vox - white men are worse than muslims
Wtf is this journalism
Other urls found in this thread:
1. They never count 9/11 in their stats.
2. White men built this nation.
3. Muslim and white man are not mutually exclusive.
4. >vox
There's something about the author that I can't quite put my finger on.
Huge difference between crime from a native and from a foreigner. Just think about it for a while why crime by foreigners is worse.
Also, they say muslim foreigners, so people who don't live here, but what happens when you follow merkel's lead and let them flood in? That's a different story.
Did they adjust for population size? We don't let too many Muslims into our country and Trump banned the most extreme countries.
How do the stats compare to white Christian terrorism in majority Muslim countries?
If you don't count 9/11 and you do count this than whites now just barely kill more than muslims in terrorist attacks. This guy single handedly ruined the stats. Before I could say muslim terrorists (2% of the US population) kill more than white terrorists (72% population). Now I can no longer say that because it's not true, all thanks to this guy.
My fucking talking points are ruined.
I'm fucking pissed.
>Did they adjust for population size?
lol did she fuck.
This is some of the worst stat manipulation I've seen.
Even for a filthy lying Muslim it's bad.
Is he a convert tho?
goddamn that didnt take long, not even a full day and white males are already the problem. anyone calling vox out on this racist bullshit? if you replace "white" with literally any other race then the author would be forced to give an apology right before she was fired.
No proof.
Hispanic guy
You white boys are screwed! White women are going to hate you even more!
I've been saying this all last week. We have to kill the MSM off, the same way they want to kill us off. It's either buzzfeed or us.
>Hispanic guy
so you're ugly n fat or immediately believed to be a woman beating thief, even after this false flag attack, you can't compare yourself to white males
1% of the population commits 40% of terrorist actions.
White americans, the worst ones.
Man I wonder what the US would look like with 10% of muzz, thank god you have an ocean between you and them
Fake, sadly
>captcha: hotels
>you're the reason terror attacks happen
>lick islams asshole and revoke your freedumbs!
oh wait not even that was enough to stop terror attacks from happening in canada.
Why don't white men shoot up these media faggots?
all of my wat
these fucking corpse dancers, i swear
What's the killer's name?
anything to push their agenda. regardless of how goddanm awful it is.
also london is like 90% islam, he's just doing what he knows will get him votes.
He committed a terror attack.
How much more Muslim can you get?
did they take their names off the articles so people wouldn't know who to hang when society collapses?
>white men - Muslims
>conflating race with ideology
They really love to blur the lines between what is mass murder and what is terrorism. Isn't it easy to see they're not the same thing and that a solid ideology needs to back the act before it is terrorism.
Person kills 50 because of his ideology = terrorism
Person kills 50 without ideological cause = murder
*of course it's very case sensitive and not as simple as I've put
They are less than 1% of the population...
If you take terrorist/mass shooter origin per capita, then whites are the second LESS LIKELY to commit them, just behind Hispanics.
That article is 100% click bait.
That's the key word.
>white men are worse than muslims
Cool, maby all the people who complain about America will finally leave.
>Whites are a majority of the population (Still)
>Muslims are a minority
You're telling me that a statistical minority that is somewhere around 1-2% of the population commits this much death and destruction and I have to worry about the majority?
Not only that, but they also mentioned "Muslim FOREIGNERS" to reduce that 1% number even more.
Clearly click bait.
Relax cheng im actually a papi chulo. Probably taller too(6'3). Im just saying events like this is not going to help white guys outs. Especially if niggers, jews and liberals are blaming white men. White women follow trends and when they see all of them saying how bad white men are, they will follow. Not to mention the white guy had an asian gf. White women hate white men with asian gf's.
I've been shitting this all over Faceberg all day.
Never has it been so useful.
Good point
That settles it, time to genocide white men and import muslims.
This can not be real....
Please tell me there are people calling out this bullshit...if not we are lost.
Muslim foriegners doesnt include muslim US citizens, im sure.
It's just clickbait; enraging a particular group of people will surely bring in those ad shekels!
Nope, it's real...
There is no way that is real.
number of leftists to ever move away from evil white men and to a muslim country : 0
>white shooter
>but the victims were white people
>brow wipe
you know the one
I really hope a FUCKING WHITE MALE shoots up the Vox offices.
Please do it Sup Forums. For great justice.
Not only that, but ISIS is claiming this guy, so he literally is a Muslim, just not a foreigner.
Wasn't the "deadliest shooting" right before this a Muslim guy?
The narrative is starting to crumble methinks
quite telling, that they have to explicitly state that it's muslim FOREIGNERS.
we have forgotten 9/11 because most people today were too young to remember it
this wasnt a terrorist attack though
Also, did they forget about 9/11?
Well you could start by just defining what a terrorist is.
Not any one with a gun is a terrorist ya know?
The FBI, CIA etc doesn't define it, investigate it and combat it on those terms so why should you let some lefty make it out to be like that?
Well you should count 9/11 - it was real.
sam hyde
hi melania!
>make it count
If you don't count 9/11, you can't count OKC either. Both are building collapses
If there is, we're not going to hear about it. Because it doesn't serve the "whitey bad, kill whitey" narrative they have been accelerating.
that sentence doesn't even make sense. not surprising since it was written by one of the vox children
per capita?
>People living in a country are a bigger threat to it than people seperated from it by thousands of miles of ocean
Really activates those almonds
you're missing the point. you need to divide attacks committed/fatalities caused by the number of
a. white men
b. muslims
in the country.
Who else ready to /PURGE/ and take back this country?
All memes aside, Im absolutely fucking done with these people. If revolution is what it takes then so be it, I refuse to play by (((their))) rules any longer. All white Americans must unite, we either unite or we die, there is no middle ground.
>Implying Muslims did 9/11
Also notice that they’re saying “foreign” Muslim. So I guess Omar “turning fruits into vegetables” Mateen doesn’t count since he was an American
One is an ideology and one is a race.