Drumpf and Rethugliguns only care about the gun lobby, which is funded by gun manufacturers.
Anyone who voted for Drumpf or the GOP has blood on their hands.
Drumpf and Rethugliguns only care about the gun lobby, which is funded by gun manufacturers.
Anyone who voted for Drumpf or the GOP has blood on their hands.
Other urls found in this thread:
I'd really like to silenceher
can you even hear gun shots from 400 meters away?
>politicizing death
This is why you lost the election
>He literally could have shot dead 30,000 people without anyone noticing!
Would have to assume so, since there were reports of gunfire at multiple casinos on the Strip. Either they were hearing the gunfire from the Mandalay or they were hoax reports.
um... yes...
>This is what happens when your remove conscription
It was easy to hear however not easy to figure out the position of the shooter. A silencer would have most likely lead to a lower death count
Memes aside, if silencers would make it impossible for people to locate where the sound was coming from with all the screaming he would have got way more due to people not getting behind cover/running in the wrong direction
>A silencer would have most likely lead to a lower death count
I wanna add I'm no gun expert at all but silencers reduce speed and increase heat which would be detrimental to the shooter's goals. Correct me if I'm wrong
Burger education
Rural and suburban retards on suicide watch. Will they ever recover?
Sweden you never sieze to amaze.
Nobody knew where it was coming from in the first place, several didn't even recognise it as gun fire. Most likely those who knew saw the muzzle flash and didn't locate by hearing
Your a cunt this has nothing to do with the nra or trump you fags are just latching onto anything to bitch and whine about as usual
Jesus Christ
The bodies are still warm, people are still desperately searching for missing loved ones...
And this vulture is already picking at the carcasses
I've saw a video of it and it's very obvious it's a gun, and you can actually vaguely hear where the guy is when the phone turns. You can't see the flashes (although maybe the camera just wasn't pointed at the man)
Thank god she lost.
Nice copypaste from the other thread faggot
Not only that, but they're called suppressors (not silencers) for a reason, they just suppress sound. The full-calibre rifle rounds he must have been firing would not have been silent in any way
The shooter worked for a gun manufacture
I'd vote for the rethuglicans.
Reported to FBI
Is this a joke?
Most interviewed thought it was firecrackers
A silence isn't going to stop a sonic boom. You have to use subsonic ammo or a silence is useless. Stupid bitch.
>I wanna add I'm no gun expert at all but silencers reduce speed and increase
They don't really reduce speed themselves, but are typically used with subsonic ammo.
She reminds me of my grandma telling me to rewind my nintendo tapes before she takes them back to the video store.
>old, feeble disease-ridden satanist hag desperately tries to remain relevant
Wow aren't you observant! Here have some upboats.
>They don't really reduce speed themselves, but are typically used with subsonic ammo.
Yeah, which would also make it less lethal
I can hear ABBA from 30 years away.
Are you retarded sven?
Yes the silencers should be renamed to mouse farters because the shots are so silent, movies have the sound dead on. Room over you can't even hear, hell the movies have them too loud if anything. People would think they didn't even fired if the movies put the real sound in there. Also they don't heat up during rapid fire either. Silencers are almost as evil as drumpf himself.
>gun manufacturers aren't americans
That's where you're wrong kiddo.
They are needed to rebel against tyrannical government. I guess no one actually reads the 2nd Amendment when they want to destroy it.
Maybe at the start, but no way as it went on
Doesn't a silencer dampen the sound somewhat not eliminate it?
What difference does it make?
What a dumb bitch
Holy shit
she has fucking autism right?
I bet she has fucking autism
this tweet is so mind boggingly insensitive and irrelevant
At range the difference is being shot and not hearing it, except when bullets hit something.
everyone in this thread confirmed for never being in combat
the snapping and popping sounds you hear in the videos are the bullets flying by
the very faint booms after the snap is the sound of the gun
even with a silencer, you would still here the bullets whizzing by
hillary is retarded tho so she has an excuse the rest of you need to step up
One woman interviewed said she didn't realize it was a shooting until a mans head exploded who was standing near her. Thought the gunshots were firecrackers until she saw that. Hillary is a stupid cunt
this dumbass doesn't know difficult it actually is to obtain a legal automatic weapon
maybe like a 30Db drop....depending on length and baffles, like anything you get what you pay for.
This is dumber that's some of Trump's tweets.
I already have blood on my hands. Don't make the count rise, dick.
Not really, a subsonic round will still puncture your lung. Flesh is rather soft, so only the penetration of stronger materials are affected by this.
>Hilldawg Clintonium believes Hollywood memes about suppressors
checks out
No, scum like you have blood on your hands for all of the niggers and Muslims who've killed innocent whites
Silencers reduce the volume of a weapon as well as reducing the flash and reducing recoil. Despite the protests of posters here, Clinton never said that silencers completely mute guns, but they do make it more difficult for people to pin point the position of an active shooter, especially for civilians who are targets of shootings.
You can still hear the fucking cracks of the bullets even with a silencer on. Clinton has no fucking idea what she is on about
suppressor would have reduced decibel level, but the automatic fire would have melted the suppressor. You cannot suppress a full auto if you're using it.
My two cents.
She doesnt need Russian hackers to make herself look like an utter piece of shit, using those freshly slaughtered victims to push an emotionally manipulative arguement that STILL is retarded and lacks any logic... she must think silencers are like in the movies.
>half of you are irredeemable deplorables imagine what I could do to you if you couldn't defend yourselves.
Idiot.... it would be almost just as loud. "Silencers" don't really exist. They really just suppress some of the decibels....
he worked for lockheed, Hardly a gun manufacturer, not like he worked for Colt, or remmington, or something, its not relevant at all unless he used a harrier jet to do it.
>this cunt doesn't know that buying a full auto like a standard M4 would cost you upwards of $15,000
faggot politicians
Not as loud as the whip sound when the bullets crack the sound-barrier.
Subsonic ammo would not reach 400 meters.
This can't be real. Nevermind that even the best silencers barely decrease tvolume over short range, the fucking gall to instantly capitalize on this...
she is absolutely right
the concert would have been loud enough to completely silence a silenced gun
yes if they are not silenced
Hey pal, you just blow in from stupid town?
A silencer would drop the sound of a 7.62x39 by a few decibels at best.
This bitch thinks silencers make guns silent.
Only works if you're shooting subsonic.
Did you not see the videos?
>implying you ever heard a silenced gun
kys stupid mongol
Yeah people don't realize suppressed rifles can still be around 140 decibels
I mean, drunk retards at a country concert probably wouldn't notice their friends falling down left and right. I guess the audio queues really helped them run for their lives
Silencers can make gunshots sound different enough to people that they don't immediately recognize it as a gun shot. Someone who is uninformed about the sound of suppressed gunfire might not immediately identify it as gun fire. The suppressor will also reduce muzzle flash, reduce recoil and generally make it less taxing on the shooter's ears. A silencer won't mute the sound of the shooting but it will make it more deadly for sure.
How the hell is she going to politicize this in that way?
>white men
>majority ethnic group of males in the country
>majority perpetrators of a given crime
Of course. But since modern rifles are supersonic, the rounds will impact before you hear the rapport of the rifle.
You absolutely can suppress a fully automatic weapon. Special Forces in the UK do it all the time.
You're right however that it would have degraded with heavy use. And in any case, it wouldn't have made a difference. This freak got the drop on a huge crowd of white people listening to loud music. Regardless of silencer or no, they were fucked.
The whole 'silencer' argument is moot, since this shooting didn't involve one. Hilldawg is bananas insane.
I didn't. rink?
Are you surprised that a major tragedy caused by a hot topic issue would generate political discussion? Are you aware that the immediate backlash against "liberals" is equally as politicized and the people you loathe?
You obviously dont know shit about lockheed, boeing, raytheon, bell, ext.
>Hearing gunshots over hearing the speakers
Name one Large scale Manufactured Automatic rifle, made by Lockheed.
We had a photo from his gf's FB in Dubai hours ago. Did he go with her? Did they stop by Mecca? Is that why the Sherrif said they "knew of him"?
Don't worry mate, a Muslim extremist will kill someone in the next year and despite death via domestic white terrorism being a much higher statistical threat to the average American, "god Emperor" Trump will convince these retards that deportation is the answer to all their problems.
stupid nigger, you do realize this shooting was committed by an anti-trump democrat who converted to islam, right?
keep voting for the blue commies you freak, you make creatures like this empowered. He obviously did it to kill whites. Your narrative is broken here
Sorry, I don't get my news from artifact ridden jpegs on anonymous image boards. I'll trust the FBI when they say that there's no evidence for an Islamic link.
Just like how she was under fire right?
>american education
He, if it was really him and not the Mossad,
had an automatic weapon which is already fucking illegal.
He could have bought his silencer from the same illegal place he bought his automatic weapon from. IF there even is a type of silencer for that type of weapon.
He could have gone on the dark web and order any of this shit and had it delivered.
I never mentioned liberals before you did. It is patently disgusting to grandstand on the deaths of people who have yet even to be buried. Silencers or the NRA weren't involved, and there's no reason to bring them up except naked self interest. For a group of people that pretend to care so much about the feelings of others to be this insensitive is the height of despicable.
The silencer would have only suppressed the sound a bit. The bullets would have still cracked because he didn't use subsonic ammunition. The bullet crack is heard immediately while the firing sound takes almost 2 seconds to reach the crowd. Even if silencers were banned you can easily get the materials to build one yourself for 20 dollar.
Also don't forget to SAGE
I garuntee you 70% of the population wouldn't recognize gunfire right away either. What triggers people in these situations is the screams of terror, not really the gunfire
ATF calls it that.
checked. also kek'ed. Also reported to Homeland Security.