wtf mass shootings have bar graphs now like when you're playing a video game
i love it
wtf mass shootings have bar graphs now like when you're playing a video game
i love it
Holy shit he broke the highscore.
>I killed fitty men
>Muslims hold the record for the top 2 attacks.
sandy hook clearly has the cleanest performance tho, i mean of all targets hit only 1 didnt die
the us one
brevik is still champion wordwide
how long until we get talking head roundtable debates about who's truly the best mass murderer?
i mean if more people had been at that mcdonalds in binghamton that easily could have been higher up the list
just in terms of massacres at mcdonald locations alone, its the most efficient, with only 4 of the 17 hit not dying
How long until we have speedruns?
What ranks higher, quality or quantity? Lanza's ratio is insane, this old guy was mediocre. Even the fag smoker had a better kill/wound ratio than him.
It's when you see the numbers outlined like that that you really realize how irrelevant those deaths are. Left wing politicians and the media act like it's a fucking holocaust, but it's not even 300 people in a country of 350 million over many years. The number is so irrelevant. More people die from choking on food every year that from those "mass shootings"
It's all about the spectacle of mass murder.
Why was the aurora guy so shitty at shooting people ?
And why do americans have mass shootings every few months ?
>france in charge of talking about the frequency of terrorist attacks
I don't know why the fuck do the French deal with a terrorist attack every week?
He used an AR and it jammed. In France, the guys that genocided an entire music club used AK's... no jams
a videogame about mas shootings sound like a pretty good idea
gun control has increased over the years yet the shootings have become worse and more frequent
I thought gun control would work
wtf are the democrats lying???
Because we have lots of Ahmeds. Thank god they can't get guns as easily as in the US, we'd be even more fucked than we already are.
And i'm not talking about terrorism but about some white boy shooting up his school and shit like that.
Some states in your country literally have 3rd world tier murder rates, you shouldn't talk about our stabby Ahmeds when your angry Queeshondas kill much more.
Which race/ideology will beat the 50+ record?
lurk more newfag
96.42% Accuracy. What a fiend.
Breivik already did it
If we're only talking about America then whatever that old faggot supported already beat Mateen the closeted gay
That looks fun as fuck, sauce?
B/c criminals. Why does france have truck assaults? b/c criminals but no guns.
Why does england have acid attacks? B/c criminals but no guns.
The common denominator is always a criminal
it's called Not Important
I know what that is, and its absolute dogshit.
I just like top down shooters I swear
when will europe ban vehicles since they've killed more people than guns have
Vehicles are much more effective at killing people than guns. Guns are precision tools. If your only goal is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest span of time things like explosives and vehicles are much more effective.
It's really all about physics and energy. There isn't that much energy involved with each bullet. A truck, airplane, or bomb has many thousands of times more energy than a few hundred bullets.
how did that work in charlotsville?
the 1 bitch who died literally died of a heart attack not being run over, the girl who was on the back of the car an got crushed into the SUV wasnt the one who died
what an edgelord
ISIS will claim any attack that happens in the world. Doubt he was actually a member of ISIS or even a convert, unless I missed some valuable info.
insert coin to play again
His killer it's one of my favorite figures, he was a Spanish man who's brother got killed by Silva Renard, he sailed to Chile and stabbed the general.
Pure revenge.