Which one, Sup Forums?

Which one, Sup Forums?


All girls are best girls




This babymaker


Superb taste.

How can mere drawings make me so hard?

Me on the right.

Me on the left

me took picture

Me in Ritsu's womb

Me 410 3 o'clock high!

the artist is disgusting

>German heavy fighter
>Worth an exclamation mark
There's this thing called turning m8, you should look into it.

The loli.

Rump shaker.

Mio, but not for sexual

the innertube, because it will provide me with a deeper and more satisfying interpersonal relationship than any of the moeblobs in your picture

k-on is the worst kind of drivel; you people are the reason we're drowning under a sea of idol trash

but they're not idols

they paved the way, and taught the industry that the best profit:investment ratio can be achieved through SoL moe shows

None, they're all disgusting. They need a few years to age, like fine wine.

leave right not and don't talk to me or my keions ever again

What a waste

I choose Tsumugi!



me in the middle

The girl with the forehead, I'd gladly cum on that forehead, that's for sure

>wake up
>see this picture
>feel like fapping again


literally who



Azusa is the sexiest but I like Ritsu better.

>moeshit meme never dies

im off anime for a few years.

See you tomorrow

Moeshit isn't a meme, moe is part of anime itself.
Learn to love it or just leave.

But they're all 17 or 18 by the end of the show.

I'll take the best one thanks

i order 4 children, a big country house, a job at the government, a better future for america and last but not least mio.

I want to grope Yui's thighs through her tights.