This is why I'm #StillWithHer

This is why I'm #StillWithHer

100% a flase flag to grab guns
fuck this cunt

You make it seem like they wouldn't use a real tragedy to further their agenda

>we must put politics aside
>so we can politicize this shooting for the left's agenda


>put politics aside

>stop the NRA

>We must put politics aside to just spontaneously decide on one of the biggest political debates in the last ten years while the feelings are still fresh.

>we must put aside politics
>immediately takes a leftist gun stance

It's worse than that. There was a congressional vote on regulating suppressors coming up.


Good luck cunt

Why can’t someone kill this bitch? Why has no one even tried?

>This is why I'm #StillWithHer

you're a faggot?

This is why, despite his obedience to Jewry, Trump was the right choice.

Souless cunt using a tragedy to further her political agenda.


Only criticizing her well kills you.

I swear to god if some Republicans cuck out on suppressors because of this I will write them a VERY angry email.

> Calls for putting aside politics
> In the same tweet calling for it, calls for a political stance that would do next to nothing to prevent similar attacks


she continues to show why she lost

>NRA spending 5mil in Washington is wrong
>Bloomberg spending 50mil in Washington is ok

Explain this libtards

But aren't the guns fucking illegal are leftists braindead I swear to God

She has too many doubles at this point.

I think 6 now.

the fuck does the NRA have to do with anything?

>this is all the NRAs fault

The most important thing is to find out the ethnicity and religion of the gunman. Everything else is unimportant. Once we know it, we can blame all his kind for everything bad in the world and call for walls to be built, borders to be closed, and ethnic cleansing and such. If he's a white person then it will just be mental health problems that made him bad and we can all relax and continue to hate the people we already do. And if he didn't vote for Trump it'll mean it was Hillary's fault.

>Put politics aside
>Stand up to a political organization
Is this bitch serious?

Can't wait to hear fellow burger autists screech like dipshits and deny being as cucked as UK or Canada when guns are inevitably ripped away.

Really, so we better ban trucks too and anything that can mass kill people.

>muh need to blame

"the gun debate is the people vs the NRA. Literally everybody just wants gun control, it's common sense"

For once. Just for once listen to her. PUT POLITICS ASIDE. Please lets discuss the gun issue. This is getting completely out of hand. PUT. POLITICS. ASIDE. for a fucking second!

Doesn't matter if it's not a false flag, only 0.000018% of the US population died in this attack, and there are much bigger reasons why we still have a second amendment (to deter the formation of an oppressive government for instance).

>old cunt conveniently sneaks all of his guns into vegas hotel with no help at all
>security are incompetent cunts who didn't notice anything
>proceed to bust open windows with no one noticing and start aiming and firing on the show
>is able to get the highest kill count before offing himself conveniently before the cops/security arrive in room

really roasts the almonds

>We can and must put politics aside and make this political.
Christ, imagine if she were president.

When they start collecting Guns against Trump's advice, the most serious civil war ever might break out and we all know who's going to win.

>we must put politics aside!!
>now take my politically liberal side on this political issue

It amazes me how stupid they are

LOL BRO. Do you REALLY THINK you could stop the government, military from getting to you if you had a gun in your home? Lets just be honest, this idea is LONG gone. Stop using this dumb idea, because it makes NO SENSE. If the government wants to get you, they will. Your little pea shooter wont stop them.

It's not hard to dump a few duffel bags on a cart and bring it up in the elevator with you.

Nobody looks twice, especially if you have a woman with you.

>bodies aren't even cold
>left wing politicians already using everything they can to suit their retarded agenda, no matter how unrelated it is

Why do leftards always do this? And I mean always, like, there isn't a single left wing politician in the whole world that isn't guilty of doing that shit every time.

She also claims if he had a suppressor on his gun, he would have been a silent killer.
She's watched too many movies.

>politics aside
Yeah right

Why isn't this cunt in prison yet?

She lost, fuck off back to Mexico now

its pretty hard to smuggle 10 guns into a hotel, unless he was working with someone.

>we must put politics aside
>we must stand up to the NRA
Can this schizo witch hear herself?

Fuck you stupid bitch. You say we must put politics aside and then go and make a political statement.

Because they're sociopaths LARPing that they're empaths.

>thinking the military is strong enough to kick in every door and face at least 1-2 casualties at each home

Lets just be honest, this idea is LONG gone. That's why they haven't done it. Retard

>Do you REALLY THINK you could stop the British from getting to you if you had a gun in your home?

She plays on unlocked god mode. The HRC character class has 1,000,000 hit points with auto regeneration.

>put politic aside
>stand with democrats on gun control

fuck off

This is why (you) will always be a faggot

This was my first thought. You see this far fewer times with the right, or even among moderates.

I just donated $200 to the NRA.

Never let them take your guns. That is what real unironic Nazis do before they take the rest of your freedoms and sell your country out to multi-national corporations.

You'd think commiefags would be against that.

But they are too busy jacking each other off at protests too impress fat dykes.

No. They havent done it because the world is not what Alex Jones says. He screamed FEMA CAMPS and other shit before Obama was elected. None of what he said. NOT ONE THING. Happened during Obamas 8 years. Alex Jones is insane. Stop listening to him.


hillary is a faggot


Comparing the 1700s to today. You people really are stuck in past. Please join us in reality.

Because ((Jew))...

The cunt can try to take my guns. I welcome this.

1776 will commence again if they try to take away our guns.

yes, let's remove free speech rights so that nobody ever calls anyone a nigger again.

Yes, let's remove the right to vote so that nobody ever abuses it and votes for Trump in 2020.

Yes, let's remove due process, or any of our other guaranteed civil rights, from every law abiding citizen b/c a couple of criminals abuse it.

They'll never get their one world government in the US without taking our guns. So she can rot in hell.

contradict yourself in 5 words, new record nice

>american colonists vs. the british crown
>guerilla warfare vs. an organized military that has greater warfare tech than the people they fought
>vietnam farmers vs. the strongest military in the world, the united states
>guerilla warfare vs. an organized military that has greater warfare tech than the people they fought
>the future
>guerilla warfare vs. an organized military that has greater warfare tech than the people they fight
Gee, I wonder what would happen. Idiot.

> muh modern armies

So, once we passed common sense gun control laws, in Afghanistan, our military had no more problems?

Hahahahaha the amount of donations are already flooding in.

Hypocrisy in her own message...

>put politics aside
>stand up to the NRA

lol, shameless

Will the envelope be nitride or chromium

>1 post by this ID
>idiots still bump this train wreck

>muh constitution was written for muskets, not modern firearms

Who is living in the past now? Suck it up fagboy. This is a firearm owner's nation. Go fuck off to Canada if you don't like it.

>we must put politics aside to stand up to a political organization

Listen to the audio, it's either echoes or there's multiple streams of full auto going off

NRA is related to feels, which are real in OP's mind.

>we must put politics aside to conduct politics

>LOL AFGHANISTAN. Do you REALLY THINK you could stop the government, military from getting to you if you had a gun in your home? Lets just be honest, this idea is LONG gone. Stop using this dumb idea, because it makes NO SENSE. If the government wants to get you, they will. Your little pea shooter wont stop them.

>supposed white male kills people
>"our grief is not enough"
>ISIS kills thousands of people around the world
>lol not all muslims

>Excuse me
>I'm just going to exploit this tragedy to push a political agenda
>but it's totes not a political agenda bro

100% their fault, hillary will save us from them though

>tells everyone to put politics aside
>stays political herself


>put politics aside
>blames NRA

Bump bc fuck you

nice, but couldve easily been real. fucking demented old lady


*roundhouse kicks NRA*
Not on my watch!

There is an amount of badassery to this, but he's endangering all the people huddled around him.

How is this bitch still relevant?

>We must put politics aside and stand up to a political organization that stands for the constitution

>hilldawg literally dropping memes into our laps now

Is anyone really surprised? At this point you would think everybody would be able to implicitly expect her response to the point that she doesn't even need to say anything.

Other predictable effects:
1)Talk about banning guns for weeks.
2)Gun sales go through the roof just in case they are banned.
3)Gun stocks thrive.

It's funny how every time guns are put on the chopping block, it only helps the gun business.

>put politics aside
But Hillary, the rest of your tweet is politics so you're saying to ignore your own tweet.

Anyone have a source on the gun being illegal? All the MSM headlines of course do not mention it.

C'mon pussy

>put politics asides
>proceeds to leftist politics

You faggots should have been there since you think just anybody can buy an automatic rifle, like are you fucking serious? There is no fucking reality in which that dude owned that gun legally.

Shut the fuck up. You aren't shredding the Constitution without a gun fight bitch
