What's your waifu's favorite band?
Mine is Haruhi and she really digs The Avalanches!
What's your waifu's favorite band?
Mine is Kumiko and she really digs Captain Beefheart
I've only heard Trout Mask Replica desu, would Kumiko suggest I listen to any other albums?
According to Kyon, the theme music of Haruhi's life is "One of These Days" from the Pink Floyd album Meddle
Get a better waifu.
Your memes aren't funny on other boards they won't be funny here
My waifu is Tomoyo and she'd probably like individual musicians rather than bands.
So which ones would she like?
The one in my name.
Mine doesn''t have a favorite band, but we often listen to Grazhdanskaya Oborona(Civil Defence) She says that their music is a bit strange, but she still seem to like it. I suppose she listens some j-pop or something like that, but I don't know their names.
>waifus only listen to Sup Forumsshit
Fucking plebs.
top level bait right here
My waifu is Yano Erika, and she likes Kinoko Teikoku.
Says the faggot making a thread to show off how he lurked Sup Forums for a couple of days. This entire thread is a fucking joke. Get some individual taste instead of regurgitating the essentials chart that every fuckboy clings to upon their first visit to one of the most cancerous, pseudo-intellectual Sup Forums boards.
Is Yui you're waifu?
S3 Never would like A2 Never.
Every letter you hear screamed out - from A to Z
But the Avalanches seem a bit too mellow for her
I don't have a waifu, but I love supereurobeat
You're crossboard shitposting with the Sup Forums equivalent of "yeah I'm really into anime. Cowboy Bebop, DBZ, the list goes on..." and telling me I'm baiting? Either I'm missing the 70/82 levels of irony here or you have about as much self-awareness as you do a taste in music.
No. Ruka is my waifu. And before you say anything, I know that it's a guy and I'm ok with that
Your shit waifus aren't listening to your shit western music trash bands. She's probably listening to her universe's version of Perfume and akb48.
I'd be okay if Haruhi listened to Perfume or any other Nakata core, but akb48 would really disappoint me.
Their albums are rather varied. Their first album, Safe as Milk, is more classic 60s blues rock, while the later album Doc at the Radar Station is quite post-punk. Neither beats Trout Mask Replica in creative brilliance though.
My waifu has eclectic taste, faggot.
That's a man, baby
Shoegaze I guess.
You're waifu must be disappointed then because Wildflower was shiet.
I almost cried.
I thought it was pretty good. Some of the hip hop tracks were weak like The Noisy Eater and Frankie Sinatra but most of the tracks were nice. Nowhere near as good as SILY though.
Am I doing it right?
No, seriously. Asuka grew up in Germany and EVA is from the 90s, so she probably like Techno or House or some shit like that.
I thought Wildflower was AOTD material and I'm sure Haruhi would feel he same
>Fav band
Death grips
Wafiu is Sakuya
And I bet she love Vivaldi
her mother was Jap so maybe
I think Boards of Canada would fit better
The glitchier side of the raster noton lot would make more sense.
Did you like Grandfeathered?
I think it's easily in top-10 aotysf.
Lain likes noise.
Not him but what a great album, easily the best shoegaze I've heard this year,
Misaki's favourite artist is James Plotkin.
I prefer Everything Else Matters though.