As white privileged male, I'm sorry for this senseless act of violence my race brought upon society


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fish with sage

The only other demographic I can think of being criticized for this sort of attack is Muslims. Muslim is not a race but an ideology, so her tactic here of pointing out how it's hypocritical to attack Muslims but not also white people is not valid.

>using twitter

Absolutely haram, where is his brother ?

This is the fault of black homosexual atheist females.

I'm hedging hes just a metal head expressing his condemnation for country music.

it was a muslim lol.
Islamic state took responsibility.
Wife is from a muslim country.
He attacked stereotypical white people.

I've never heard of this person. I thought a blue checkmark was meant to denote you were someone significant?

>equating race with religion

Muslim intellectuals, everyone.

> my race
Race is a social construct you fucking statist

So we can do like against like comparisons now? Because muslims blowing themselves up in muslim countries doesn't get talked about all that much.


day of the rope draws ever closer

The wife don't wear the hijab, drink tons of alchohol of course it's not ISIS

It could be nationally rather than religiously inspired.
>For my brothers and sisters in the middle east killed by the american military.

>Two massive European wars in 20 years

>Say it loud
>Say it proud
>We are vanilla isis

>not "woman using the internet without permission"
you are the haram here

He was killing fascists though. The stuff you people tweet about everyday. And the victims were white. Double plus good.

The FBI stopped the interrogatory of the woman so it's can be here

>being born white is the same thing as a actively choosing to subscribe to a religion

Really activates the almonds.


They released the wife of the orlando nightclub shooter and have since rearrested her.

The Orlando shooter was a faggot

They said that to smear him. He had a wife and his dad said he wasnt gay.

the NRA will pay for this, hillary will make sure of that

Why can't liberals understand? Blacks have a herd mentality, white people do not. They have no autonomy and all act the same due to limited IQ. It's like if there is an animal infestation, you get rid of it. Not treat it individually. For whites its different since we are more evovled and are inidividuals

>not on my watch
What's she going to do? Cancel their Costco cards?

Also for Muslims, its the same thing but worse due to Islam literally being a hivemind

>he had a wife
Arranged marriage perhaps?

Just part and parcel of living in the United States.

If you're not dead, get your ass back to work.

Yeah, I'm not sure what the blue checkmark means anymore. Who the fuck is this bitch and why does she get a verified account?

Whatever they can use to make him sound like "Not a Real Muslim™"

Yes, but not a gay one

> his Muslim dad
> no gay man has ever had wife and kids
He had a grindr
There was no reason to smear him other than try to say he wasn't part of isis.


This makes sense. Not.


flip that around and slap conservitard on it

>No reason
Oh sweetie. This was a push to "prove" that evil republican anti-gay rhetoric drove a poor innocent good boy who happened to be gay to self loathing and violence. Classic "look over there" tactic, when nothing logical can refute the obvious answer

where is his wife from?

Every single muslim that does something bad in the UK always end up being Not a Real Muslim™ too.


The philippines.

Lol K

pretty much this, but most white people don't have an ideology that tells them to kill people. So we never have to apologize for another white person killing hundreds of people in daily terrorist attacks.

>le white male is le problem

Do you know her home town?

As white privileged male, I'm sorry for this senseless act of violence my race brought upon society.


Its called Pad Thai.

He's an anti trumper targeting republicans

I think it's pretty cool that we finally have our first elderly mass shooter.

>As white privileged male...


It's donkey dick suckers like you that has fucked up this world with your pro-terrorist, sodomite loving, fucked up SJW horse shit.

You left wingers are an embarrassment to the entire history of the human race.

Spread your uncanny retardation else where you filthy piece of shit.

it's never been that
it only shows that you are who you say you are

He wasn't a real white man bro.

I've never heard em make this argument, but I can respect the sentiment.

Yeah man, we need that travel ban for white men. They commit so much gun crime..

>Quick, distance yourselves
I don't put all white into a collective so I don't think I will

Sup Forums please
you'll make a fool out of yourself sharing nonsense like that
remember when you said the charlottsville car driver was a liberal?

All of that info was fake shit.

Well he was american. Probably mixed race.

Undeniable proof right there. You can clearly see the two pixels looks just the same.

It came off that he was ashamed of his gayness because he was muslim

According to his social media pages he was a liberal, left wing Clinton voter. This is the second terror attack committed by the left wing. It’s time to call them out.

Umm sweetie being white is not an ideology while your pedophile cult is

white people crimes in white people countries are a matter for themselves to sort out, brown people crimes in white people countries are a matter everyone has to deal with...

Just workplace violence, why would you overreact like that? Are you some kind of racist bigot?


She didn't even fucking look then since leftists are already on their knees and apologizing
She's reaching levels of "not an argument" that shouldn't even be possible