How do you explain this tragedy to this man's young son?
How do you explain this tragedy to this man's young son?
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Only faggots don't have guns.
To the gallows for you, libcuck!
Right to bear arms
Well yeah if i illegally modded a hi point i could get a "machine gun"
Tell him that some old aterrorist wants to take away muh funs
My 9 year old just asked me if White people are going to kill us. I told her, "Yes sweetie. We'll hang on the day of the rope." She's still crying now.
>that happened
>lying to your children
nigger parents everyone
Just say armed civilians prevent genocide.
I didn't realize an ATF tax stamp, 50k, and subjecting yourself to rectal examination by your local sheriff on a weekly basis was something "just anyone" could sign up for.
>I told him pretty much anyone can
>anyone can
>get a machine gun
So the dude flat out lied to his son?
Freedom always carries risk. Death is a part of life.
Why lie to your kid faggot?
>anyone can get a machine gun
Not really. Is he retarded
Like they did a few hours ago in Vegas?
I'll take conversations that never happened for 500!
Tell him Daddy lied to him to score virtue signal points.
anyone who post these totally real twitter stories about their kids should be publicly executed
>black guy with his kid
Now we know this is fake news
Poor kid. I'll bet daddy lies about a lot of other things, too.
Kids are fucking retarded
My 8 year old daughter asked me how anyone could make up a story like that. I told her that pretty much anyone can.
You're a good dad.
WTF ban all guns now!
>My 10 year old asked me how the driver was able to get his cargo-truck. I told him pretty much anyone in France can. 'But why daddy'?
>My 10 year old son expresses a similar view to myself
>So wise
how the hell those 8 year olds aged two years in just one year
It's always the children that will lead us.
Because without everybody having the right to bear arms you get Sweden-tier shit like sandniggers beheading people in Ikeas.
My 4 year old just asked me why there weren't any good guys with guns to stop the bad guy.
I told him your mother will die in your sleep tonight unless you reply to this post.
Literally shaking rn.
You think if Goldstein had a gold star and a AK-47 things would have gone down the same?
Fuck off.
>At least that's what I think would happen if black kids had fathers in their lives.
He shouldn't lie to his children.
Thought all these kids with incisive questions were eight?
>boris kodjoe
You can keep this nigger.
My 10 year old asked me how the low skill brown Muslim was able to get citizenship and voting rights. I told him that pretty much anyone in the US can. 'But why daddy'?
>tanned germans at it again
That wasn't a genocide, bub.
Also, a guy in a neighboring hotel room could have heard the bullets and wandered in to shoot the shooter in seconds if more people had guns.
afaik, if you want a machine gun (legally), it has to be manufactured before 1986 and the ATF has to approve
I don't know how to get a machine gun.
How do I get a machine gun?
Why the fuck are they all 8 years old?
Am I being played?
I bet he let's his kid play call of duty.
Why should I waste my time explaining anything to absolute morons with literally no grasp of reality?
OP is a cowardly faggot, btw.
kek what the hell
Anyone starting to believe that we are living in a simulated reality?
Right to life trumps your right to toys, retard.
>Makes his 10 year old watch a mass shooting
The niglet probably wants to know so he can get his own.
Also, black father. Weak bait, OP.
>a guy in a neighboring hotel room could have heard the bullets and wandered in to shoot the shooter in seconds if more people had guns
Fucking hell is this really the mentality that most Americans have? Civilised people don't need to carry guns on their person to feel safe.
Whoa that some deep shit, you stupid ape.
Be legally allowed to own a gun.
Have at minimum $10,000
Do all the necessary paper work.
Wait about a year.
You're good to go, you legally own the cheapest machine gun you can.
My wife's son sobbing after finding out about this
>the "I have to talk to my kid" meme
Do all leftist tweets come from the same factory?
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
jewish twitter tricks begone
You can get guns pretty much any where both legal and illegal. It literally takes a police state like China or the UK to stop people from having weapons.
As always you can't blame the tool, but the person. And you have to ask your self, why did this person do it?
I've got a machine gun in my pants.
Stupid shitskin lying to his wifes boyfriends kid. Go figure.
Because son, if good people don't have guns then the bad people will still have guns and kill the good people.
In kabbalistic teachings, the number seven symbolizes perfection – perfection that is achievable via natural means – while eight symbolizes that which is beyond nature and its (inherently limited) perfection.
Really makes you think.
Typical statist Slav
According to his social media pages he was a liberal, left wing Clinton voter. This is the second terror attack committed by the left wing. It’s time to call them out.
More fake news!
I feel safe without my gun but it doesn't hurt to have one. You never know what can happen.
Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it Brit.
My 10 year old asked me how someone is able to get their hands on a butter knife. I told him that pretty much anyone in the UK can. 'But why daddy'?
I think virtue signaling through the innocence of your child is pretty much the scummiest fucking method of sympathy mongering I have ever seen.
If you use the natural naivety of a literal child to imply a reflection of your own mentality and ignorance that says a LOT more about you.
>he hasn't smoked dmt yet
You see, little nigger, normaly this person could have been stoped by either the hotel security or another citizen. But since this country is made out of degenerates and incompetent minimum wage employees, 50 people had to die.
If that is so why did nobody shoot him?
8 is usually the age when children start thinking for themselves.
>trump won't be as bad as Caesar right?
My 10 year old asked me "Daddy, how did he get a gun in there if it was a gun free zone?" I told him that criminals don't follow the law, and he asked "But why Daddy?"
>Trump can't be as bad as Caesar
Caesar was literally the best thing to happen to Rome until Augustus picked up that banned
>'But why daddy'?
To keep the Queen of England out of our fucking business.
Goddamn do I fucking love being American.
Great parenting skills
So you're anti-abortion?
Stop lying to your son is a good start
Have you tripped on 400ug+ lsd yet?
Or you spend $40 and get a gat crank like the shooter used.
i guarentee he just made that up
I think this is what I hate the most about liberals. It's not their retarded ideology, but their bizarre stories, obvious lies and constant appeals to emotion.
It's like they think life is a TV show, and that people act like they exist in a TV show. I mean, can't you just picture the idiotic scene that nigger is painting happening during some shitty, sentimental moment in a Hollywood movie?
>but why daddy?
fake news
How do I explain lies to liars?
>Shows a cop with a gun
i'd explain it that every single part of your post is carefully constructed and broadcasts you as a leftist shill.
I'd explain nothing, as you and those who follow your ideology would be dead or in FEMA camps.
and soon. We wont have to.
Commies need to die.
>is a 7' 10 years old nigger
>isn't part of a street gang
>doesn't already own some illegal gun
That story doesn't seem realistic.
Not the same guy, keep up faggot.