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Makes more sense.
No way one guy got 50+ and 500+ injured in 37 seconds, solo.
Media will bury this, the official narrative has already been made
Hands down, the most loosest based "evidence" I have seen posted yet
>A fucking leaf
Oh, that's why.
Anon5 was right about this.
FUCK. You are right!
Are you being willfully obtuse? This is something to look into.
If you assume one round per person, that's 14.86 rounds a second.
I still can't imagine what the motive was. The guy was obviously a gun lover so if I had to guess, I would say he was right leaning. But, at the same time, he opened fire on a country concert? It really does sound like mental illness in this case.
Also related
Looks like 3 shooters+
he's a shill. you can clearly see the gunflashes, which is also matched exactly with the sound of the gunfire.
lmao take your meds, schizofriends
he was a registered democrat
>what is getting trampled
> 14.86 rounds a second
Better check your math: looks like your under by .02.
You're retarded
Makes sense. I can't really believe that a single man, on the 32nd floor, in a hotel 500m away from the area, in his 60s, at night, was able to shoot so precisely as to kill 50+ people in that period of time.
Post the evidence
reflected reflection?
Flash from the gunfire from 30th floor of Mandalay bounces off the windows of the hotel across from it (behind videographer), and reflects a second time back off Mandalay?
To be fair I think a lot of the injuries will be related to the panic and stampede following the gunshots, not all from bullet wounds
Interesting that we haven't heard anything from people inside the hotel, must have been really fucking loud so someone must have heard or seen something
They include people that were trampled on he injured list. Not all injuries were gun shots. Stop being retarded.
>inb4 alex takes credit for this
Inb4 alex takes credit for pols research
crowd density and ten minutes of automatic fire?
yeah the whole 1 second they're on screen you fucking idiot.
Shooting into a dense crowd from an elevation (gravity assists on the distance) means you don't really have to aim: you're going to hit someone with many of the shots.
>'loosest' based evidence
Literally, video evidence.
The only thing more pathetic than that idiot larping is the fact that idiots like you accept it because you desperately seek significance
This. Tinfoil hat fuckwits looking for anything to make their day go by while waiting for their NEETBUX to come in the mail.
lmao go home communist scum.
Ten minutes straight? I can believe that then, thought the firing time was shorter.
Yeah we saw
I like how he so conveniently suicided himself before SWAT even got near there. They would've reported the gunshot,
we heard all this crazy shit on the scanners about a guy in Khakis with a tactical holster
a guy in black with a rifle clearing out a club
some dude throwing bags in a trailer and speeding out of there
people running from the cops in camis
Info Wars is Sup Forums news. Be happy you have a multi-million dollar news outlet spreading "your" claims.
the light in that room been blinking,seen videos of it on the news after the shooter an hero.
I knew it. There was no way this was just one nut. I bet they're all commie ex-Bernie bros, and the media is going to run with Isis talking out of it's ass to cover for their darling little peaceful leftists.
This indeed looks like a second set of muzzle flashes, but where are the images of a second set of shot out windows? We've only seen two blown out windows in a corner suite.
you have no argument
this isnt evidence of anything.
you're fucking stupid for thinking it is.
it's 1 two second clip out of dozens of videos.
Sounds like an AR15 with a gat crank trigger
2nd amendment is done for
>32nd floor
Here is another video showing there was a shooter on the 4th-10th floor
Have you not seen the videos? H'es just spraying bullets at a tightly packed crowd of people larger than multiple football fields. He would have killed as many people if he had his eyes closed.
wait, aren´t hotel windows in Vegas like unable to open?
can´t remember where I heard/read that
There was some shit going on. Look at how much the story has changed regarding his wife. First she was a suspect, then she was talked to and released, then she was in custody, now she's fled the country. The guy had guns that were almost certainly illegal, how did he get them? Why so many guns? What about the medics who reported being shot at AFTER the police said the Tropicana had no shots fired?
Too many inconsistencies. This guy was a patsy for sure, either his wife is part of some terrorist group and he was made to take the fall or this is some ultra-sick false flag.
This guy was also filming the shooting from below. If it was up the 34th he would have filmed straight up!!
this whole scenario reeks of CIA setup
nu-Sup Forums is desperate to be acknowledged. I'm certain he's shilling himself. Pathetic.
It's a reflection from the police lights on the street below.
I noticed this earlier. I legit thought the media would notice it before they pushed the 32 floor windows meme.
>cameras to see when cops arrived
>"kills himself" even though allah prohibits suicide without taking down the kafir simoltainuosly.
>the whole israel paper pushing the isis narrative off the bat
>the isis video claiming vegas is next
This feels so obviouse it might be a deepstate ploy to take down trump legitimatly.
>trump staged this thing to blame muslims
>muh nov4 revelution
Yes, but one of his 10 rifles probably helped smash the glass
Can we be sure that isn't light being reflected to the window?
>Hands down, the most loosest based "evidence" I have seen posted yet
learn to write
/k/ here, definitely two shooters from what I can hear on the videos I've seen. Also interested in what guns we're used. The rate of fire is too slow to be an AR15.
A reflected muzzle flash clearly wouldn't be focused on one single fucking window but several
Used a 'hammer type' of device to bust the window, as MSM claimed.
not trying to discredit the theory but look at the fucking right side of the picture you posted and what you circled? Look could have picked out any one of those reflections and call it a muzzle flash. Your pic and what you circled make it look like there are 30 people shooting in the building. Leave it to a leaf.
Is anyone watching the ABC live stream. It couldn't be more obvious that this guy is reading a script.
They needed a big event to justify this
sounded like an RPK to me desu
Wouldn't there be a lot of echoes due to all the building though?
Kek I can just imagine the mass wave of fat flowing out of the area. They were country fans too so they were probably all over weight.
You're right dude! I mean theres no way that this dude would have shot out the windows or anything like that, I mean that would be crazy!
i believe that might be reflection from the shooting on the side of building
Do u even english bro?
Reporting after the shooting while it was still dark showed a blinking light in that exact spot. Thought the same thing until the reporter spotted it. I don't have video, been watching this since it happened. Sorry
It's a siren reflecting off the window you stupid cunt.
>that edge
kill yourself, my man
A lot doesn't add up.
This was strategically planned. Nice shot from a good height, high grade hardware. Wondering how the shooter got such a good room right above his target
The blinking light continues to flash after the sound of the gunshots stops. It's probably just a blinking light, not a gun.
Reflections would be all over the place.
They don't need to open when you shoot through them, which is what I'm guessing happened
here we go with the retarded conspiracy bullshit
you people are fucking retarded
At 0:28-0:32 it's clearly muzzle flashes and synchronized to the sound you fucking shill
>Dan Bilzerian
Fuck this guy. Degenerate scumbag. Do not give his tweets views.
Ah that explains the broken window on the 10th floor..
Oh hang on...
>Using a coked out retards twitter as a source
it early sandy hook. They dont have the story fleshed out just yet. I expect a lot of this stuff to get memory holed
Oh good lord that's hilarious
*inserts video clip of ameriblubbers running and screaming*
Maybe he fucking rented it like a normal person?
Yeah, I generally don't believe gun grabber stuff and unlike a lot of Sup Forums I do believe Sandy Hook was a legit fucked up kid (likely due to 'tism and meds) acting out.
But this is different. The story changes every hour and not in a "we know more now" way but in ways that do nothing but confuse, obfuscate and directly contradict anything mentioned before. This does look straight up like a CIA/Deep State gun grabbing false flag.
That's because it is.
Nothing has ever happened ever unless it was to under the direct control of and to advance the somewhat nebulous aims of the shadowy cabal that runs everything. Herp a derp dee derp
You do know light travels faster than sound...right? 1100 feet is a long distance.
You can clearly see that the flashing continues after you hear the shooting stop. Also I don't even think that's the same building.
coke head
mentally unstable
barred from joining the Navy Seal
is rich because his dad stole from the US tax payer
nobody cares about your mancrush
It's the strobe light for the fire alarm that went off.
If you watch the video that is the only light that is flashing
The shooting stops at 32 seconds and the flashing is still going off. It wasn't gun fire.
Leave it to the UK to fuck up all the fun.
there are many similar small light specks but the video clearly shows one specific point flashing during the firing... but on first viewing the flashing appears to continue after the end of the firing which shouldn't be as light travels faster than sound you;d expect to see the flashing stop before the sound...but the cameraman didn't maintain focus on that spot long enough and maybe
Sandy Hook can be explained away as confusion and I can explain some of it here as that too. But not the medics (why would they lie or falsely report being shot at?) and not the wildly changing stories regarding the wife.
That's not what fire alarm strobe lights look like
If you shot enough guns, bong, you'd know that the rate of fire is inconsistent. Even though there is a lot of echoing, you could tell if you've shot machine guns. I'm thoroughly convinced on the two shooters thing. And if they release what guns we're used then the whole narrative is fucked.
Yeah, the windows would be smashed. I haven't seen a photo of the exterior of the building, but I'm guessing the windows on the ~10th floor are still intact, which would disprove the multiple shooter theory (this particular one, at least).
The visual and the sound travel at different speeds. At that distance there would be a delay.
Good shit.
*inserts video clip of middle class boy in daddies basement*