>Be Burger
>Get shot
Be Burger
show flag now
>Can't pay the medical bill
>Be comrade
>Die of starvation
wtf toothpaste
>be american
>get shot
>can't afford hospital treatment
>ambulance tells you to fuck off
>lie on street and die
>be gommunist
i like this Sup Forums guy
show flag
>before death go to a walmart
>shit your pants
show flag now
Has literally never happened.
Christ you chimps are fucking retarded.
>Be burger
>deny shitty healthcare system
The shooter was using a fully automatic weapon, which are practically unobtainable here.
muh trips
>be burger
>"(((practically))) illegal"
>Get shot by (((practically))) illegal gun
Our healthcare system is shitty because we let retarded chimps like you vote.
show flag
Too scared to show your flag?
>Be burger wannabes
>Eventually get shot
show flag
>be toothpaste
>visit the us
>get shot
>be american
>get shot
>buy more guns to get shot even more
Amerimeme logic
>Be European
>Get Shot
>Get Bombed
>Get ranover
>Get acid splashed
>Get beaten
>Get robbed
>Get gangraped
>Get arrested for complaining about it on twitter
>Shitpost about statically irrelevant slaughters that have always happened and that aren't exclusive to America to cope as you wait in the massive queue for sub-par Medical care.
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