The politics of Rick and Morty

Why is this show so hated by Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general?

I often hear so many memes about how it's corrupting the youth and young adults with memes about nihilism, science, turning people into insufferable redditors, converting people into leftism, and producing undesirable people in general with little to no evidence to establish it as fact

So, is Sup Forums actually telling the truth or just memeing for the sake of disliking something reddit likes?

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The show was fine up until this season. The new female writers have made it unwatchable.

The last episode of the season went like this
>>Rick is portrayed as a stubborn asshole who starts a war with the president because of his own temper while pretending he is doing it for morty
>>He keeps his daughter in a constant state of paranoia
>>admits he wants to kill Jerry because people like him
>>family hides away from Rick, goes back to normal, they have a great time and bond together again
>>Rick is visibly mad because they are happy and things didn't go his way
>>at the end credits a character tells you not to waste your life away doing stupid stuff, encourages to have children and pursue education
>>Rick even slips in a 'muh dick' joke making fun of the black president

I'm 100% certain that Sup Forums's average IQ is too low to understand this show, or you're too caught up in disliking anything that reddit likes just for the sake of it

Sup Forums meme narratives are BTFO once again and you are exposed as contrarians for the sake of being contrarian

>corrupting the youth

TV shows are a reflection of society, they can't impact society.

It's not rick and Morty, it's the people that like it.

People keep saying it's a smart show, but it doesn't make you smart just by watching it. Nothing I hate more than "I'm a smart guy, I watch rick and morty."

It's the MLP of the modern era.


Fuck you for being..

1. A mexican.
2. A teenage faggot that likes rock bottom rock and morty.

it's a knock off futurama for the reddit sucks.

I've seen a few of the earlier episodes with some mates, typical nihilist athiest "aaa nothing matters lol y am I depressed" but beyond that it's good for a laugh.

It's a fucking cartoon, anyway some episodes are funny. The fanbase is unbearable.

>I'm 100% certain that Sup Forums's average IQ is too low


That means that yes your IQ is in fact too low.

Maybe this is the reason why you are confused about why people that are not subhuman like yourself don't like rick and morty.

Stop watching cartoons, you fucking manchildren.

I don't hate the show but this episode was garbage. Easily the worst one of this season.

its just a stupid fucking cartoon
I know someone will post the strawman meme image or call me a shill but a good amount of Sup Forums are just reverse SJWs who spend all day getting offended. Live your fucking life you losers, god damn, I've been actually trying to argue and debate with people here the last few days and its just shitposting. This board is good for keeping track of happenings but do not take ANYTHING Sup Forums says seriously because a lot of these people are straight up self-induced solitary confinement schizos.


I had my IQ tested professionally at 22 years of age, and it turned out to be 126

I think you are really butthurt about mexicans for some reason you've yet to disclose, and it's clouding your judgement.

>IQ to low to understand the show

Was agreeing with you until you said above. You're the kind that ruins this type of shit. Go ruin some other show then proceed to kys.

Rick is latino. Viva la raza.

A Mexican talking about low IQ... I got to live and see this one... I'm gonna catch the End of the World Live.

>The Mexican Intellectural rears its face

People think about it way too deeply. Shit's written by a bunch of drunken fucks, and people think there's some real genius behind it.

So you disagree that you need a certain level of intelligence to understand the plot and meaning of media?

Do you think a person with an IQ of 90 who watches 2001 A Space Odyssey will understand it on the same level of someone who has a 120+ IQ?

I'm a sociopath with a nice dash of psychopathy. I love Rick's style.

shitty reddit fedora tier show

sage and gay

What is the point of the citadel? Why the fuck would Rick and Morty's agree to live like this. This makes no fucking sense.

It's just because of the reddit fan base, if you ignore that the show itself is fine

I have never watched the show, but the fanbase is fucking obnoxious so I hate everything about it. Don't really give a fuck if it's actually good, because it's probably not good enough to warrant the hype or giving a fuck about it on any serious level.

>IQ is too low to understand this show

Holy shit the memes write themselves. This is one of the biggest reasons why we hate the fans. No not the show, the fans, you guys. You actually think it takes intelligence to understand a show like this and on top of that you guys think YOU are more intelligent than the average person.

And in what world does a Mexican have an IQ higher than 100?

This show has no plot, is stupid and characters are retarted and autistics.

For some reason?!

You have just highlighted for everyone to see what a retard you are.

I just simply like that show, I don't need to find any higher meaning behind that. I really don't get all the hate the show gets here.
I wouldn't know that if you women hating faggots weren't bragging about it all the time.

i think the show is cool

> IQ is too low to understand this show

Yea, a show about psuedo "scientist" guy is hard to "understand" goym.

I haven't implied that I'm smart because I watch the show, I've said people on Sup Forums who dislike it likely have a low IQ because they end up interpreting the complete opposite of the show, see And

This checks out. The show is cancer because the fans are cancer. Watching a TV show doesn't make you smart and it's not even that good of a show. It's just shock value most of the time and slap stick humor.

I actually like the show.

Sup Forums only hates it because Reddit likes it.

I am impignating you

>Reflection of society
No, they reflect and hyperbolize a portion of society. (((People))) running the media companies decide what is emphasized.

No, I don't like it because it is just more leftist crap.

But the seeds we're put up the butthole because they were so important they had to be snuck in.

They were things the government didn't want you to have and they made you smarter, at least temporarily.

What point are they trying to make?

most ppl on pol are huge faggots.. they find out a show has a female writer they hate it.. has a black character who coulda been white? they hate it.. pol is scum and degenerate.. dont give any fucks about what ppl here think..

I think it's one funny show.

It's generally true. I've watched all of season 1 and 2. I won't lie there have been 1 or 2 things an episode that are genuinely really funny and make me laugh but overall the bad outweighs the good. Yeah it pushes nihilism, degeneracy, the characters are shallow and the writing is riddled with an unbelievable amount of pseudo science, pro cucking (like when Jerry's parents had a 3 way with a black guy), but I think what gets me the worst is it's unashamed pro-atheist stance. There's really no need to add that to the show but literally some episodes they will say 'God doesn't exist', and if they talk about God they do it in a very narrow and immature way. They really don't have the first clue what God is and whatever god they have in mind is too small.

I also think that's what made me realize the show is aggressively geared towards redditors. To treat it fairly I will say that yes it has its good moments but generally speaking 85% of the show is garbage, pseudo-intellectual nonsense with the writers forcing their obscene views and insecurities on their audience

>IQ is too low to understand this show
whenever i see this i reach a level of genuine anger that can only be comprehended by individuals that are above human sentience
its one of the stupid, most retarded arguments to defend a gimmick show that makes 0 sense

Name one reason it’s bad without mentioning Red_dit

watching tv actually makes people dumber:

“Low levels of physical activity and high levels of television viewing during young to mid-adulthood were associated with worse cognitive performance in midlife”, read the damming verdict, published in the JAMA Psychiatry Journal.

Adding: “In particular, these behaviours were associated with slower processing speed and worse executive function but not with verbal memory.

“Participants with the least active patterns of behaviour (i.e, both low physical activity and high television viewing time) were the more likely to have poor cognitive function."

they really play both sides

they somehow criticized israel this season

Well I think it's more than 'just a cartoon'. That's like saying Saul alinsky's 'rules for radicals' is 'just a book'. Its more than that, it's the transmitting of one persons ideas and beliefs onto you, and if you aren't careful you could be effected by it in negative ways. In fact I'd go one step further and say that television is the most subtle brainwashing and conditioning of them all.

best season yet, especially last episode
as a misogynst i'm feeling slightly less misogynist right now. but maybe all the best parts where the male writers i dunno. it's a good show

aaaaand your understanding of god is what?? Thank you on beforehand.

>have Muslim writers
>muslims hate all other religions, including Jews and especially Jews for the Palestine fiasco

Really elongates and vibrates my noodle

Brilliant show, fuck the haters

No, it's just a cartoon. I laugh at some of the jokes and when there's a joke or something that I don't think is funny, I ignore it. whoooa thats soooo hard critical thinking is sooo difficult

I'm more interested in yours frankly

>I had my IQ tested professionally at 22 years of age, and it turned out to be 126
Fucking subhmans thinking they're smart.


you virgins are worse than reddit. bitching about a show that shits all over obama, lefties, and beta males because "le reddit likes it" and "omfg they insulted god"

you just feel bad because jerry hits too close to home

my bad, what i meant to say is citadel of ricks episode best one so far. i dunno which season is the new season? in retrospect the guy im replying to might have made a good point.

I'm just saying not everyone is as smart as you and it does brainwash people negatively

It just gives them stupid little opinions that change over time. Maybe the internet allows us to get out all of this shit that we couldn't before. It would explain why crime rates are just plummeting and keep going down.

>a bunch of adults being angered by a cartoon
Have you never been to Sup Forums? How is this not obvious?

>you virgins
>meh a national tv show insulted god get over it

Back to plebbit with you

>watching cartoons above the age of 18

The only cartoons watched should be anime and hentai.

Here's the creator calling everyone Nazis

Not trying to be cruel but this is a show for intellectuals and that's probably why you didn't like it.

its an ok show the fans who buy merch and talk about it like its the greatest thing ever are insufferable retards.


Much needed reminder.

garbage anime

yeah i don't judge a show by its fanbase ever

bronies meanwhile would have a footnote in any future historical text that may be titled "the downfall of western civilization"

i fucking love this show. i don't care if the creative team is all bugmen and blue haired feminists. and it is.

i still fucking love it.


First and foremost it's a metaphysical construct. A motive for some and an excuse for others. But i guess, you think, that's a narrow way of describing god?


>>>He keeps his daughter in a constant state of paranoia
Not his fault though

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenevs Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


Literally untrue.


i was shitposting you fucking germonkey faggot
pay reparations btw baka desu senpai

It's funny.

There is like zero science in it. Zero.

Infinite Ricks, infinite universes, portal guns, ray guns, aliens with testicles dangling from their chins; zero science.

Apparently the white lab coat fools people.

i can't tell if you're being sarcastic because that's true

No they don't, fuck off with that lie.

That's not a very deep understanding of the episode from someone claiming it takes a higher intelligence to understand the show....


And yet somehow, a white supremacist.

Futurama is the most reddit show of all time lol

Reddit and Morty does not have much in it that's particularly complicated. It's basically "pop philosophy".

That has its place, but it doesn't make you a genius, nor take one to "get" it.

>watching cartoons in 2017

Because the shsh's main focus became memes and they hired more women writers just for the sake of "diversity"

>Bugs Bunny is corrupting our youth and turning them into violent sociopaths!


rural and suburban retards don't get rick and morty

The Ricks and Mortys who wanted to make their own planet/organization joined the Citadel.

It obviously is being destroyed by the Ricks and Mortys either disillusioned by the Citadel, or who were never a part of the Citadel.

*show* I meant to say

I've never watched the show, but every fucking reference I've ever seen or heard to it has repulsed me. Hearing my coworkers sperg out imitating lines from the show in some retarded high pitched voice, seeing the fucking obnoxious lines typed out (WUBBA DUB DUB *burp* MY ASSHOLE IS BLEEDING RICK!!!!! I'M AN NIGGER MORTY!!!!! XDDD), seeing that dumbfuck character that always has vomit or whatever all over his face, fucking hell it just makes me mad.

>if you don't like it you're just not supur smurt like me


>Leafs don't know when memes have already been dead and buried for months.