So how did that second amendment work out for you guys?

Didn't look like all those armed hillbillies you got were able to protect the poor people who died last night.

Other urls found in this thread:

If the people at the concert had all been carrying, and had the mentality of the people that framed the constitution, they would have all organized a counter offensive and taken the entire hotel with the aid of the hotels security.

Don't blame our gun laws, blame our population for going soft.


how is the mass immigration working out for your women? any regrets?

>slide thread

based deluded American retard

Worked out well, he could've killed more people.

Did the concert allow guns inside?

I don't know any of them, so I don't give a shit. Works for me.

European mass immigration is literally a meme. The US is far more "colored" then Europe will be the entire next century.

It's going perfectly fine. Our women (and men) enjoy it very much

you just know God Emperor is going to address the nation, charge ISIS for the attack, and subsequently send depleted uranium up the sphincters of every goat fucking that wont come to Christ or sit the fuck down

still in denial huh? its okay mohamed.

why so many shills? trying to frustrate investigation and knowledge sharing in Sup Forums. do not take the bait, back to the catalog to find the real happenings.

You can both kill yourself together


trigger Ameridumb

>your entire country is becoming an Islamic mosque

It's not about the color, cucky, it's about the culture. Now go get arrested for blasphemy.

Maybe the population is soft because of gun laws?

those dumb hillbillies were screaming louder than the gays that got shot up in orlando.

can we just do the civil war now it'll literally be over in a day.

>tfw you still get to hold your guns and shoot them even after a mass shooting that shocks the world

Feels good to be an american

are you fucking stupid?

Non countries cant have opinions

This sounds like an ancap wet dream

Keep laughing. Demographic trends show you guys being at 40% in one generation.

>be conservative
>go to festival
>get shot by commie
>leftists immediately abuse your death to ban something you love

Maybe those hillbillies weren't armed


We can if we're the capital of one the most powerfull economical areas in the world.


America is a joke

I'm fully on the anti USA bandwagon for a couple of weeks until this thing blows over

Stfu Tyrone.

Stop watching Fox news.

*the vegas strip

Works in the movies.

Ok, so you can't?

And your culture is probably by far one of the worst on the entire globe.

>home of the dumb and the worlds fat reserve

I believe in 2nd amendment rights, but this post is fucking retarded. Having a bunch of untrained and twitchy fingered civilians practically storming a hotel is a recipe for disaster...

>226 years of continuous legitimately constituted rule of the people that deters any foreign power from thinking about attacking us on our own soil and which hasn't changed into a government which kills its own people
Pretty good, thanks.

Why are so many of you dumb cunts posting in a half ass troll thread? Stop being retards for once
Why are so many of you dumb cunts posting in a half ass troll thread? Stop being retards for once

Why are so many of you dumb cunts posting in a half ass troll thread? Stop being retards for once

Do they not have security or armed guards at large events like this in Vegas? Seems pretty retarded killing everybody in the hotel. God you lot are thick as shit. The idea is to neutralise the terrorists with minimal casualties, you can't do that with hillbilly amateurs.

Guns are banned at just about every venue, only cops are certain security roles are allowed to have them. There is no way any civilian would be able to gun down a shooter at a concert.
t. securityfag

>Posting on pol
>Not posting in a troll thread

Choose one.

yeah i mean its very simple you just have to be a psychopath too

Works great, thanks. We won't get steamrolled by Germans a third time because of it.

Patriotism is rare, user.

they're untrained because they're untrained. if they had trained, they wouldnt be untrained

Prohibit all guns -> Take away blinding power from idiots (americans) -> Protect yourself with knives.

It works!

this is a stupid fucking argument..
probably more than 80%of those people on the ground had no idea where the location of the shooter was. also people have hand guns when they carry, not fucking sniper rifles you fucking Belgium chocolate for brains retard.


You do realize we produce one of the best F16 jets and arms in the entire globe right? Even your country buys them from us.


Wouldn’t matter anyway. It’s a fun free zone, been that way for a long ass time since people have been knocking casinos.

ITT butthurt europoors

This. Vegas is heavily restricted; I bet that not a single one of those dead or injured has a handgun on them

"No way we could have prevented this," says only nation where this happens repeatedly

>Literally had 1 terrorist attack in the entire history of our country.

>w-we produce a sixties era American jet knockoff!
I also realize your country has been conquered several times in those 226 years and/or absorbed into countries which turned on its own unarmed or poorly armed citizens because the ethos of Europeans is to be ruled by your betters.

Thanks for them FALs, though; I hear some of our citizens like them very much. Too bad you can't own one.


if you discount Europe, the middle east and Russia yea this is the only place this happens alot

the gun he had was against the law in the us still fucking belgicuck

fuck off Mohammad, you are literally an islamic outpost and also a non-country full of pedo kikes

How'd he get the guns in then

>aansluiting wanneer

He was using an illegal (automatic) firearm, though.
Sorry faggot, but you can't blame the 2nd amendment on this one.

Haha goeie grap.
>Nooit dus

Weak faggots like yourself are the ones who usually shit their pants first once shtf. Your only survival strategy is to run from any sort of danger.

Your mom was weak in walking after i visited her.

I don't know who you are or what you want, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you.

>Talking this tuff on a wannabe Japanese manga board

Damn you really must have a sad life. Just end your misery and go kys.

I don't know, it also seems like all of those armed, militarized police were unable to protect the poor people who died last night too.

Im glad to hear that anothers Burgers are getting rekt.

Hurricane and now this, the world is perfect

Fpbp as always.

I believe that guns and concealed carry should be fully legal, but having pistol to shoot a guy with a full auto that is 300 meters away from you AND has a height advantage is unrealistic. American cops are pretty poorly trained also desu, in comparison top other European Countries (not the British Isles).

>publicly airing your insecurity

>(not the British Isles).
Nice butthurt you got there, the PSNI will be at your door shortly for your terrorism.

good point actually and I'm on the gun peoples side here. But he was inside a fucking hotel so it was probably hard to even tell where the shots were even coming from amongst all the chaos.

>had it too good for too long
>start fighting over retarded petty shit
>Get btfo by god and man alike

Thank you, jesus, buddha, mohammed and flying spaggheti monster.

We should've let the Krauts kill you all

Firearm Owners Protection Act ("FOPA") (1986): Revised and partially repealed the Gun Control Act of 1968. Prohibited the sale to civilians of automatic firearms manufactured after the date of the law's passage. Required ATF approval of transfers of automatic firearms.

The shooter used a full auto which are banned

Las Vegas sucks now, it's a big tourist trap with lots of alcoholic tourists. I rather go to Laughlin to ride watercraft, but even that has recently turned to shit by these alcoholic tourists because you now need a drivers license.

>Las Vegas sucks now

That made me laughed hard. Don't know if real or trolling?

>That made me laughed hard
english pls, jose