The hogyoku are eyes. Thats how Urahara was able to foresee so many outcomes. He synthesized The Almighty.
No shipping shit.
Ignore both sides as theyre are one group reverse trolling.
Report them.
Lets discuss Bleach without the faggotry.
The hogyoku are eyes. Thats how Urahara was able to foresee so many outcomes. He synthesized The Almighty.
No shipping shit.
Ignore both sides as theyre are one group reverse trolling.
Report them.
Lets discuss Bleach without the faggotry.
Other urls found in this thread:
One thing I absolutely hate about bleach: how kubo dealt with Yamamoto.
Yamamoto vs Aizen: Aizen declared Yamaji is too powerful for him and he'd lose on a head to head battle. What then? Aizen pulls out retarded-bankai-stealer out of his ass and steals Yamaji's bankai. He's left to fight with hie hands.
Yamamoto vs Ywach: Ywach claims Yamaji is powerful. What then? Yamaji's bankai is absolutely god-tier and able to defeat Ywach. BUT out of nowhere we find out that Ywach is using a shapeshifter before stealing Yamaji's bankai. For fucks sake Kubo.
Why make a character so strong that you have to resort to hax every time to defeat him? It grinds my gears everytime I think about how the manga did not do justice with Yamaji's character.
This is a theory, not Shipp
maybe he thought that would push yamas power rating higher? the only way they could ever beat him was through bullshit.
kubo could redeem it all by showing us a flashback of OG yama raping quincy.
Is the ending in 5 chapters or shit confirmed, or am i getting my hopes up for nothing.
apparently we have one volume left. thats a fair few chapters
its semi-confirmed, nobody knows it for sure though. how kubo can pull all the stories together in the next 5 chapters will be embarrassing to watch
Old man genocide is so strong he lives on in rape culture meme magic alone.
then its not confirmed is it?
the initial conspiracy started when somebody on reddit(?) spotted 'the end' written in jap on volume 73, which means volume 74 will be the last one with 5 chapters. I hope that this is all bullshit because ending it so soon when half the main characters are lying on their asses will be quite an asspull, even for kubo
it would smack of cancellation. zaraki hasnt done shit since becoming kenpachi. hes a disgrace. multiple bankais to be revealed... the list goes on
>Implying "The End" doesn't refer to Ywach simply destroying reality as we know it
>Implying we won't get another 100 chapters at least of Ichigo and friends fighting to try and restore reality after "The End"
Kubo's wild ride has barely even started, familia
Also, anime when?
Have we shown Yhwach using Yamamoto's Bankai yet?
Its happening niggas. Get ready for the IchiRuki tears.
I was unaware Kubo was all about Interspecies Erotica.
It's not, but still
1 volume of a weekly manga contains 10 chapters.
So far, we have 5 chapters that will be included in vol. 74. That leaves 5 more chapters.
>fagging over cartoon character relationships
are you 12? grow up
>are you 12? grow up
I just don't understand. What is needed for a good ship is a chemistry between those two specific characters and the fact you should like BOTH of them. Liking Whoreihime is impossible, Fukia is total shit and Ichigo is your typical shounen hero. Literally zero value these characters have, yet even Sup Forums are playing this shipping game.
Bleach is already a cancer, but the fanbase is even worse.
f-fuck you.
I cant handle it ending so soon
Please read the OP. No shipping or baiting please.
Only report and hide this post, guys
Holy shit, this Orihimefag guy is retarded as fuck. Is he even 12?
Thank you for making it easy to report you as well.
Are you orihime fags too?
Am I?
not really. I'd have to be locked up in my mum's basement for the entirety of my life to fall down to your level and be jealous of what youre posting.
one question tho: are you really serious? I cant believe people posting and getting butthurt about their favorite cartoon characters hooking up. I just cant fathom somebody would be devoted to posting about this. Please get out more, its pretty sad
Can't be because Rape Man Genocide's VA is dead. ; ;
Are yous serious?
Aniplex and Shueisha present
Bleach: The Blood Warfare -Movie Trilogy-
Animated by ufotable
All these IchiRuki faggots backpedaling. Absolutely hilarious.
who /rukihime/ here
You're pretty damn retarded.
>Bleach went on for 15 years
This is criminal, Kubo
The thing about Orihime is tha she's one of the main characters and one of the most popular ones, her motivation is to be together with Ichigo and help him, and her characterization has always revolved around Ichigo. Usually when you like a character you want to see said character succeed, and in Orihime's case succeeded would be to end with Ichigo, otherwise she would have little purpose and keeping her around for all those years would have been a waste. From the story's point of view there isn't much to make her and Ichigo end together, but from the reader-writer point of view a lot of time has been dedicated to her and her love for Ichigo, so an Ichihime end wouldn't be out of place.
Sure, Kubo is the master of wasted potential, but even then, why else would you keep around a character like Orihime? Even if you support other ships instead or none at all you wouldn't be able to dismiss what a waste of time and character she would have been if she didn't win.
this is why Kubo is half assing the end, he put all his efforts into one piece
Pretty much.
No one care about Orihime fag, fuck off and take your shipping faggotry with you
>three different people post
>call them samefag anyway
Are you ?
Are we all the same person?
Remember when Bleach had an anime?
That was a while ago now, wasn't it?
What is happening in this pannel ? What is written ?
So far it's not confirmed. That Bleach will end with volume 74 is a genuine possibility and shouldn't be dismissed.
But it's also possible that it won't end with the next volume. The preview of volume 73 is saying "The final volume". But because Japan doesn't really have much to distinguish between plural and singular it could equally say "The final volumes." So it's just initiating the countdown. But it could also be a way to make hype for the confrontation between Ichigo and Yhwach, that people should believe that Ichigo will actually win the fight, when the opposite is the case. The editor left it deliberately vague in order to trick the readers.
It's also strange that it was announced in the volume preview. Usually it would be in the Jump magazine itself. If Bleach is really ending, we should get a notice on thursday. It's also strange that the color page obscured the number of chapter left. If it were just five, then there is no reason to obscure it. Japanese news site are only talking about what stands in the color page. So far they are dismissing the volume preview, probably because they are aware of the plural/singular thing. Also if what stands in the preview is true, than Kubo should have known about that for at least a month. In that case, he wouldn't have made Yhwach win and instead let Ichigo's Bankai win. That Yhwach can change the future had just been introduced. And Bleach is still selling 400k per volume and more than several other weaker series. From a logical stand point it would be strange to cancel Bleach out of all series. At least at the moment. But maybe there other factors that have nothing to do with Bleach. Maybe Kubo trolled too much.
We can't possibly know for know what will happen. There may also be the possibility that Yhwach wins now and that we get a sequel like Tokyo Ghoul. But who knows how likely that would be.
This gives me hope. Thank you user.
But don't dismiss the possibility that Bleach really ends next volume just yet.
Hope for the best and be prepared for the worst.
I know user, I know.
whats this kishi v. kubo thing we have going on
How are they gonna bait Ywatch to show up?
October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012
all of Soul Society might also have an orgy to lure him out
So Shunsui, Rangiku and Giselle will save day?
Rumors of a sequel in Jump SQ (monthly magazine) called Blanche.
Spoke with Kubo earlier. Told me Don Kanonji will be taking off his shades for the last scene and that Ichigo is the new key to keeping the worlds from being destroyed.
We're in for a rescue Ichigo sequel series folks.
>If it were just five, then there is no reason to obscure it.
We know this man likes to fuck with his readers' expectations. He did it for the same reason people use spoilers like this.
>report and hide
Will Don Kanonji be the protagonist in the sequel?
Kubo said even he didn't know who the new MC is, just that he wants more fashion and more bullshit powers.
It's actually not Kubo, who wrote that. The text on the color pages, the side texts at the beginning and end of the chapters, the extra pages in Jump like memory of the souls and the volume previews are all made by the editors of Jump. Most of the time Kubo doesn't consult with them and if they would deliberately pull such a stunt with the obscured numbers, they could as equally do something like saying it's the final volume, when it's not actually the final volume. That's the same guy, who wrote Shunsui's second Zanpakto belongs to Nanao or that Yhwach vs Ichibee was the climax of the final arc.
Aizen's Bankai is probably some virtual reality shit, Yhaweh thinks he can see the future but what he is seeing is a fake future created by Aizen.
Ichigo will use that distraction to unleash his INNER POWER, making Zangetsu take control of YHWH's body and sealing or some shit.
>Kubo always wanted to use French
>No shipping shit
I ship Aizen with Momo.
Also he's never leaving that fucking chair is he?
Toshiro x Hinamori will be canon.
She's used goods at this point
Not if things go according to keikaku and she sucks that got off scott free Aizen dick again.
Nice trips.
>IchiHime canon
>RenRuki Canon
>Chad that latino nigga is about to bang Karin any moment now
>RangikuXGin literally never
>AizenXAnyone literally never
Fuck my life dead
Does Hitsu even see Hinamori as a love interest?
He wants to protect her smile.
He would even let Aizen fuck her if it meant Hinamori would be happy and smiled.
He wanted kill Aizen for Momo, for at Aizen did.
He would willingly die to protect her
the favorite of Fandom
>it has gotten so bad that "No Shipping cancer" has to be spelled out in the OP
Bravo Kubo
>linking an image on an imageboard
for what purpose
>imgur link
He's obviously fresh off the boat from Reddit
Because it's 5 images and I didnt't feel like posting them one at a time?
its so obvious that ichihime is the ichigo endgame.
Do you not have mspaint?
Nah dude I only have my phone on me atm but next time I have an image dump I'll make sure not to trigger you
Can we talk about best girl in the series?
We could if we actually knew where the fuck she went. After the Wahrwelt castle emerged, she suddenly just disappeared. What is she doing? Molesting Yoruichi in her werecat form?
>Can we talk about best girl in the series?
Sure, you start
So what topics do you think will be left unanswered by the ending?
- the nature of Orihime's powers
- why Yoruichi has never used her zanpakutou
- what happened to various characters (fullbringers, royal guard, surviving quincies, shibas, various shinigami, Harribel
- backstories (dads, Yhwach, Aizen)
- various shikai and bankai
I'm still not entirely convinced that Bleach will end within five chapters. Then again, I'm also not really convinced that it won't. If it's just five chapters without the chance of a sequel we will only find out about the status of various characters.
If it's not the end then we might get everything excpet possibly Yoruichi's Zanpakto and some of the Shikai and Bankai.
I already did. You next.
And I will make sure my best girl beat the crap out of your best girl
Rukia's neck is beautiful
Who is Rukia?
Who is that? Ichigo's mom. Isn't she dead?