Oppai loli is the accumulation of man's sins.
Oppai loli is the accumulation of man's sins
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Oppai loli is a disease, and a shit tier fetish on par with tomboys and traps.
whats wrong with tomboys?
Yeah nah, you can fuck off.
Love alexi's art so much. Just wish he did more variance in his cgs.
You go too far
Alexi is my god.
Flat is justice
no one is posting oppai loli. :(
There's a too big line user.If the tits are bigger than the person there's a problem.
Oppai loli is one of the many ways God shows us he still loves us.
>oppai loli
You know, i want story about little/teeneage girl shy about their growing breast and have one of her childhood friend stick with her and then there is romance development of it
Anyone? Oppai loli but not to excessive, justbigger than regular
>oppai loli
>made by God
Such degeneracy can only be made by humans under the influence of the Devil
Have there been any other Lolis in anime as big as Komoe Harumachi
That's some big oppai
Best girl
Time to sin some more then.
> too big
No such thing.
Thank you for oppai lolis, universe. All the softness of tits without needing to care about ugly old hags.
Maybe science has gone too far.
post canon oppai loli
Oppai loli is best loli.
>more variance
The last set he put out had vaginal and two really cute girls.