>Stephen "send them fleein" paddock
Lets get this going bois!
>Stephen "send them fleein" paddock
Lets get this going bois!
Other urls found in this thread:
Stephen "50 still steaming" Paddock
Stephen “great shot, big cock” paddock
>Stephen "a country slinging" paddock
Stephen "Spray and Pray at the Mandalay Bay" Paddock
Stephen “you’ve met my waifu, now meet my raifu” paddock
Stephan "I think a heard a shot" paddock
No, this shit is NOT funny when white people are getting shot
Stephen "Boomer Bringing The Doom To Ya" Paddock
Fuck off back to /natsoc/ nigger, this is our thread
This is our board how about you fuck off
Stephen "trigger finger bleedin" paddock
Stephen "Gun Free Zone" Paddock
>replying to bait
>Stephen "Malice from Caesar's Palace" Paddock
>Stephen "Russian Roulette" Paddock
>Stephen "Blackjack Sniper Attack" Paddock
>Stephen "Shooting Craps and Busting Caps" Paddock
>Stephen "Empty my Clip on the Vegas Strip" Paddock
>Stephen "Shot is clean by the slot machine" Paddock
How about the gulag with you
>ss officer
something doesn't add up here
fuck off back to plebbit faggot.
Sup Forums is without ideology. go jerk off to tucker carlson fanfic
>shooting craps and busting caps
>empty my clip on the Vegas strip
Now this is why I come here, topkek
Why couldn't he wait for a hip hop concert or something.
Dude could have made MAJOR waves if he contributed to the dichotomy of whats plaguing america right now. Specifically shooting up a hip hop concert as a white male...or an nfl stadium of protesting blacks...
Odds are he was just fucking loony.
Is this the guy's actual photo? I read on some fakenews site that the man in the photo is Canadian.
He was another crazed Bernie bro like the baseball shooter
Stephen "Leaves Mr. House to me" Paddock
Stephen "One more shot" Paddock
Stephen "never let your age hold you back" Paddock.
Stephen "Reducing The Lifespans Of Country Music Fans" Paddock
>Stephen "Going with my 9 to the festival line" Paddock
Stephen "I'm a little bit rock'n'roll" Paddock
Stephen Paddock "Lock, Stock, and Barrel"
Stephen "Hookers and coke? I'd rather shoot with my colt" Paddock
Should we dig into this?
Stephen "my ricochet's leave you in a grave" paddock
>Stephen "Shooting Craps and Busting Caps" Paddock
>Stephen "Empty my Clip on the Vegas Strip" Paddock
These are the only passable ones in the thread so far
Stephen "Country music is for Queers Lets Bring them to Tears" Paddock
Alternatively "Lock, Stock, and 50 Croaking Ferals"
Stephen "The Civil War Will Have Its Beginning In The City Of Sin" Paddock
Stephen "Country is Trash Since The Death Of Johnny Cash" Paddock
Stephen "Unleashing The Wrath of Baghdadi To The Sound Of Dixie" Paddock
Stephen "spray and pray at the mandalay bay" paddock
Does this work?
Stephen "I might've misfired a few times" Paddock
>Stephen "Taking the Viva outta Las Vegas" Paddock
Stephen "Boone" Paddock
Since its a mossad operation, Stephen "Yellow Fever Tel Aviver" Paddock
We're overthinking this boys...
>"The Sporadic Paddock"
>Stephen "snake eyes? take lives" Paddock
Does the name Stephen has any linguistic root connection with the name Stefan?
Shut the fuck up newfaggot pussy bitch
Stephen "send them in a hurry back to hell with fury" Paddock
>people make ones that don't rhyme
One job
>Stephen "let er rip on the strip" Paddock
>Stephen "counting cards and shooting guards" Paddock
>Stephen "first the slots then the shots" Paddock
>Stephen "Clean shot? Jackpot" Paddock
Stephen "Making The City OF Sin Into 1945 Berlin" Paddock
>Stephen "first the slots then the shots" Paddock
>Stephen "brought my AK to the buffet" Paddock
Someone make the edit with this and then his eyes glowing really bright
Stephen "I stacked the decks against 60 rednecks" Paddock
Mad Old Pad
Stephen "Turn the music down" Paddock
Stephen "I'm bringin' mah cock and a glock" Paddock.
>Stephen "Beg for your life? No dice" Paddock
>Stephen "Cashing in Chips for Clips" Paddock
>Stephen "High-rise Homicide" Paddock
>>Stephen "Casino Battle Royale" Paddock
>Stephen "lead jackpot" Paddock
Steve "gas the tikes, age war now!" Paddock
>Stephen "A new high score baby!" Paddock
Stephen "10 rounds in Ten-Gallons" Paddock
Stephen "Drop and give me Fifty" Paddock
Stephen "just got my mail order bride from Dubai, now it's time for you to die" Paddock
Stephen "Picked up a 9 and dropped 50" Paddock
Stephen "ARs for the kuffars" paddock
Stephen "Takes no crap if you violate his NAP" Paddock
Stephen "Starts sweeping when you interrupt his sleeping" Paddock
Stephen "Short stacks mean gun attacks" Paddock
>Stephen "send em to st peters from 300 meters" paddock
>Stephen "Lights em up at the country club" Paddock
Stephen "Boomer Doom" Paddock
Stephen "Boomers have no other purpose in life, but to cause trouble and strife" Paddock
Stephen "gun smoke for country folk" Paddock
I'm sorry but how exactly is this funny? Like, at all? 50 people have just been brutally murdered in Las Vegas, with 200 more injured and potentially even more deaths to come, and you teenage edgy nerd fucks are already joking about it. Fucking disgusting.
How would you feel if you had been one of the victims today and people were joking about your murder?
you must be fun at parties, downvoted.
He put his Kiddie-Porn collection in his LAST_Will-and-Testament...!
He's leaving everything to ANTIFA...!
>Stephen "You hit even more from the 32th floor" Paddock
>Stephen "Click clack, country music is wack" Paddock
>Stephen "High rollin, death tollin" Paddock
Steve "21? Watch this" Paddock
>he hasnt been rejected and ridiculed by society to the point that he can appreciate dark humor in times of tragedy
sounds like you dont belong here and should go back.
Gets funnier every time
You can't honestly tell me these are the same guy. Completely different face shape. Guy of left has eyebrows, unlike Paddock. Guy on left has much smaller jaw, different ears, and redder skin.
Please tell me that at least one of the victims was a nigger or a mudshit.
>t. Ahmed
>How would you feel if you had been one of the victims today and people were joking about your murder?
Stephen "droppin shells at southern bells" paddock
Stephen "music's too loud heres my gun powder cloud" paddock
Stephen "avoiding heart attacks by genociding brokebacks" paddock
I wouldn't feel anything because I'd be fucking dead.
Put me in screencap plz
>"Malice from Caesar's Palace
Stephen top score from the 32 floor paddock
This one deserves a (You)
Stephen ”raising hell on hillbillies” paddock
Stephen ”that’s the record here? Hold my beer” paddock
Stephen ”brokeback bloodbath” paddock
Stephen "Kill Some Sinners After Dinner" Paddock