Where where you when Netflix continued to ruin anime?
Does it even matter? This shit will be all over nyaa to torrent.
Confirming 'suspicions' that it is indeed normie shit.
"Normie" is a word used by people Sup Forums considers far closer to real "normies" than themselves, I.e it is a false poser faggot word and you are not a real Sup Forums user if you say that. Sup Forums isn't persecuting you because you're too abnormal for them, but bevause you use a word indicating you are too normal for them. You ARE a normie if you even used that word, which is a bastardized version tweaked to be usavle around actual normalfags. The original and real term in the Sup Forums context is normalfag. "Normie" is the fucking whitewashed/SJW-approved version because the "fag" part is offensive to them and they want to be able to drop this term on places like Reddit, Facebook and twitter - which are pretty much the textbook definition of normalfag dens - without fear of getting reprimanded. Which defeats the whole fucking point.
If you are being careful to "fit in" on various shitty normalfag websites, you are actually as normalfag as they fucking come and just have some fucking ludicrous idea in your head that you're not. It's the same as these "omg I'm such a nerrrd XD" shitheads on those same sites only here it's "omg I'm such a weird unique person XD". In summation shut up OP because you clearly have no idea what you're dealing with and /r9k/'s whiny emo shit is not what Sup Forums is about.
No where does it say exclusive. Don't spread misinformation Sup Forums.
meant for
And what is the problem with this?
But there's nothing wrong with it being on Netflix.
Hell you get to watch all the episodes at once if you want to.
>Hell you get to watch all the episodes at once if you want to.
There are people who think this is a good thing?
Does it even fucking matter?
Do you watch every show one episode per day/week if all episodes are available?
It's not as if something as popular as LWA would provide any worthwhile discussion with you fucks.
Personally I find it easier to appreciate a show if I can watch it in quick succession. There are some very slow paced shows out there that can be agonizing to watch on a weekly basis but are still very good shows like Turn A Gundam. Weekly watching mostly only works for shows where something huge is happening every week.
Why would it be released all at once?
Nigger please, how does it ruin anything? It just means more anime that wouldn't have existed otherwise.
Because that's what a lot of Netflix exclusives (maybe all? I don't know, I don't have Netflix) do, apparently.
Netflix doesn't magically bring anime into existence. The studio has to make it.
Netflix tends to add shows an entire season at a time.
I been here since when there where only two boards Sup Forums and Sup Forums, and was here for one reason only cheese pizza. I wish all normies such as yourself would leave.
No I doubt it will be Kuromukuro is on netflix and it's once a week.
Thing is someone is going to have to pick this up. gg is doing Kuromukuro but I don't know what group would pick this up as it's airing.
I use normie because it triggers faggots like you..
Learn English then kill yourself, you fucking faggot.
>le true scotsman
Kay then
Just admit that you use it because you are a newfag from reddit and the word fag make you uncomfortable.
Shut the fuck up stupid normie
It's thanks to Netflix that LWA got a bigger hype from general audiences. As long as it's not made BY Netflix (which we all know it won't be) then it's fucking fantastic news. More money for them, better chance at a great series.
No I use -fag for absolutely everything.
Shipperfag, purityfag, Asukafag, etc.
But triggering nerds like you so easily is something I can't pass up.
>the state of 2016 Sup Forums
What did I expect from a netflix thread. Of course its full of normalfags.
Why do you think i'm on Sup Forums? I like talking about anime. I can't have fun/comfy weekly threads like that. I hate this fucking business model.
Why does Netflix think that a House of Cards release schedule is fitting for anime series?
Nanatsu was also netflix and it was QUALITY fest.
t. normalfag
Kill yourself.
Who the fuck cares? It will be dubbed and it willbe shit.
You first.
I'm afraid that this will be aired like ReLife, where its all released at once. Although going by what I'm seeing with ReLife the quality is really consistent, but it seems to have killed all discussion in the long run. Guess we'll have to wait till next year though.
This is more cancerous than "normie." Please kill yourself.
Hello, reddit.
So many free (You)s why would I ever stop using "normie"?
Kuromukuro is already on Netflix right now. At least it is in Australia.
You do realize Netflix has dual audio, right?
And lo and behold, its shit for it.
All 26 episodes?
ITT normies
who cares about discussion I hate you fuckers anyway
Well fuck
I actually do use Netflix for movies.
I don't know how to feel about this.
Nah, only up to the latest episode, which is number 13. No dub, not that anyone here cares about that. Probably will release episodes weekly after that.
It doesn't matter for me anyway since I always wait for a show to end to marathon it, like I did with this season kiznaiver
and I have Netflix so it is all good news for me
Well that isn't anything our of the ordinary. i'd be really surprised if it already had all 26. Also that cover photo is bland as fuck. How would anyone guess it is a mecha?
It's ruined. Can't wait for all the normalfags to start sperging about the forced animation.
>No one says normie
>Suddenly bring this up
>Sup Forums says that streaming anime is the dumbest thing in the world
>That having a crunchyroll subscription is even worse
>There are people in here with Netflix accounts
Anyways does this mean it won't get a Blu Ray release?
Agreed, and the worst part is they won't even call it that. They'll call it "good." What a fucking joke this is.
To derail a shitty thread obviously.
Back to Redd!t
Well apart from the post directly above his
>>No one says normie
Read the fucking thread.
Ladies first.
> he actually applies memes from this ninja origami space program to his real life
I have CR and Netflix sorry mate
Reddit will invade us after the netflix premiere.
This show will be the cancer that completely kills Sup Forums
Can you make it anymore obvious that you actually are from reddit?
At least the tile shows the namesake mech. I was honestly expecting better from a Netflix produced show. Guess they don't really care unless it's a western drama.
You seem to know an awful lot about that place. You must be a regular.
Oh shit, thanks for poiting this out its also up to 14 episodes on my country
Who cares? I got Netflix and I'm going to pirate it anyway.
Also japs don't even like LWA.
Literally >>reddit tier
You need to leave.
Ahhh I see
What is the name of this manga? I am certain they are making an anime soon.
Every animu should be released like this desu
waiting weekly is so 00's
>behave like a faggot
>get called out on behaving like a faggot
>"n-no u"
No, but really, kill yourself.
You blind?
Please kill yourself.
So, why are people pissed that its getting released on netflix? Doesn't this make it certain we will have subs? Are you faggots really that contrarian that you bitch about something you like simply because its being released differently? Are you really saying that the translators at CR would do a better job? Or how about it ended up in the same situation as Macross Delta? With no fucking subs and we waiting at the whims of gg?
By the way, were the manga released? The shoujo one and the seinen one made by the same guy who did the prequel oneshot?
Because I saw no one bothering to traslate them if that was the case.
I want my LWA manga.
So tired of this place I'm going back to red.dit
Normalfags are taking our anime away and Sup Forums is ok with this? I always knew this place was just of actual normalfags playing pretend.
Fucking posers shithole of a board all of you.
sorry grandpa, it's the way of the future
Did you perhaps misquote me?
>Make a factual statement that shows how much of a retard fucker you are
>"N-no w-w-w-wait you're the idiot ;-;"
But in all seriousness, the best part of you went down your mother's leg and ended up as a stain on the bed.
>its a normalfags use the word normies to fit in while being a ''normie'' themselves episode
It's just an anonymous image board bro calm down. Drink some water.
And you normalfags have all the rest of the internet to be a cancerous fuck but you decide to choose Sup Forums?
Eat shit for life.
>it's a bunch of fags discussing stupid shit that isn't really a problem episode
this place man
There's literally nothing wrong on it being on netflix
> easy acess
> instant
> don't need to wait for a episode a week
there's no cons, cry me a river, I hope more studios do it and it becomes the norm
The cover seems not same for all countries.
>Drink some water
I've read the reports, that shit doesn't even prevent dehydration.
>>Make a factual statement
Good one. All you did was deflect the call out on you being a redditor to try and make it seem like you belong here when in reality all that deflection did was show that you truly don't belong here.
Now fuck off.
Don't put words into people's mouths, OP, that's what gets your threads deleted.
Impolite sage.
Is it going to air on japan tv? If so then who cares as some fansub group will do what gg did to kuromukuro.
LWA was already normalfags shit so what?
I'm taking screenshots of the mobile app, the website has different tiles.
Except it is a factual statement: Normies will casually watch it and think its good when its not because it has shitty forced animation. Its as terrible as Pretty Cure being renamed and thrown in the kid's section.
Go jump in the bath with a toaster and end yourself you retard fucker.
but it is good you sourpuss
The only ''normies'' here is you.
How is it good to have an anime mislabeled like that? Please explain your logic here.
Who cares if they think it's good other than you, are you codependent