Do you want to know what the Canaanites are hiding from you all? The connection to the source? Are you ready to ascend above the checkers game into the chess game? I know all the secrets of men from the beginning come find them
mystical larping
Please tell me more about Canaanites. How did they falsify everything? How did they subvert everyone?
I am already there and I want you all dead, manifesting shoah 24/7, and the illuminati are by my thoughts, its all me, I am the Anti-Christ
you can call me AC
this is no LARP if you aren't ready for this you should not be here
This is it how it happened user. "Science" invented religion, the opiate of the masses. The first "scientists" were mathematicians, astronomers, architects etc. The wise are always outnumbered by the fools, so they needed to develop a system of control which of course is what religion is. However there has always been a struggle between those taking advantage of these things like the Canaanites and those trying to expose them, such as Jesus. It is very complex and lengthy you need to ask specific questions for me to answer you.
They have been falsifying things since the beginning, fake news is as old as man, nothing new under the sun. They subvert them through the control Matrix
Holy shit you schitzo fuck. Please explain, it's entertaining.
The shills will ascend in droves this is what they don't want you to know and will do everything to keep it from getting out and I even exposed them so hard they admitted it just before they got the compromised mods to delete the thread on sci where threads last for days, however they are archived so I win regardless
>923 and 33 are the two most important numbers in free masonry
>Illuminati founded in 1776
>United States founded in 1776
>1776 is used to calculate 923 in free masonry look up what this means yourself
>The last eclipse like the one we just had was in 1776
>9/23 is 33 days after the eclipse
>The next one is 7 years away
>Tribulations in the book of revelations last 7 years
>Revelations written by the free masons
>Revelations is not prophesy it is an eyewitness account of cyclical event prob caused the floods in the bible and Epic Of Gilgamesh just a theory
>The pyramids mark this exact date not just the Egyptian ones but all over the world including Antarctica
>Free masons built the pyramids
>Israel founded in 1917 because of the faked holocaust in order to fulfill biblical prophecy and match the dates precisely for 9/23
You got lost boi?
I know everything from the beginning, every lie and the true history of men, I have been to the source and unraveled it all, the transcendence. I am writing a 3 book series already finished the first one it will be out on a few months after my editor is finished with it. You can have free copies of the manuscript int he mean time of you want. I will answer any questions you have, but try and keep them specific as I said we are talking about all of human history here and very complex topics
Stop trying to hype the faggoty Masons, they're shit.
You are lost, the sheep, I am the Shepard, showing you the path, you don't seem to have the capacity for this knowledge yet however, so you will probably be one of the useful idiots that does in the streets for a false purpose in what is coming.
How many have tried to make the control matrix collapse before? Are there any that we don't know about today?
the masons are one name, one group among many. I just used a name plebs like you could related to, stop jewing
Well Jesus was pretty successful, Hitler put up the good fight (Black Sun), the Gnostics and the Buddhists know the source, and have some in their ranks that also know the true history
I'm interested. Link please?
How do i turn off sacred sexual energy, my divine counterpart won't stop touching me
There is no secret, you are the universe, don't make some deal out of it like you alone are some spiritual gateway.
>Revelations written by the free masons
you lost me here. revelations was written by st john the apostle and it signals the end of the world. i think you're right about the next 7 years being the 7 years of tribulation, and nice pic btw.
As I said this is very complex so it requires a lot of background to understand it all. This book is for normie level the introduction, after you read it if you want to know more, know it all email me at [email protected] and I will give it all to you and you must share it
>you are the universe,
this, we all have the ability to understand the inner workings of the universe if only we pursue it. God lives in all of us, we're all a part of him.
Thank you user. I will read and email you when I'm done.
>know it all email me at [email protected] and I will give it all to you and you must share it
ill drop you a message after i read it
>There is no secret
How many people have any clue what you are talking about? If people don't know it is a secret. Besides this knowledge is hidden by the Canaanites and the religions of the Canaanite are false doctrines to hie the truth. It is far more complex that what you are representing the entire human history, has been an attempt to hide this knowledge and the attempts of those fighting to expose it. Though there is truth to what you say, your statement is meaningless to the uninitiated and though it is the end goal, there is much along the path I will wager you don't know or understand yet which may not be important to you, but for others it is crucial for their journey
Is that google link working for anyone? Gives me this message, I don't necessarily want to download it if it won't even open.
>you lost me here. revelations was written by st john the apostle and it signals the end of the world.
The bible was not written by who you think it was and what is in it is coded and you don't understand its true meaning without first learning to read it correctly
I wasn't being sarcastic. I haven't even met this person yet I feel their energy everywhere. Are twin souls really a thing?
Works for me
Your welcome any time I check my email every couple of days. We will show the world what they don't want them to see
>bohdi karma
so you are the larper tripfag from /x/?
The same one who was claiming a major happening during the recent US solar eclipse, the September 23rd happening that was supposed to be seen by everyone, not to mention covered up Pepe face in google sky to be Satan?
Who is the original man?
It is because of the size, dl it or don't is up to you brother.
revelations was written by Jacob/Yacub
How do we break the code and read it properly? And which version for that matter?
Open your eyes and ears or don't. I can only show those willing to see
I am not very familiar with this user. I will look into it and see what I can find. I am no psychic or mystic, in fact I am a scientist and Buddhist. I do not LARP and try to spread information that cannot be proven conclusively. I will only share what I know and what I think and the evidence for why I think it or know it. I will not claim to know what I don't.
This is arguable, the exact author is not important only their "affiliation"
>It's one of 126578873237 threads about things that I've just mentioned
>he expects me to read every single post abou theories I've read countless of times
If you're trying to tell me there is some fresh idea about those things in that thread, then point them out, as I don't necessarily want to re-read tons of recycled posts and waste my time.
chess is fucking gay
I'll probably download it off a computer at my college library and read it there, I'm interested in what you have to say but I'm paranoid as fuck.
Will definitely shoot you an email if I have any questions. If this isn't total horseshit, thanks.
Sorry this question doesn't make sense
Read my book then ask me and I will show you
at least it's less gayer then men watching other 20 sweaty men running after a ball
Sorry I am not trying to be cryptic but you will never understand it unless you walk the path first
You will do what you will do user, I won't hold your hand.... seek and ye shall find
No problem, I am available for anyone searching
get the fuck out
You assume too much about me and my ability to understand. I'm on a path, but one of my own choosing this time. Thanks for replying though. I hope your books work out like you hoped. Blessings user.
I'm interested in gnosticism, which sect is the closest from the Truth ?
Wgat do you think of chaos magick ?
is that way
I am not assuming brother, I have no idea of your level of knowledge, just getting us on the same page first, to have a jump off point so to speak.
I only the tenants of the Gnostic teachings and their source beyond that I can't be much help. To find the truth I would read the dhammapda then learn about sacred geometry, the basis of Gnosticism and branch out from there on your journey. This is good video for the basics but still very complex it will take you some time to understand it all
agreed so get the fuck off the most important thread on this board, you are the shitposter you just aren't wise enough to realize it, you are playing the one dimensional game they put right in front of you, I am teaching these anons to ascend to the level of master to play int he big game
>The Illuminati orchestrated another hoax designed to impose gun control
This is no event, same shit different day
I read your forward. We've researched much of the same topics. I'm a student of comparative religion and I've gone down enough rabbit holes to see they all lead to the same place. Thanks for trying to open some up to see the cabal for what it is. Hard work, but quite valuable to humanity.
People like you are weak. Stay i the shadows, lest you want to be stomped out!
your welcome brother, yes you see the source the beginning. Most religions are imply coded ways to express the source to the superstitious and less educated using allegory and personification, some are lies designed to lead people away from it. YW ty for your efforts as well, we do what we can.
This makes me lol every time I see it hahaha, ty
Yup youre a faggot alright
I'm finidng that the more I simply live my life in recognition of my existence as Source and in recognition of Source in others the Ripple Effect leads others to this truth on their own. People become curious... EVENTually
Do you use drugs to get your "answers", OP?
>Do you want to know what the Canaanites are hiding from you all?
No, don't care.
People are drawn to the wise, they sense your aurora and feel your energy (7.23), it calms them and shows them you have answers that they seek, share them
Yes Viagra
fuck off bodhi, you infowars tier faggot
stop jewing so hard bro, you have no place here
This isn't even my final form.
I have now memorized your posting style, just like I did with Moarpheus', you will never get me.
*get rid of me