When did you grow out of atheism?
So does he love police then? The left is still anti gun but now believe cops are evil racist/fascists/etc who mean them harm but also should be the only gun owners? Wtf is that about
Liberals are mentally ill it's why they make no sense most of the time
You don't grow out, Atheism is something when grows towards, something one achieves. We aren't going around shooting places up, you crazy white Christians are.
As if psychos can't get hold of guns in other countries
He was Islamic you soybrained retard
bait is supposed to be subtle
Quite recently last year.
A mellowing of my certainty of the veracity of my views and knowledge finally made me genuinely question what I regard as true, leading slowly into pure agnosticism.
What is it about this tweet specifically that implies atheism?
When I became a cuck.
Holy shit is tbis real?
I knew Dawkins was a fuck but there's no way
>inb4 he doesn't represent all of us.
Neither does Dawkins, niggerbrains!
Don't worry when you start 8th grade your teacher should mention Richard Dawkins at least once so you'll be familiar.
>be criminal
>plan to shoot some people
>guns get banned
>oh no, what a shame. Well I guess I won't shoot people now.
You grow towards nothing? Having nothing is an achievement?
Never was an atheist, but I was a lefty at one point. I looked down on Christians and anyone with right leaning views all of that, then I got out of highschool and realized I was a dumbass. But the biggest realization is that with the lack of meaning in modern daily life, how can you possibly look down on someone for trying to find meaning in their lives.
>atheist live by a book
>without god, atheists wouldn't exist
wtf im a muslim now
>why atheists don't spend as much time questioning satan
wtf is he even implying? That atheists are secretly satanists?
If this post was made to make fun of christains, I'm sorry, at this point I don't know what is bait or not from the religious side.
33 yrs old.
>You start out believing in god the way mommy and daddy taught you like a good boy.
>you reach puberty and realize what they taught you is bullshit and become an atheist and think you are pretty clever.
>finally you realize they were all wrong because religion goes a lot deeper than their superficial interpretation.
Athiests are stuck in intellectual perma -adolescence because they didn't develop their abstract thinking beyond the level of their dumbass parents.
I used to be an athiest too, sweetie.
So I have a honest question. Science says there is some evidence or reason to believe that reality is a hologram. If this is true, and we are just a simulation, would that mean that the programmer is "god".
I was 17 y/o when i did.
Now i'm 21 and an atheist again. I believe in a superior metaphysical concept, not in the common sky-daddy that set moral and rules for everyone equally. This one is dead anyway. It's a fraud to seduce plebs.
A knight, a priest and a garbage man can't worship the same god. They can refere to differents parts of the same doctrine though. And that is the main problem with abrahamic religion.
There is only one book for everyone universaly. Look around, it's a fraud to convince you a nigger is your equal.
Shooter was an athiest
Well you posted a picture with red text corroborating your claim, so it must be true.
He also confirmed that it was atheism that motivated him to kill people.
Wubba lubba dub dub!
I can't get hold of a gun.
i read it as 'when did you grow out of anthem?'
According to Isis.
Are you going to take the word of goatfuckers?
They'd claim responsibility for my explosive shit this morning.
As bad as religion can be, Atheism is actually worse - as difficult as that can be to believe.
Replace the anthropomorphised concept of God with the concept of The Self Organizing Principle.
Now you're a Muslim.
i never grew into it.
Haha, it's funny because of the flag, haha.
Atheism is not an organising principle of life.
It's just the rejection of the claim that there is a god, which is made by other people. The default position is atheism.
Yeah and even if he wasn't a convert which he is he was still a pussyhat wearing faggot so you have nothing to get excited about