Which is your favorite princess?
Queens also count as long as they are not married or widowed.
Which is your favorite princess?
Queens also count as long as they are not married or widowed.
Except the shitty ending.
Absolute semen demon, too bad about the story
what about an empress?
Princesses are only good for sexualizing.
why the hell didn't saito hit that right on the spot
This is thread for prncesses and queens.
Not for boyfriend-stealing whores.
I want her to give me a handjob.
Is user really so perverted he would enjoy his penis being stroked by a cold, hard piece of metal, just because it's attached to a cute girl?
Technically they weren't dating so she just hit a single guy, there wasn't anything wrong there.
I remember he tried, but she said she would come later.
slutty princess best princess
... yes.
Of course!
I want to be a princess.
>Queens also count as long as they are not married or widowed.
So divorcées are fine?
What if they are unmarried but have a thousand lovers
>what about an empress?
Lazy Princess is pretty nice
does she ever explain why she dresses like an extremely expensive prostitute
I like this one. Too bad her novel went to shit towards the end.
>does she ever explain why she dresses like an extremely expensive prostitute
Because she can.
It's the same reason (in the game) she wrote plays and acted them out in the coliseum even though socially (at the time) actors and actresses were on the same social level as prostitutes, barely above slaves (and even some slaves of noble families might have been seen above them if they were greek tutors and the like).
But she didn't care and just wanted to please the crowd and piss off the noble families of rome and their societal conventions.
She dressed however she pleased (male or female garbs, whatever would piss them off more), worked on improving the life of the common folk and acting as sort of idol/diva and spent lavish amounts of money on social programs (eventually bankrupting the roman state).
For context, even when she was just a teenager who had just inherited the throne (and this is taken directly from Nero's actual life not so much Nasu's interpretation) she killed her mother because she wanted her to be a prim and proper puppet empress who'd just further the powerful families' interests (especially her mother's and her mother's lovers' interests) and Nero quickly got fed up with being Empress just in name.
One piece has the best princesses.