JoJo thread


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somebody please give me pics of Karera and her parasites

Would you?



I'm in love with a gangstar.

This is why the rest of Sup Forums hates us.

Does anyone have a translated version (or any version) of the Narancia doujin with the spider? I don't know the name, sorry.

He gets fucked by it and it lays eggs in him and he gets all bloated and stuff, it looks like he's twitching in the last few panels but I don't know whether it's implied he survived or not.


In American please. Im a little drunk and cant do the math. Also Valentine's day isnt over for another hour here

Honestly though, is that any big loss?

You colonials can't even decide ONE time zone for your country, there isn't an "American" time

You merely adopted the cancer
I was born in it

>But I set fire to the rain
>Watched it pour as I touched your face
>Let it burn while I cried
>‘Cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name1

>I set fire to the rain
>And I threw us into the flames
>Where I felt something die, 'cause I knew that
>That was the last time, the last time

Considering that the rest of Sup Forums are nothing but moefags, waifufags and normies that doesn't really worry me

>mfw some fag in thr one piece thread said all of one piece is written better than sbr

Why were they even compared? They're completely two different kinds of manga that set out to accomplish two different things. Granted they're both battle heavy, but still.


I want to save hobo Narancia.

I want Jotaro to leave!

That's easy.


people like you are why jojo is Sup Forums's Homestuck

besides, narancia is literally the worst gang-star.
buccellati > abbacchio = mista > giorno > fugo > trish > narancia

how would your poor mother feel about that

I was using examples of other animes to explain why one of the fights in one piece was shit and i was talking about how the part 5 arrow race was shit and one thing lead to another and it devolved into a giant sperg out.

Reminder that it WON'T be JoJonium. It'll likely be original JP volumes translated.

I'm not surprised part 4 jojoniums dont even exist but its a shame nonetheless

What's the difference between the original prints and jojoniums?

It's from batman but..
I don't get it.
Maybe i'm too dense?

The covers

different numbering, more chapters per volume, special covers and interviews

Video for what we'll be dubbing next is up. Script will be out tomorrow or the next day, depending on when mosiacanon does all his shit. Hope you're all having a fun 4th of July.

In the meantime I need a first person greentext story from Jotaro's perspective about turning into a dolphin and swimming with the pod, as weird and sexually depraved as possible.

This is Johnny.


Why's he standing?

The interviews are the same

My imouto can do the voice of the Brian-Doyle Murray sounding cop at the beginning in the loli voice if you wanna reserve that

Araki talks about part 8 in one of the interviews for part 2's jojonium. There's no way they have the same interviews as the original print.

>In the meantime I need a first person greentext story from Jotaro's perspective about turning into a dolphin and swimming with the pod, as weird and sexually depraved as possible.
I'm a part time writer. I'm on it

Ora-user here, Not many Star platinum lines but i can work with whats there...and improvise on them abit

Fucking finally, I've always wanted to read this.

Important poll right here.

Ora-user again, Friend is working on the gross Jotaro dolphin thing, He's just about done so it will be another few minutes

Slow night today, gonna call it a night see you tomorrow anons it's time to sleep now

good night fellow r󠀀edditor

Good night user.

>telling him to go to >not

I need a creditless version of Stand Proud op, help me

It's at the bottom.!2klEVSoA!uueLZs6GUQ_6ttD2dWaqpw

Part 1
>It happened one late night. Ora
>In the dead of the night I tossed and turned in my sleep. Unable to contain my thoughts. Ora
>The thought of being one with the beauty of nature. Ora
>The beauty of the sea. Ora
>To be a dolphin. Ora
>My bed rocks back and forth in time with the waves of the sea, I've been on this boat for months studying my one true love. ora
>I abandoned my wife, and my only daughter for this. Ora
>And I regret nothing. Ora
>I spend what seems to be hours staring up at the ceiling, thinking about their beautiful smiles. Their soft skin, the little giggles they make. Ora
>I notice an overwhelming chill throughout my body. Ora
>A metallic sensation fills my mouth as my fingers go numb. Ora
>Could this be the work of an enemy stand? How did they board my boat? Why are they here? Will they hurt my sweet bottle nose lovers? ora
>All these questions and more don't have time to be answered. Ora
>I snap out of bed and to my feet to face the source of the attack. But as soon as my feet slip out from under the covers I fall to the ground with a hard thud, knocking my head off the floor. ora
>I try to summon my stand Star Platinum: The World to stop time so I can access the situation but to no avail.Ora
>I panic but must keep my cool demeanor. Ora
>"Y-yare Yare Daze" I stammer out to the enemy. Trying to show my confidence. But to no reply. Ora
>I try to stand up by raising my hand to the bed for leverage but I slip again. Ora
>I try to repeat my catchphrase but all that comes out is the cackle of my sweet babies. Are they hurt? Are they here to help me? Ora
>No. Must stay relaxed. I need to look cool in front of the dolphins. Ora
>I raise my hand to tip my hat to keep my cool factor but I can't move it. I dart my eyes to my feet and my arms and soon notice the horrible truth. Ora
>Fins. They've turned to fins.The bottoms of my feet have connected to a mermaid like shape. my arms now more like flaps of flesh as they hang to my sides. Ora

Part 2

>Is this an enemy stand? Or... a dream? Ora.
>Yes. I've had dreams like this before. To become one with my sweet ocean babies. To be a dolphin. ora
>It was at this moment I noticed that though my legs have connected I had a raging erection. Ora
>My little Star Platinum stood at attention. Ora
>This must of been the work of the enemy stand. Or.. was it. Ora
>Beneath my cool collective thoughts I've might of wanted this. To be free. To not worry about stands, or a wife. To swim with my beautiful babies. Ora
>I give in to my wants. Ora
>No. My needs. I know what I must do. Ora
>I flounder along the floor of the boat for a long time. As my body soon converts to the glorious shape it was meant to be. Ora
>Crawling to the edge of my boat I see my brothers and sister calling to me. Ora
>I dive off of my boat like diving out of my old life, and jump into my new one as my transformation completes. Ora
>My worries fading as my body becomes much more round, fading to a light grey. My previous mentioned erection fully changing to the tubed shaped member of my new body. Ora
>Like a virgin during his first time as soon as I hit the wet I ejaculate, finally. I am happy. Ora

It's shit. Fuck you.


Captcha: Open Stop

Beautiful. Ora

Which adventure themes do you like in JoJo? Any you're not so fond of?

While I like part 4 a lot and am sure I'll like part 8 as much if not more, I prefer the stories where the characters travel about more. Parts 3 and 7 are probably the best examples there, it was cool seeing it go from Japan to Pakistan, from the desert to snow, etc. Another thing I like about that is that it means the trip takes longer and the characters get some downtime, which is more fun than it just being a relentless series of fights over a course of a few days, like Phantom Blood and Vento Aureo.

Any other requests? Ora

Happy gappy

So apparently, Limp bizkit in the EOH localization is 'Flaccid Pancake'

My only request

Formaggio anal-voring Narancia

This has been pointed out all day, user.

Baby Face raping its victim.

That was beautiful, thank you user

I like this one. But can I do Fugo and Purple haze melting off Narancia's flesh and fucking the rotting body?

>Another thing I like about that is that it means the trip takes longer and the characters get some downtime, which is more fun than it just being a relentless series of fights over a course of a few days, like Phantom Blood and Vento Aureo.
That's something I really dislike about Part 5. I'm pretty sure that from the Soft Machine fight to Baby Face, only 1 or 2 days had passed.

Lobotomykun lobotomizing a jojo girl of your choice

what is filthy acts for a reasonable price? cheap trick?



Fuck You I'm doing it anyways

Eh, don't let me stop you, but that sounds potentially too edgy to be funny. Vore and inflation and transformation and so on are the perfect combination of stupid and weird for bad fap stories, necrophilia and guro can just be lame.

I kinda disliked that Stone Ocean had pretty much no downtime between fights and has never really taken advantage of the setting other than being an obstacle in the fights, which is a shame since you could have done so many cool prison shenanigans with Stone Free and Kiss

I'll roll for it.
Evens: Anal vore
Odds: Nerophilia
Dubs: I do both

Like doubling a string dildo

user, string would make for terrible dildo material. N-not that I'd know anything about that personally.

Designing stands is hard.

So use a pointy pencil


Are you in possession of this thing?

No further questions at this time.

>abbachio, fugo and trish that high
trish is practically a non character
abbachio doesn't do enough to be as high as mista
fugo is a piece of shit that leaves and was gonna be a traitor
no phf is not canon

P.U. what's that horrible smell

the absolute madmen


>tfw that cosplay is actally better than my first cosplay
my first cosplay was Jax from league

Me too
>you will never save him from being a hobo and inadvertently save him from the future of being killed by diavolo


This shit is fucking great.

What a hero.

>Two days into this mission to protect the boss's daughter I grow tired.
>I sit in the back and watch while Buccellati and the crew do all the work. I still don't trust this new comer Giorno Giovanna, and it only sickens me knowing Narancia is tagging along as well.
>I hate that boy's girlish look, his childish attitude and the way he looks up to Buccellati disgusts me. He should look up to me. My superior ability could kill each and every one of them.
>It.. Could.
>An idea switches on in my head as the thoughts flow through my mind.
>Narancia was meant to go out today to pick up a few things. And this mansion is quite large..
>"Hey Fugo" the small boy says as he passes me, I think quickly and react on impulse. Gripping his collar and dragging him to the next room in a swift motion. He falls to his bottom easily and begins to question my actions
>"Fugo what the fuck!" He cries. I answer only with a smirk as I release my Purple Haze, Quickly jabbing Narancia in the gut hard, knocking out all the wind in his small lungs. instinctively he takes a deep breath in, and like that it was already to late. As Purple haze drools on the floor below it splats in time with the hunks of meat falling off of the feminine boy's body as the virus takes him.
>He tried to call his stand out. But it was already to late. All that was summoned was a melting hunk of metal as Narancia soon passes.
>Gazing at the heap of flesh and guts on the ground that I used to call a friend I felt something I haven't felt in a long while.
>I felt. Joy.
>My smile reused to fade as I gazed upon the blood and entrails staining my shoes now. The small bit of his face that was left preserved the look of horror he felt moments before death.
>It was at this moment I realized I had an erection.
>Without thinking I took the agaped maw of Narancia's corpse. gazing at what was left of my friend before I exposed myself.

>The erect member pointing forward with a steady stiffness.
>I don't know why I did it. But I did it. I jammed my cock into his deceased mouth. The body still warm as I started to pump my shaft in and out of his ripped and tore flesh. the tongue almost liquid as I slam into the mush
>It doesn't take long for my cock to erupt with the extreme pleasure that is fucking a corpse.
>I ejaculated into his throat and watched as it falls to the floor, as his neck was already completely gone. I scoffed as I stepped out of the room, letting the mess fester.

Thoughts? To much? To edgy to be funny? More?

You're not a very good writer
I don't consider myself a writefag and I can do better than you

Fugo, get off the internet and go back to being a pussy quitter.

I do it for a giggle. I don't really put work into this. Just kinda off the top of my head kind of thing.

Could someone tell me what Pucci did that wad actually wrong? Once his goal becomes "reset the universe" he's pretty much absolved of any wrongdoing since it won't matter what he did once he succeeds. Not to mention that by the end of Stone Ocean there were Stands like Bohemian Rhapsody and Heavy Weather which could wipe out innocents by the hundreds or thousands without them even knowing what the fuck was going on.


He got the KKK to lynch his twin brother

This. He did nothing wrong

This page is till stunning

To be fair to him, he didn't mean to do that. He (understandably) didn't want his twin brother and his sister unknowingly being in an incestual relationship, but his way of trying to solve the problem was really fucking dumb.

Don't pussy out on this, David.

How did Carne even know that he had a stand if he had to die in order for it to manifest?

This, there's a page in the manga where it says something like "the worst evil is the one that isn't aware of itself"