User-kun! Did you do your radio calisthenics today?

user-kun! Did you do your radio calisthenics today?

his face is so disgusting

Damn it I have nothing to say to this!

I get it if people think he's a prick, but why is he hated so much?

He's a pedophile. Emilia is 12 years old mentally, yet hes killed himself many times to try and be with her.

cuz he's not Gary Sue and he has character development

Because he represents the author's hatred of the Gary Stu self insert NEET. He's showing the audience how they actually act and people can't stand the truth.

Why doesn't he just pick best girl for at least a full minute.

Emilia is so insufferable.

>yet hes killed himself many times to try and be with her.
he only killed himself once and that was for rem

This actually makes sense. Re; Zero is a deconstruction of the harem genre. MC's always have ridiculous willpower that should get them killed and endanger other people, and in a way, Subaru is no different from a normal MC, it's just the world he's in that doesn't cater to his every need.

Because anime fans are a bunch of self involved know it all teenagers who want to project themselves onto perfect gary sue whiteknights.

And hate seeing what they actually would be like if put into the shitty position that is Subaru's

He's literally autistic.

>Re:Zero is a well done deconstruction of the over done anime trope and premise of it's era
Truly the Evangelion of it's time.

>hate seeing what they actually would be like if put into the shitty position that is Subaru's
They certainly wouldn't be literally jumping around in joy after their 7th or so time dying

He's autistic, If only he would stop sperging.

>he aint gary stue
>everybody likes him

yeah right, re:zero shitters and your self-insert mc.

Well, I don't think this is how most anons would act, I think it's more now a generic MC would act, slightly exaggerated. I mean I know I and many other anons wouldn't have even made it to the manor in the first place. I'd avoid back alleys and look for a job at a store or something. It would be very boring to watch what most people on here would do. Subaru is way too eccentric to self-insert, but he makes an interesting MC.

>Truly the Evangelion of it's time.
So when does all the rape start?

That man has gone insane, it was clear when he broke down in tears on Emilia's lap. The only thing holding him together at this point it Emilia.

But as i said the naive children viewers dont understand this and just keep asking why is he acting so cringy, why is he so autistic etc.

Yeah it's got a Rei ripoff and everything


because he is a Chis Chan tier autist and narcicist

>yeah right, re:zero shitters and your self-insert mc.
Dude, I watch the show and like it but I really don't like him. He's an understandable prick, but a prick nonetheless and he does everything wrong, just like Eva characters.

Why do you faggots keep pallet swapping and inverting Ram?


There are two types of people that hate Subaru
>self inserters

Self inserters is obvious since he doesn't do everything perfectly and win every girl's heart within 10 seconds of being introduced to them. He also doesn't act in a way that they can easily predict, so they become startled and frightened when Subaru does something unexpected.

Waifufags hate him because they blame him for what is happening, and later what happens, to Rem - which they believe is the 'best girl.' Too bad the author did a great job of trapping the waifufags into believing that only to absolutely crush them.

Can somebody rephrase this so that it's understandable?

And of course in all of this they completely obfuscate the fact that the only reason any of their waifus are alive is because of Subaru and his sacrifices.

I like this point, too.

>main character is autistic! I am upset that the main character is unreasonable to the people around him
>my understanding is that self insert has a negative connotation so i will use it to describe the main character, whom makes me uncomfortable

because nobody IRL would save someone who just known for a while. 1st time ok..2nd time fuck off from there

at least other not retard like him