He likes being stepped on the head

>he likes being stepped on the head


It's okay if it's Rin

It's worse if they're in heels.

It's not that, Rin is just that alpha.


Rin can punish him further by making him listen to her sing



Threadly reminder that femdom is literally a shit tier fetish.

If you actually want a girl to beat the shit out of you while spitting in your mouth and calling you worthless you're pathetic.

Rin is very disappointed in you user. Very disappointed.

Tell me more, my queen.

Y-your right! I'm nothing but trash! Please step on my face, and call me a dirty, worthless pervert!

Name of the anime pls?

Love Live

I'm sorry for being pathetic human dirt please forgive me

What if I like being stepped on the dick?

>low test: the thread

is Rin the official feet idol?


I want Tokiko-sama to step on me.

I like femdom where she's actually insecure at heart, or any other reason, and that she actually utterly loves you, even if you don't really know it.

Makes me feel good senpai.

Is Shinooka Homare alive? His twitter's been dead since February. I'm worried.

I-i-i'm sorry for being lower than dirt. I'm not fit to even lick your smallest toe, forgive me!


This is my fetish. I wish there were more of it. It turned me on in Code Gayass and I'm not even gay.

that's the wrong head tho