This is Akari.
This is Akari
Other urls found in this thread:
How are you posting without an image, OP?
Hi Akari.
I didn't even know you could make threads without images.
Am I on Sup Forums?
This is best girl.
Since you forgot to attach an image, I'll let you borrow best girl to start the thread.
L-let's... L-let's do it!
Sup Forumstards need to fuck off with their shitty meme hats
If you ever get a girlfriend I will be happy to fuck her for you.
It's the only thing I have been looking forward to this year
A box of pino on an empty table? Is that the best they could put together ...
>you'll never be part of the Amusement Club
I can't stop having sexual thoughts about the yurus.
I just picked the first image I saw of her senpai. I don't even go to that board
Posting some pics from when I went to the YRYR cafe back in January. This one is the shrine they had set up for Ayano's birthday.
Are you a qt animu grill?
I want to head pat Akari.
Nope, I'm a qt fat neckbeard.
Here's the best drink I had in Japan. It's the Kyoko x Ayano drink. Peaches, some mild purple soft drink and a scoop of rum raisin.
>Image appears the right way when looked at in explorer
>turned to the side when posted
Odango Bazooka bowl. Pretty good for anime themed cafe food.
Ayano's birthday caramel dessert. The fruit was low quality tinned/jarred stuff but the pudding and icecream were nice.
birthday lithograph.
That's all because the rest are just images of the wall scrolls and chibi cardboard characters.
5/5 pictures with the wrong orientation.
Akari now hates you user.
I even uploaded them all to imgur and they were the right way up. Sup Forums's image server just hates me
>tfw Akane will never be your gf
>tfw she'll never pin Akari down for you
>YRYR cafe
Say what now?
She wouldn't want you, user. She only wants Akari.
Late last year to early this year the animate cafe in Akihabara (and I think one or two more) changed everything to YRYR. The cafes tend to swap pretty regularly and my trip to Japan happened to coincide with the last couple of weeks it was open.
When I was in Ikebukuro they had a Noragami cafe open but I was in a rush to get to the psycho pass art exhibition and didn't have the time to stop for more than a peek at the interior.
I want to hug Yui!
I wanna bully the shit outta her.
I love you Akari
every thread without fail
This is Sup Forums post
Iay iay, chotto matte, Akarin !
>read it in her voice
>What's an user like you doing in a thread like this?
a day without Akari is a day with no happiness.
Kyouko > Akari > Ayano >> Sakurako = Yui > Rest
Akari makes me smile everyday
So jelly. Thanks for sharing.
I want a fourth season. I want more happiness.
Are we ever getting a new Secret flowers?
More like shitarin AHAHAHA
No China.
Doga Kabo only.
Final Destination.
>No China.
Literally nothing wrong with Chinatsu.
>Doga Kabo only.
This is a requirement.
>implying Chinatsu-chan isn't sugoi
This is sexualized Akari
>how to spot a newfag.txt
>i have nothing to say I reply anyway
You pretty much described the whole thread.
Who doesn't want to lick her neck
Who doesn't want to lick her all over
Akari is my cute little onahole.
How old will Akari be on her birthday?
Are anime characters forever their set age?
>chitose and Hima that low
I'm so sorry for your terminal shit taste, user.