So much THIS
So much THIS
Other urls found in this thread:
>believing that a silencer literally makes the gun SILENT
>a fucking leaf
you'd expect that people would flee at the sight of dropping bodies but who am i to judge american intelligence
with a silencer he might have been able to trump breivik though, that'll be the day
Is this legit? I know she's a hateable cunt but serious?
I'm pro-gun and I don't know why silencers should be legal.
that being said, Hillary is a crass cunt for shoehorning her current pet liberty restriction goal into this shooting on social media.
It would have been as good as silent at a loud concert though.
>evil exists
> we should ban things to fix that
>evil still exits
> need to ban more
>evil still still exists
> your chains aren't heavy enough, slave
wow! good thing the shooter was a dumb democrat
>Giving future shooters ideas for better effectiveness
This has to be fake. I can't believe she'd be that stupid.
Only the a sick Liberal would look at 50+ innocent people shot dead and their first thought being "I wonder how many MORE people could have died if the shooter had used a silencer".
>calls suppressors "silencers"
nice larp faggot
please someone blast her for using the dead so soon to push her political agendas
call her a cold psychopath and remind her the dead are still warm
You just realized the ''good guys'' use the deaths of people for political gain?
is Sup Forums reddit now? why is there so many reddit faggots everywhere?
There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn’t he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.
I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little Shareblue thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don’t even fill in the captcha. Maybe you’re such a disgusting SHILL that you actually paid for a Sup Forums Gold Account, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The “epic crying wojack” guy, isn’t it? I imagine you laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it’s ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that’s right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fuck up, she’s probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Sup Forums posting about the same tired meme. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a SHILL. A pathetic ShareBlue SHILL. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can’t even try to talk with you because all you say is “DRUMPF BTFO DRUMPF BTFO.” You’ve become a parody of your own self. And that’s all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he’s done a million times now. And that’s all you’ll ever be...
>I'm pro gun
Thinks "silencers" make guns silent.
Fuck off shill
Can someone from /k confirm, can one actually suppress a squad automatic weapon firing on full auto?
Hillary confirmed for nogunz
A regular suppressor on a fully automatic gun will pop in under 10 seconds.
She should know how silent a silencer can make a gun...
Opportunistic bitch.
Never let a tragedy go to waste.
that's the name from the original Maxim patent, faggot
Yes, with the right suppressor, rated for the caliber and full auto.
It would be almost as large as the gun, though, and would need to be filled with oil.
>Imagine how much worse the death toll could have been if the killer was wearing a futuristic mech suit
>Imagine how much worse the death toll could have been if the killer was a 45 foot tall armor plated goblin
>Imagine how much worse the death toll could have been if the killer had a nuclear missile instead of a mere gun!
>Imagine how much worse the death toll could have been if the killer decided to drive a bus into this crowd inst....wait no, don't think about that
>Imagine how much worse the death toll could have been if the killer was avenging someone who leaked DNC emails
>Imagine how much worse the death toll could have been if the killer was trying to silence another one of my husband's slam pigs
>Imagine how much worse the death toll could have been if the killer had been given CIA weapons and training like we organized with ISIS
>Imagine how much worse the death toll could have been if the killer had watched an anti-islamic youtube video and gotten really mad like with the Libyan embassy
>Imagine how much worse the death toll could have been if I had been elected president and got the war I wanted with Russia
Why couldn't he have done something productive and removed this cancer of a woman from us
>its real
What a fucking moran
yeah but most will melt after a while
>Now who can be behind this p...
Is Clinton giving out protips to mass shooters?
The shooter was hundreds of meters away. Bodies started falling before anyone heard gunshots.
back to your cuckshed you go hillary.
>Hillary confirmed for nogunz
How under age are you?
He would have to specifically use subsonic ammunition to achieve anything remotely like that, and it still wouldn't be inaudible in the least.
>tfw you've ordered the deaths of thousands of innocents but have no idea how suppressors work
Wouldn't matter because the bullets are supersonic anyway. You would only suppress the initial report and flash
Does it even make a difference to sound?
serious question for shills: Hillary clearly doesn't have a future with the DNC but everything she says is still posted here 84 times a day. is it:
>you're delusional
>it's not DNC and Hillary only pays to shill for Hillary
>you're only acting retarded etc.
help me and be honest we're all anons here.
>being too fat and dumb to apply context
I've shot a 308 AR with a suppressor
was still loud as shit
bitch is retard
>gunshots are audible during a loud ass vegas outdoor concert
was his gun a howitzer?
Hillary is the fucking devil.
Bodies aren't even cold.
Supressors would have decreased velocity, range, and accuracy. Even the the number rounds fired.
Bitch went full sperg. No condolences, just dry political cringeful agenda. That bitch is halfway to hell, few years to go to meet her masters.
>Only the a sick Liberal would look at 50+ innocent people shot dead and their first thought being "I wonder how many MORE people could have died if the shooter had used a silencer".
that bitch wet her panties when she heard, thinking how she could use this to maybe get her back in in 2020.
What does she think a silencer would have changed?
That when people started collapsing that everyone would just stand there like nothing happened?
Now imagine if everyone in vegas was concealed carrying...
>>Imagine how much worse the death toll could have been
she came right after that phrase
>decreased velocity, range, and accuracy
Noguns detected
We need to keep these awful things out of people's hands, repeal the nfa now!
All you idiots commenting...
>hurr durr muh silencer doesn't make them silent
You realize the guy was 300 yards away, shooting from an indoor location? Those shots would have been pretty fucking quiet to the people at the concert, especially with the extra sound going on around them. If anything, the silencer would have lowered the velocity of the bullets and made them less effective.
Anyways, just wanted to point out that you're all fucking retards.
Did she miss the point?
This literal retard thinks suppressors, which leftists call "silences" are actually silent. These people watch movies and they think they know what they're talking about. Suppressed 5.56 rounds are still moving at supersonic speed. 125 DB plus.
From my cold dead hands, you bitch
.223 is fucking loud when you're downrange
Sounds like a .50
Holy Shit!
Americans are retarded!
I always hear this argument and find it laughable. If a kleenex tissue was originally patented as kleenex, does that mean it doesn't actually function as tissue paper?
Whatever you call them, they suppress the report of a gun, they do not silence it.
Hillary confirmed retarded.
its not the sound of a gunshot that makes people aware of the situation its someone falling dead on the ground
The context is that rounds still break the sound barrier even with subsonic loads smartass. Suppressors just make hearing tolerable for the shooter and people nearby.
By tolerable the sound of the gunshot is around 120dbs. Educate yourself blueballed bitch.
I'm a car enthusiast but I don't understand why mufflers are legal.
>commercial 5.56 AR
How about making guns louder?
>It's because they want to ban righteousness.
>the inevitable consequence of which is evil
>so they blame to tools of evil rather than themselves
>and make us all slaves suffering the eternal brutality of wickedness.
Hillary is evil, there can be no doubt of that. And your observation is very astute.
>How about making guns louder?
What is a muzzle brake for $400 please.
She is still one of them, so they must defend her. This is why her controversies will sink the DNC.
She's actually correct in this case.
I don't think suppressors should be illegal, but if that dude had used one there would be way more dead. At a loud concert with bullets flying from hundreds of yards away? You'd easily miss the sound of a gunshot.
>If anything, the silencer would have lowered the velocity of the bullets and made them less effective.
You're a moron.
The DNC brass is still heavily beholden to her, not sure what you're talking about.
>when people started collapsing that everyone would just stand there like nothing happened?
>Chill'n at concert
>guy to the left of you goes down clutching his gut
>guy to the right dumps his brain on the gound
>must be just some bad dope
>carry on
This guy gets it.
Neither you nor her have a clue what you're talking about.
>At a loud concert with bullets flying from hundreds of yards away? You'd easily miss the sound of a gunshot.
you aren't hearing the gunshot in half of the videos, you're hearing the crack of the bullet
that's not how a fucking silencer works fuuuuuuuuuuck
They want to ban those as well though.
Everyone is so focused on the silencer that no one is pointing out she used a shooting to politically shill against the NRA, not even 24 hours after the shooting happened.
Immoral whore would be a nice thing to describe her as.
>her very next post says don't politicize this
It's like Clinton likes digging herself deeper
silencers do not make guns silent. it only reduces the sound and flash to a tolerable level.
She was right about it in this scenario man. About 400m to target area, loud music, .223 for ammo. Would have taken far longer for people to know what was happening and react.
She's a despicable cunt
>that shooting was bad but how many more people would have died if he had an RPG haha
this is not the mind of a healthy individual
>imagine the deaths
No, you imagine that, you perverted cunt. I won't indulge in nonsense.
At the same time saying to put politics aside...
In the next book she can ponder why they didn't tell him that before they ordered the hit
Journalists need to start getting shot.
You don't really see if a body drops five meters from you in a dense crowd, and if they do you don't automatically assume they've been shot. Everyone recognizes the sound of gunshots, however.
Supposedly the distance was close to or about a quarter mile, 1,200 feet-ish, 400 yards.
At that distance with a suppressor, they wouldn't've heard shit.
the rounds are still supersonic at 400m
There are many things wrong about this.
Firstly a silencer doesn't silence a gun but many anons have already point that out
The second thing is that she doesn't seem to understand simple fucking physics. Bullets tend to move faster then the speed of sound so (like a jet) make a loud sound as it goes by. A silencer can not remove this sound because it doesn't alter the speed of the bullet. Now because of this you have sub-sonic rifles which are meant to be as silent as possible.
And thirdly the dude was a good 700-900 yards away and (if you see any of the videos) the crackle is much louder then the sound from the muzzle. That's why most people thought it was firecrackers, because he's so far away and the music is drowning out the slight muffle of the gun that the only thing the people could hear was the crackle of the bullet as it broke the speed barrier. So he really didn't need it anyway. The only thing a silencer would of been good for in this situation would be a slightly longer time pin pointing his location by law enforcement.
TD:LR she's retarded.
You know that would have been a salient point had people been trying to legalize private ownership of RPG launchers. In this case people are trying to legalize silencers which makes this a totally relevant thing to bring up now.
>I couldn't here a thing though
a block away and from the 31st floor - no one at the concert would even know.
>bodies aren't even cold
as if pol wasn't calling for the race war at 10:39 last night
Lower velocity bullets hit harder, that being said non of those people had body armor. So youre wrong. But the shot would still be loud.