How do you sort anime with multiple seasons? Also, would it kill Japan to just use Season 2, Season 3 etc...

How do you sort anime with multiple seasons? Also, would it kill Japan to just use Season 2, Season 3 etc. Instead of just adding random words?

>square brackets before the name of the series

I'm probably retarded but I just default with the shanaproject settings for auto rss downloading, so it goes by release season instead of show season.

Kill yourself leddit

I don't like it either, but it bothers my OCD more to have it out of order.

Then create a folder for each season. A bit redundant but it works I guess.

>main folder: anime name (year)
>subfolders: anime name season 1 (year), anime name season 2 (year)

If you sort the folder which contains all these, it just puts all the [1]s together and doesn't sort alphabetically by series.

In other words, it's absurdly inefficient and speaks to a lazy, indolent personality.


Fuck you Japan do it the fucking sensible way

I don't