Rèdpilled Whìte Mexìcan here Sup Forums
Rèdpilled Whìte Mexìcan here Sup Forums
you aren't mexican you are a spaniard
este es un hombre bebe
mexican literally means mixture bruh
Have you ever done anal
makes sense with a face like that
why do you have the slav amulet juanita?
Tits or GTFO
What are your favorite tacos?
she's a cutie.
Pretty sure that's all he can do
Tits or GTFO
aren't you the girl who was posting here a month ago? i thought you were a burger last time.
>Posting your face on a forum that's on the CIA watchlist
You should probably delet that pic. Not to mention antifa lurks on this board and they do want punch nazis
If you were redpilled you wouldnt post your slut face here for attention. Timestamp on tits or leave, please.
Do you consider yourself to be an intellectual?
W- would you have ever have sex with an Englishman?
That's not you natural hair colour larper
Also sage
White Mexican here too, what brought you here. Please don't say it's your hate for darker people...
Nice castiza would breed /10
Aztecan rape babies.
post tits or kys
AY AY AY AYY Yo estoy Redpill
ugly as shit
>Unix time filename
You grabbed this pic from somewhere else and you are larping
KYS subhuman, you should be at work or studying instead of trolling
did your boyfriend say this would get you some good attention for a bit? fuck off
Now let's see without the makeup.
must be annoying to live around a bunch of shitskins
That's a tranny
Now what.... you just wanted to inform people that.....
why not rename it "abominationcan" ?
Tits or gtfo.
Are you a man?
>is an attenwhore tranny
Thread hidden and saged
most obvious trap ever
If you have jew blood within you, your not Mexican
Not sure if man or jew.
tits or gtfo... chichis o a chingar tu madre.
You look like a younger Huma Abedin
tits or gtfo zorra
Kill youself mud monkey
Are you part of the Mexican elite?
What do you think of Hitler?
I don't have a boyfriend
i can work with you but need more pics o see the body
>1 post by this ID
love the necklace!!
>Rèdpilled Whìte Mexìcan here Sup Forums
>never said female
Um, guys....
1 bost by that ID!
>largest mass shooting in nevada just occured
>better make an attention whore thread
well done spic cunt, im sure this trash thread will garner 300 replies in no time
Bread seasoning
cute desu would conquer
That isn't it, pic related is Slavic symbol
Lmao fucking tranny sage
Хyи cocёшь? Бoчкy дeлaeшь?
Aren't you the girl who claimed niggers broke her nose?
You seem kinda like a trap to me because your lipstick is a mess. A real girl wouldn't be so messy.
Send moar pics bby, but seriously what's your opinion on abortion? Can it still be used on the degenerate?
You're a tranny?
why arent moving to america and breeding children for the reconquista?
It's a sonnenrad, an ancient European symbol used in Nazi mysticism.
>Onyx eyes
>Looks Jewish
You look like a claymation version of Sid from ice age with all that cake on your fucked up face
She's cute.
start having kids babe we need soldiers for RAHOWA
With that cholo face? Nah, mixed for sure.
What is the best way for Mexicans to fight their government's corruption?
What obstacles need to be removed in order for Mexicans to grow their economy and increase not only employment but wages and the standard of living?
What, if anything, can America do to help our Mexican brothers grow into strong allies and partners rather than dependent or hostile neighbors?
tits or gtfo
when is your birthday
why do you dress like a girl? does it give you a sense of achievement? are you proud to be trans?
>neck yourself kike spic we can see ur shitskin and kike nose
I remember the time you posted here before. You're pretty cute 2bh. More pics?
I'd say that the answer to those questions is getting rid of the bad hombres.
No, seriously, these mindless druglords are turning this country into a second africa
TITS or GTFO, cunt
Fuck off, spic
You're fag, kys
You look Castillian/Andalusian. In other words, like a Moorish rape baby. White Spanish people come from places like Galicia and Catalonia, the Basque country and so on.
You may not be a south American mestizo, but you're an Iberian mestizo. You have no currency here.
>because I'm not white?
No. Because you have no tits. We're equal opportunity when it comes to tits.
This. And move your thumb so we can see your Adams apple.
make the V simbol to prove that's you.
begone foul trannybeast
show us your penis
Would you approve benevolent Trump intervention in Mexico to depose corrupt government and physically remove drug cartels?
do you think the US should have defined borders and the ability to control the flow of migrants?
>im a female pay attention to me!
You're a whore! Your hole is all you're good for. Now tits or gtfo!
that's a trap
show cock
>redpilled ama
BTFO to reddit jaunita
Obvious trap, gtfo faggot
>Black sun pendant
Would fuck hard
>you have no tits
Should also add, you don't have a vagina either. You're the worst of all worlds.
Show us your dick already so we can fully confirm you're a trap.
pinche pendeja. vete a dormir
show benis
As soon as I saw the OP post I knew you were a disgusting traitor
>Moorish rape baby
You clearly have no idea what a Moor looks like.