Spring 2016 sales

*8,225 Jojo
*8,078 Haifuri
*8,049 Re zero
*7,828 Bungou Stray Dogs
*6,880 Kabaneri
>*4,695 Boku no Hero Academy
*3,286 Flying Witch
*2,826 Bakuon
>*2,678 Sansha Sanyou
*2,285 Netoge
*2,180 Ushio and Tora
*1,848 Tanaka-kun
*1,809 Kuma Miko
*1,539 Hundred
*1,508 Kiznaiver
*1,530 Asterisk
*1,138 Anne Happy
**,691 Shonen Maid
**,654 Tonkatsu DJ
**,505 Sakamoto
**,422 Concrete Revolutio
**,407 Terrarformars
**,*** Sousei no Onmyouji
**,*** Endride

Other urls found in this thread:


>3,286 Flying Witch

I expected worse

>*4,695 Boku no Hero Academy

That's ok i guess?

It was a pretty low sale season but top 10 is still pretty good

At least is not a complete flop

so this means Sansha Sanyou gets a second season right? ;_;

>*8,225 Jojo
>*8,078 Haifuri

Manime always wins baby.


How did Haifuri manage to do that well? It's discount GuP with a side of western feminism.

>Ushio to Tora and Sakamoto that low
>Hero Academy and Kabaneri that high
Fuck I didn't think Sakamoto would flop that hard.

Wow people actually bought Super Lovers?

>Haifuri added 1406 on its second week
>Jojo added 257

It'll pass it on the third week.

Tons and tons of advertising

Didn't save Kiznaiver.

>*6,880 Kabaneri
Who the fuck is buying this trash?

Egoist fans.

>**,505 Sakamoto

I guess we should call it SUCKamoto now considering the anime was trash with its shitty director

>*1,138 Anne Happy
We're not gonna get a second season, are we?

>**,505 Sakamoto
This isn't fucking fair.

Is it that good?

>sansha sanyou selling more than anne happy
Everything is not that bad after all, now it just needs to pass Bakuon.

Also, Nice Haifuri is ahead of Re Zero and Jojo still in first place, Flying Witch is the best selling SOL this season, all according to Keikaku.

>*2,678 Sansha Sanyou
>*1,848 Tanaka-kun
This is actually unacceptable while somehow Bungou Stray Dogs sold 7k.

>*1,138 Anne Happy
This makes me annehappy

I watched the first episode and thought haha this is kind of silly and then just didn't bother to watch any more. I assume a lot of people felt similar.


Kisama BTFO.

> *1,508 Kiznaiver
It came out three weeks ago right?
>**,505 Sakamoto
Not as cool after all. Deserved, one of the most borings things I've ever watch. Can't even call it a comedy.

>>*8,078 Haifuri

Season2 when?

Let's see what fujoshit purchased this season
>*7,828 Bungou Stray Dogs
>*4,695 Boku no Hero Academy
And this

>*8,078 Haifuri

Haifuri wasn't great but it was still leagues better than Kiznaiver

Jojo is alright? i need Vento Aureo anime

>*4,695 Boku no Hero Academy


I'm glad JoJo seems to be doing well, I want the see the other parts (at the very least 5 and 6) animated too.

Any series where two or more male characters interact regularly is fujo material, apparently.

>Event ticket
Fujoshit would pay good money to see Miyano Mamoru. Not to mention the rest of famous male voice actors

>*6,880 Kabaneri

Suck it, faggots.

It's pretty much confirmed, no need to worry, part 5 is the most liked part in japan after the part 3, so it'll sell no matter what, and part 6 is the end of Jojo so of course it's gonna be animated if they go until part 5.

Let's pray for part 7 someday.

>Habanero tanked just as predicted


Where is Luluco?

Is this the WOAT season for anime sales? Top 3 shows are at 8k, and Macross will probably not go that much above 10k.

It can't be helped. Sansha Sangyou actually has animation and high production value.
Anne happy has shit production value and barely any animation.

This picture is bothering me. Those foot positions don't seem to work out


Surprisingly okay.

>Shitty writing + shitty female + shitty villain
>No fujoshit fanbase + fujoshit favorite male voice actors + male fanservice
Yeah, it didn't even stand a chance
At least Fujo dogs and Fairy tail, even with its shitty writing + jobber and shitty villains, has fujos male voice actors and fanservice

>*8,078 Haifuri

Kancolle killer they said

>not a single 10K seller
Man this year is dry as fuck, where all the sales ran too?

Anne Happy was the superior Kirara.

>still going to sell more than memeyoiga

Everything this season is going to outsell memeyoiga except maybe Endride, but we'll never know.


>sansha sanyou actually did decent


It really reminded me of an era when anime wasn't so contrived and tryhard, and budget issues weren't so glaring. I really liked the addition of new VA's too. Extremely refreshing series - no risks taken, no risks needed.

>haifuri, rezero, bakuon, super lovers and stray dogs that high

>terraformars that fucking low

What the fuck happened? The first two episodes were BAD and the art style shift sucks, but it was pretty good after that.

>How do you know if some anime is bought by fujoshi
if number of bought DVDs is similar to number of bought BDs for that volume

>What the fuck happened?
>The first two episodes were BAD and the art style shift sucks

It was a shit season. Otaku aren't interested


>*7,828 Bungou Stray Dogs
Why? How?

>Event ticket
>Miyano Mamoru

Nah man, winter had awful sales as well, just compare the first half of 2015 to this one and you will see, all shit is underselling. I think 2016 so far is a really shitty year but i didnt expect my opinion to reflect on the sales as well.

Any real numbers as to how many series this was versus say five or ten years ago? Are we still being flooded by lots of anime?

>All those butt shots
>Sexy edgy villain that dress like a vampire
>All those hot male characters
>Best ending song
>Good art on tumblr
I'm in furry fandom and MC is a furry so that is also a good thing

Well it's a good season for fujoshit. And summer will be also good season for them

No, it's just that otaku don't buy shitty anime and fujoshit will buy anything that has fanservice+voice actors, no matter how shitty characters, villains or story is

> otaku don't buy shitty anime

then why is Re: Zero selling?

Just counting in the charts, there are around 50 new shows this season while 2011 had around 28 and 2006 had 26 new shows, so yeah, still pumping, but the numbers are not showing.

It might have lots of shows but that doesnt mean they will be good or sell. The "fujoshit sells" myth is exagerated since there are tons of fujo shows that dont sell, the thing is that people forget them.

>tumblr being relevant
>admitting to be a furry
Kill yourself.

It's up to manga sales now.

You did buy your keychains and other trinkets?

>All this ass mad about rezero doing good
You all only hated it after it started climbing. I didn't see anywhere near this amount of hate when it was still low on the rankings.

>then why is Re: Zero selling?
It's not


Aniplex is.

Personal favourite this season was Boku no Hero academia. Kabaneri went to shit, Re Zero was great but now I literally hate Subaru the beta cuck.

Anime is ded, sales are so low

Glad Re:Zero is selling so well.

BD sales on top of the big LN boost should be more than enough for a second season. Let's hope they make it.

>,505 Sakamoto
What the fuck?

>being glad for a harem selling

Sup Forums is truly dead


>7,828 Bungou Stray Dogs
Fujo strong

>*1,539 Hundred
>*1,508 Kiznaiver
>*1,530 Asterisk

Wait, there's a japanese Asterix adaptation?

lurk for 2 years before posting, cancer.

Reminder that if you watch less than 35+ shows a season you are not allowed to post on Sup Forums as you cannot make an informed opinion.

those gays are something...

hail the ships

I wouldn't call MHA "fujoshit" specifically since it wasn't MADE to be fujoshit like Stray Dogs, but hooo boy it has a huge fucking fujo quotient.

Like there's more yaoi fanart of MHA than there is of Stray Dogs- which was obstinately made for fujos.

Man that franchise is so stupid

You're stupid

>*8,049 Re zero
Does this mean we will get a full adaptation?

>Sakamoto that low
this is why we can't have nice things

>Sakamoto being outsold by Tonkatsu DJ
literally what is happening

I only look at the summaries of each anime and base my shitposting off that.

>Re zero that high
The Isekai ride never ends, right?

I watched like 5 shows this season, and they all sucked (except flying witch)

It was one of the best seasons in years, you casual scumbag.

Then where are the sales

Epic relevant comeback.

Pretty sure I read that the author only wanted an anime if it was going to adapt everything so probably.

At least watch something you're insulting

>*8,078 Haifuri
Season 2 when
Movie when
Fanservice OVA about subs boys when

You know how I get down