Realistic, well-written MCs

In this age of floppy limp beta main characters in Anime, it's really refreshing to finally see one written WELL.

Finally they Deconstructed the old trope of a tryhard Trapped In Another World MC!

I hope this trend stays in Anime so we can have more realistic cringe like Subaru and less Marty Stus like Soma!

What do all of you guys think? Thanks!!

I think you should consider suicide.

I don't care that this is b8 because I genuinely think that Subaru is a wellwritten.and realistic character.

re;zero is only my 5th anime but this trope is such a bore.
this is steins;gate with a retarded MC

I'll concede that I'm much more interested in him now thanks to the previous 3 episodes. But calling him realistic is just plain wrong.

>re;zero is only my 5th anime but this trope is such a bore

Your opinion doesn't matter. Lurk more before posting on Sup Forums.

This, I agree with you OP, but you type like a faggot. Go back to red dit

Of course I can't tell if this is bait though, the baitsters these days are very clever.

Okabe was cringe but likable unlike SHitbaru.

>spews emotions blatantly at the audience to get point across
>complete lack of subtlety on the writers parts
>nothing but cheap emotional pandering
>well written

>re;zero is only my 5th anime but this trope is such a bore.

You don't know anything about this media, therefore your opinion is worth less than shit.