Why didn't Togashi contribute?

Why didn't Togashi contribute?

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Because that would have meant work.

Why didn't Miura contribute?

He has to maintain his "i'm dying" shit


>that aiko

Ruined punpun

Why didn't Araki contribute?

That wall of manga was a pretty cool idea, it's also nice that a lot of mangaka drew for them.

Jesus fuck, is that Ito Junji?

God, I fucking hate Togashi. If he's really dying he should have ended the manga or let others finish it, instead of releasing a couple doodles per year

Why didn't gorilla author contribute?

There is something genuinely sociopathic about the entitlement of people who can't accept the fact that an old dude can have both chronic health issues and want to do his own work. Why the actual fuck would any artist ever be obligated to end their work or pass it off to someone else just because they can't match the slavedriving industry standard schedule? Even if it was pure laziness he wouldn't owe anyone shit, but it's obvious he's actually just fucking sick.

>he should have ended the manga or let others finish it
Why would you want HxH to end unfinished or HxH done by someone else than Togashi?
That's stupid.
Just deal with the hiatus and enjoy when chapters are released, it's not hard.

>Tamu-Tamu drew Ango and Hana again

Looks like Togashi's not the only one appearing here. I don't see anything by Horikoshi (but there's a Black Clover one)
Hope we get some better looking pics, there's really neat looking contributions.



Where is Ogure Ito?


>what is banter about togashi as old as Sup Forums

lurk more

They stopped releasing Gintama in English because of low sales.

a continuation one day would be amazing

>Black Lagoon revy
>still no new chapters
fucking hell

>Kubo doing his style

>Togashi-sensei, can you draw Gon for our 30th anniversary?
>No, fuck that, I'm drawing Kurapika
>No, it has to be Gon
>Fuck you and fuck your celebration. Don't talk to me or my wife ever again

>Don't talk to me or my wife ever again
I guess sailor moon still brings the big yen

Can any Sup Forumsnon recognize every manga and its author in the picture

Ah, my back

glad to see the cream of the crop up at the top.


Togashi is iead
冨樫は死んだ もういない 4chのみんなは諦めてくれ

Then just fire him.Why is he still has a job?

That Kubo though.

Why did Hiroe bother drawing this pic when black lagoon hasn't been updated in forever

Even worse Inoue drew one. When is the last time there was a Vagabond chapter

Because HxH makes money

>Kubo half asses Bleach
>puts all efforts towards anniversary drawing

>rei had time to draw revy
>cant even tell people when its coming back

No my hero academia???

Why would they fire him? It hardly costs them anything keeping him on the backburner, it makes them a fair bit of money when he does release something and it gives him a reason to keep drawing it at all. Getting real sick of this le togashi so lazy XD meme.

Because his volumes still sell a shitton even after all the hiatuses.

>why not fire our best writer who makes us a shit load of money, with volumes sales that even outsell one piece's!?

I agree with your point, but there's no need to do that shit.

He came back in like 2015, did 2-3 chapters and disappeared again. The lack of any information is the worst, could at least say that he's going on hiatus.

Is horikoshi there?

I'm pointing out how shitposty it is. I suppose I could have put it in quotations but we're putting too much thought into it as it is. What I'm getting at is that it may have been fun banter years and years ago, but it's pretty fucking clear that a lot of people vomiting the tired "oh togashi is so lazy just hire assistants blah blah blah" shit have no idea what they're talking about and are acting unjustly entitled.

Anyway, enough sperging out of me.

>The lack of any information is the worst, could at least say that he's going on hiatus.
Lurk more.

ikr, looks the best compared to all the other generic pics

>I'm pointing out how shitposty it is.
No, you are shitposting. Quotation marks wouldn't change that.
The beauty of speech is that you can describe an object without holding it up and pointing at it.

>with volumes sales that even outsell one piece's!?
No it doesn't. HxH sales are great, no need to spout shit about it. If you want to compare them, go with Naruto, they were selling more or less the same numbers by volumes when the end of Chimera Ants and Election arc were published.

Fuck. The line about the beauty of speech doesn't apply, and describes in fact what I did in . I realized the hypocrisy the moment I hit submit.

I'm a faggot.

Why didn't Matsui contribute?

Yeah, let Madhouse finish it.

Except it does, retard.

Where the fuck is based Kaz?

Those are cute girls.

I'm sad that AssClass, Soma, World Trigger, Hero Academia and Yu Gi Oh aren't represented.

sales for hxh volume 33 so far: 1.1 million
sales for the last op volume: 2.4 million

>I dont know what im talking about
Educate yourself, fool.



Shame no Ichigo 100%, which reminds me the author released a baseball manga and I want to read it.

>Compare with Naruto

I would but Naruto is popular all over the world and shits on One Piece so that would be a pretty idiotic comparison

Togashi back when he published regularly couldn't even beat Naruto in Japan alone, I wonder how he got his god-tier contract



I was talking about japanese sales. Look for the best manga sales by volumes of 2011, 2012 and 2013. You'll find out that in a year, HxH volumes sell around 1.1 million, Naruto 1.2 million and One Piece around 2 or 3 millions.

>kishi rips off togashi
>his manga becomes popular as fuck

He worked himself to death by the end of YYH and it was one of Jump's best during the 90s.

How did he rip off togashi?

Ranma looks kinda weird, but it must've been years since Rumiko's drawn him. Was kind of hoping to see Neuro there, but I guess MTNN might've never been localized by Viz.

Why is Lum a catgirl in HxH?

It's difficult to say he looks weird at that resolution.
The posture looks a bit off, but again, I can barely see what's what.

>Naruto is popular all over the world and shits on One Piece

I doubt it's still the most popular over all. And even if it was, it wouldn't change much because the difference in numbers of volumes sold is too big.

After Japan, the biggest manga market is France. Based on numbers from 2011*, One Piece sold 1.5 millions in total there. Naruto did 1.2 millions.
All the volumes of One Piece published in France sell less in a year than 1 volume published in Japan. That's how big the difference is.

*first ones I found, too lazy to look for something more recent. This was coincidently the first year One Piece started selling more than Naruto in France.
Sauce: actuabd.com/Salon-du-Livre-2012-Ou-en-est-le

Do nips like france more than america?

>MTNN might've never been localized by Viz
Maybe they'll save it as an announcement for the author's NYCC appearance.
But I can't really tell if the author is considered popular enough in the west now.

Goddamn Kubo. How does one get such a good sense for style.

>why didn't togashi draw something?

Berserk is published by Dark Horse not Viz.

Japan has only themselves to blame for this.
They enforce this ridiculous work ethic that you work yourself to the bone or you are worthless scum.
Togashi is raking in cash of HxH allready and is married to the woman who made the best selling anime franchise ever.
They are worth a fuckton of money, why the fuck would you sit in a shitty little office drawing cartoons for children when you can live the life you always dreamed of?

I cant blame the dude, if I made it like that, I wouldnt work myself to death like Oda.

Speaking of Togashi and VIZ, why haven't they licensed the Level E manga yet? I want it on my shelf with YYH and HxH.

>Which do nips like more, the ones who bombed them or the country they fantasize so hard about they get Paris syndrome?

More seriously, a lot of them love and are fascinated by american culture but they also have a way more difficult relationship with the USA.
What I'm wondering is, which one do they like more between France and England?

The only place where Naruto beats OP by a wide margin is the US, which doesn't matter as much as Japan or France, since most would rather read manga through an online viewer.

Reddit wasnt invited, sorry

But operation tomodachi!

>which one do they like more between France and England?

More like,
>Don't talk to me or my back pain ever again

Go home Araki, you're drunk.

What is the popularity threshold for new series where Sup Forums has to start hating it?

Yeah, seeing Bobobo there made me happy, though.

Maybe his back hurts.

More like togashi wanted to draw hisoka.

How do they have a psyren one? The author died...

Considering the size of the board, wouldn't it be possible that there's another row down there?
You can see the little screw/magnet on the top one, next to Ore Monogatari but we can't see the one in the bottom.

Didn't he make a recent series for Jump?
It just bombed hard.


>there's one
>with nothing I was expecting on it

It's true though.

Name one filthy gaijin pig that was allowed to wear the emperor's clothes other than an Italian.

You can't

Though to answer your question seriously, I think the british people have more recognitions in terms of medals or stuff than french people, so yeah, maybe japs like bongs more than frogs, but the mutual love between wops and gooks is still unrivalled.

>Togashi rips off Toriyama
>everyone calls him a genius

>there was another row
>with nothing I wanted

>Chunin Exams
>Boy with red eyes trying to avenge his dead clan who also had red eyes
>A demon fox named Kurama
>Creepy pedo who the MC kids meet during the exam, who really wants one of those kids to "ripen"
>13-man terrorist group
>Said pedo joins terrorist group to further his own ends, and eventually leaves

Tiger and Bunny has a manga?

Kishi actually said Sasuke was inspired by Hiei.

I think it runs in Ultra Jump

w-where's sorachi?

How much do you think that wall of pics is worth?