>you can't just ban guns it won't work
>but you can totally ban muslims and immigrants from coming into the US. That'll totally work.
>you can't just ban guns it won't work
>but you can totally ban muslims and immigrants from coming into the US. That'll totally work.
Other urls found in this thread:
You'll never get our guns. Kill yourself.
Most gun deaths are caused by non-whites. So yes, it does make sense.
well yeah. guns don't kill people. people kill people. banning people=less killing
Banning guns sure worked out well for Venezuela.
You're too smart for this board bro. These mouth breathers won't know how to respond to this one.
>Muslims are equivalent to inanimate objects
Cool it with the Islamophobia man
It worked for the United Kingdom. Compare their gun deaths to the United States.
>Muslims can be 3D printed
>People can make Muslims in their garage out of steel pipe
OP, what do you know that we don't?
>Acid attack capital of the world
The more inclusive a society is, the more it has to be regulated.
You only get these mass shootings in places like America where equality and tolerance are forced memes. In places like UK, guns are banned, and knives are binned; that's the consequence of living in a diverse country.
Here in Atlantic Canada, the only bad thing that happened was some Asian mental patient decapitated a guy.. Like.. That's fucking lame. And despite liberal media, we DO have guns, LOTS of guns.
>Go to wikipedia
>Hit ctrl+F
>type "PEI, labrador, newfoundland, new brunswick, nova scotia"
>.. Nothing
>Population 90%+ white
Look out a truck!
Look out a bomb!
Look out a knife!
the UK should only be held up as an example of how to kill your own culture
What is knife crime rate?
Violent crime didn't decrese. Neck yourself.
That's why explosives are banned but were used in the Manchester bombing.
Nice try kid
>get btfo
>proceeds with epic meems
You're right. Genocide is more reasonable. Thank you Apu.
Muslims are dangerous people that need to be left in their own countries. Guns are Americans unalienable rights, that prevent death.
You're right a gun is the only way to kill people.
There's already like 2 guns per person in circulation. There will be very few people that will willing give them up.
>objects and people are the SAME!!!
You're a fucking moron.
banning guns will reduce the overall amount of deaths but it won't fix our sick society. we live in a depressing, alienated, atomized country where very few people have a proper sense of community, identity, duty, and shared responsibility, and in these conditions psychopathic behavior flourishes
Banning alcohol didn't work here. Americans love guns as much as they love alcohol. It's easy to build guns, nearly as easy as making alcohol, liberals who know nothing about guns don't understand this.
everyone in this thread arguing with a troll is a fucking moron.
Muslims are not vital for self-defence, banning them has no downsides.
Jaque mate.
Look out an elder man with 20 assault rifles on a roof!
that's correct, leaf. the 2nd amendment prevents the government from banning guns, and article 1, section 8 gives congress the power to create immigration law.
Pretty sure only one of those is a constitutional right.
It's almost as if there's threats to your life no matter what and the only thing that changes is the form in which they come or something.
>ut you can totally ban muslims and immigrants from coming into the US. That'll totally work.
It will reduce the number of Muslims and deter them from arriving in mass.
Terrorist Muslims aren't the problem, but Muslims society is . Know the difference and ignore Jew OP shill thread raider.
We thrive on your hate, Kike. Piss in this ocean of piss.
Cuckservarrive logic
there is a constitutional right to bear arms.
there is not a constitutional right to immigrate to the US
>When getting punched outside a pub is equated with american gun murders
Agreed. But we should go futher and ban mudslimes from earth.
Don't take away the 2nd amendment. Please, I haven't even felt an AR in my arms yet.
Freedom of religion is part of the first amendment
>Live in U.K
>Someone hits me in the head with a hammer outside of a pub
Your nanny state shithole is the Violent Crime capital of Europe, meanwhile the Swiss all have Guns and their violent crime is the lowest.
more like
>get hit in the face with acid outside of a pub
You can very effectively hide large numbers of guns, hiding Muslims is a much more difficult affair
And drugs
Oh yeah. God damn what a shithole.
There is more probability of dying from a guy aiming at you with assault rifle than a guy wielding a knife
Thats why one is more used in a war where the goal is to kill the fastest with the most efficiency
How dumb are you?
>500 people get hit with bullets outside concert
Lmao what comparison can you hope to make here
Guns are tools. Islam is an ideology that actively promotes violence against those who reject Islam
lol, section 8
>but you can totally ban muslims and immigrants from coming into the US. That'll totally work.
But you can.
>guns are objects
>muslims are "people"
wow like two drops of water
Guns Cant radicalize
People will get guns one way or another, historically banning any product has never worked.
As for stopping ILLEGAL immigration, it is possible, and frankly many illegals are able to get away with commiting some of the worst crimes, since the worst that can happen to them is that they get deported back to mexico, only to sneak back in the same barren stretch of desert.
I agree youropoor.
>>but you can totally ban muslims and immigrants from coming into the US. That'll totally work.
Works great for Poland and Hungary
It's working for Poland
except in the U.S. more people are bludgeoned to death every year.
Its a dumb argument, of course its more deadly because its more advanced tech that doesn't change the fact that massive casulites can be done WITH OUT guns and inspite of gun control. You of all people should know that you CHEESE EATING SURRENDER MONKEY
What about cars/knifes? Should we ban it as well?
>There is more probability of dying from a guy aiming at you with assault rifle than a guy wielding a knife
So what? That doesn't support your point or anything. Are you actually fucking retarded? Being attacked by someone with a knife is extremely deadly as well, you don't know how things actually are and your autistic brain thinks in movie and video game terms rather than in realistic ones. Hopefully you'll get mugged and stabbed while you're out and then you can see that a threat to your life is a threat to your life regardless of the source.
And yes, you are European, cause we want you less. Much less.
>Be Britturd
>So paralyzed by fear you stop defending yourself and expect the government to defend you
>Get bombed
>Get acid splashed in face
>Get gangraped
>Get robbed
>Get prosecuted for attempting to defend yourself while robbed
>Get beaten in the streets by your own countrymen and foreigners alike more than anyone else in Europe or America.
>Shitpost because of statistically irrelevant slaughters that have happened throughout history and will continue to happen while pretending they're exclusively American.
Less people die if a crazy person has a knife you faggot. More people get shhot in Chicago on a weekend than get murdered with a knife in the UK in a year.
Except 1 guy with a knife causes less potential death and injuries than a guy with an assault weapon.
Why do you people not get that the more powerful the weapon is the more dangerous it is?
Not an argument. Violence is violence. The odds of you having to deal with someone attacking you with a knife are astronomically higher than the odds of someone attack me with an "Assault Rifle"
Also, downplaying knives is really, really foolish.
>>you can't just ban guns it won't work
Yes, because there's hundreds of millions of guns already in the US. You'd have to ban all gun production, then confiscate them all, and you'd still never get everything.
>>but you can totally ban muslims and immigrants from coming into the US. That'll totally work.
We don't have that many muslims yet. Now, if you had suggested banning spics and niggers, it would be similar to the gun argument - there's too many here now to get rid of them all, something Stormfags don't understand.
>ban immigrants from coming into the US
>try to round up over 300 million guns
if you weren't retarded you'd know the difference. sage.
How? Gun homicides increased for a full decade after the ban in the UK than the year before the ban.
>The odds of you having to deal with someone attacking you with a knife are astronomically higher than the odds of someone attack me with an "Assault Rifle"
Yet the odds of someone attacking you with an assault weapon is higher than someone attacking me with one.
Rather difficult to ban inanimate objetcs that can easily be hidden without any maintenance while shitskins cannot be hidden and will always need food, water, money, white women to rape, free shit, etc.
Why do you not get that there are things that have no restrictions and are widely available that are capable of doing much, much more damage than any firearm?
So what?
You are a fucking retard.
Nice bait
And so is the likelihood of you drowning because you own a backyard pool.
Bongs are so fucking retarded. I'd want a gun to shoot myself if I lived in your shitty 1984 nanny state.
Is that why year after year more people are killed by knives then rifles?
too bad our women wont realize this
The UK is literally an Orwellian state.
fuck off cunt, I'd rather be allowed to own a firearm and defend myself rather then being disfigured by acid and the Isis Mayor calling it part and parcel
>"More people are killed per year by any type off knives than this specific type of gun that ontop of the already bigger firearm death rate"
Have fun with your Bazookas then since they don't kill many people at all.
>brought up muh salt rifles
In short you must be retarded. "Assault weapons" kill less than fists eah year.
>its as easy and desirable to smuggle humans as it is pieces of metal
>Item that can be stored in the home for fifty years, needs little maintenance
>People with murderous beliefs, no skills and poor hygeine who need to be fed, housed, policed and pacified constantly
>Useful tool
>Useless scum
>Taking hundreds of millions of small concealable items out of millions of private homes
>A small change to immigration processes meaning a demographic is denied entry/permission to stay
you watch way too many action movies
What is this permanent socks shit
You guys are real weasels
Have fun watching your children get raped while you stand by and do nothing like the good little subject you are.
Also, with the right tax stamp, you can own RPGS.
>You guys are real weasels
Aka I have no real argument to these fantastic points
One of those points was a UK firearm homicide graph that "magically" stops 8 years ago on a downward trend. The other was a graph that shows firearms dwarving knifes in an attempt to suggest knives are more dangerous. The other was a knife attack by commited by 8 organised people with a lower death/injury toll than the Las Vegas attack.
Knives are dangerous too, if guns were banned knive crimes would probably rise in the US. But you americans do anything to avoid admitting maybe access to firearms actually allows individuals to cause more harm than otherwise.
Then why did 80 people die in Nice, and 100s in Paris if gun control is so useful?
You are literally a statist cuck so brainwashed by your orwellian state that you think you are better off under the governments thumb as long as mass SHOOTINGS and mass SHOOTINGS alone don't happen