Post your unpopular opinions.
>I think Zeta Gundam is shit and anyone who likes Gunbuster should kill themselves.
Post your unpopular opinions.
>I think Zeta Gundam is shit and anyone who likes Gunbuster should kill themselves.
You're attractive looking
Sup Forums is the worst board on Sup Forums.
Both of those shows are hideously overrated. Kill urself my man
HxH 1999 is better than the 2011 version
Megas XLR was shit
DBZ was shit
Naruto was shit after the time skip
Zeta was good at the start, but as the show went along it got so fucking bad, they just repeated the most annoying parts of the first Gundam.
As for my actual contrarian opinion, Death Note, Boku no Hero Academia and Koutetsujou no Kabaneri are irredeemable shit, also, Kill La Kill is boring as fuck It does have hot chicks, so I don't resent it existing
>Death Note, Boku no Hero Academia and Koutetsujou no Kabaneri are irredeemable shit
Do you know where you are?
These threads are shit.
You're first and last opinion are generally agreed upon even outside of Sup Forums.
Every anime people here call western pandering trash is automatically god tier since the east is like a big weirdo shithole
see Bebop and this season Luluco
>Koutetsujou no Kabaneri are irredeemable shit
I thought that from the start, Sup Forums was collectively wetting itself because of "SHADING" but it seemed like an over manufactured show from the first time I heard about it, I'm actually surprised it got as big as it did during the first few weeks.
There are two threads dedicated to animes I mentioned, and that's still too high.
Zeta is shit though.
Never mind I got my answer.
that's some damn good anime.
The Steins;Gate anime is utter shit. It's inferior to the VN in terms of presentation and unlike some other adaptations it does nothing to distinguish or elevate itself above the source material. The reverence people have for it baffles me.
Actually, I think Steins;Gate as a whole is overrated. It feels like one of those series that's liked by people who haven't seen a wide variety of anime, or anything outside of generic shounenshit.
Seed/Seed Destiny>Every other Gundam series.
re:zero is good and has good writing
How many gundam series have you seen?
Reminder that freedom is THE best gundam designs ever
He said unpopular opinions. Not straight up lying to people.
Zeta Gundam is objectively shit and only babby's first gendum japs and hipster faggots from a few years ago when it got popular on /m/ think otherwise. Fact.
Gunbuster is a medicore 80s OVA venture but I wouldn't really say people should kill themselves for liking it.
K-on! is stupid soulless bullshit that pales in comparison to just about any other SOL both made before and after its time. It is unfunny, features character interaction that rarely elevates beyond their already one-dimensional characterization, and most of all is just a gigantic waste of one's time to watch.
The only good thing about it is the visual design.
I think Muv Luv is overrated and hyped way too much since it's pretty much (excuse me for taking this term from the post above) baby's first Visual Novel/Eroge with a decent plot. I think the girls are ugly and that they weren't endearing in the least.
Mushoku Tensei had potential was was brought down by subpar writing, cliché archetypes, wish fulfillment, and a terrible Main Character.