each other with the implication that MC was so generic he turned them off men forever.

Cringy if you go 2deep4u. I think it would work best as one of those comfy comedy anime/manga like Nozaki-kun or Tanaka.

Expanded on my old plot from previous thread, really good if any aspiring artist wants to One draft it
>Sister kills abusive father after father keeps beating on slightly older brother
>father killed mother when they were small but he made it look like an accident
>after father is killed his kids (after arguing) murder a homeless man and frame scene as robbery murder
>both sent to live with rich aunt
>both begin to crave more death
>get bullied at school by third year, murder him and is presumed missing
>someone is robbing homes, both siblings investigate it and murder culprit
>some time later they are very apt at murder and have become well off from stealing from their victims
>incest vibes
>they get tip an assassin is in Japan and is there to do business with local mafia
>they scout meeting place, set traps and blow it to hell as meeting is underway
>assassin escapes with money but the brother was waiting for him and captures him
>discover assassin is part of a multi government funded conspiracy
>pulling strings on all drug trade and human trafficking around the world
>kill assassin and take mafia money
>aunt passes away from natural causes, they inherit her estate, a lockbox containing remains of her two children that disappeared thirty years prior, and a fortune in the form of precious gems as well as actual money
>they discover their late uncle was part of group assassin was from
>they track him down, now in wheelchair and barely able to talk
>siblings torture him for info
>He finally spills a bathhouse as a staging ground for contracts
>upon arriving at bathhouse they are asked to pay tribute, they hand two precious gems and are granted entry.

I could keep going but sleepy

Seems a bit edgy

need to be careful not to glorify the incest vibes if you ask me. Ought to be less "muh wincest" and more like hansel & gretel from black lagoon. Creepy incest

Anyways, my idea from the last thread, with a bit of expansion

Golems animated by the souls of dead children guard mobile fortresses where Humanity clings on several years after a magi-nuclear war tears open the fabric of reality, releasing horrifying demons upon the devastated world. Said golems look like a cross between armored core 4 and murakumo: renegade mech pursuit

Episode 1 starts with a ruined city, with the husk of one of the first demons to attack wrapped around a skyscraper, camera cuts to one of the fortresses, which resembles a giant train (Think arms fort great wall) being chased by another huge demon, golems get woken up in a startup sequence out of geo-armor kishin corps. MC is a soul taken out of the belly of this demon after it's killed also robots cleaning up gore to the tune of goat simulator

If you want anything from this world you first need to push normality off an edge.

>bathhouse is one of hundreds of meeting points around world
>realize they are no match for some of the other assassins they meet but appear outwardly as capable
>One twelve year old prodigy befriends them
>they decide to take on the world
>the three take on biggest contract listed, a scientist in control of a private police force who has actively sought to overthrow corruption
> upon arrival a security bot recognizes them and tells them entry is permitted
>apparently they were experimented on as infants and were stolen by the late uncle
>the aunt killed the uncle before the children could mature enough to activate their potential as the uncle had failed to do with his own children ending their lives on an assassin mission
>they were originally orphaned and not actually blood relatives
>fake incest intensifies
> they meet doctor and he explains he mutated genes to create super humans towards an effort to rid the world of corruption.
>secret backer of the project sends the two on first mission with prodigy and the series takes off from there

Later on the series would take a surreal spin on life as the rabbit hole goes deeper. Basically they begin to view more and more that humans were just a chapter in a story. The brother takes control of the assassins and the sister takes control from the security forces. In shadow they orchestrate the fall of man and the rise of a new breed of human which actively begins hunting down all targets to rid the world of corruption.

I remember your story good job on adding to it