>Las Vegas shooter was a Hillary Supporter
>Las Vegas shooter was a leftist
choose 1
Las Vegas shooter was a Hillary Supporter
Threads like this are why pol is shit these days.
According to his social media pages he was a liberal, left wing Clinton voter. This is the second terror attack committed by the left wing. It’s time to call them out.
Liberalism is literally a right-wing ideology (pic was related). It has more in common with conservatism (muh free markets, muh private property) than with anything on the left.
pick one
The problem with the shooter is not that he was a delusional communist, but that he was a conscious communist
Kneel to your new God-Emperor
Yeah, threads stating facts instead of schizo ramblings or pundit talking points really go against the whole spirit of Sup Forums.
Nice damage control
>pol meme-squad digs up a picture of someone looking similar to the Vegas shooter from an anti-trump rally
>this is evidence of him being a liberal, communist, left-wing, Muslim, alt-left triggering person
Kneel to your own God-Emperor: youtube.com
You loose and loose leftists - I feel bad for you at this point
lose and lose*
>loose leftists
my body is ready
You can tell the people who made that didn't actually put the respective candidate's positions into the test, they just dropped the dots where they felt they should.
If you were actually to plot Clinton and Sanders on the graph, they would be quite far away from Trump, Bush, Cruz, and Rubio, and furthermore, the four republican candidates would show a much larger spread, especially between Cruz and Bush.
No thank you - I know the left engages in everything degenerate under the sun, but I don't
>the people who made that
politicalcompass.org -- you can actually read about the methodology used. But why do I bother linking it? For you guys everything is a conspiracy against your Emperor who plays golf with Clinton.
What is this communist mummy in your picture?
> I know languages therefore let me tell you how bad US is and how great communism is
just the most cited intellectual of the 20th century
So? His arguments are shit. I study languages and I admit his contributions, but when it comes to politics, he's as dumb as they come
acknowledge* ( sounds better)
I'm done replying to you sweetie ;^)
>stumped by simple political concepts
>thinks that being a linguist means that you know a bunch of languages
Oh man, this is gold.
I know several languages
>bulge area
Literally the cock land of Europe.
At least we won't be an Islamic State in 30 years
>haha liberals are so politically illiterate that they can't even distinguish conservatives from nazis
Honestly OP I don't know why you expect better from all the pro-establishment rightist shills on this board
you got it wrong mate.
>sanders dangerous socialst extremist
>hillary left wing/centre
They have it a little bit skewed - mac cartism done that.
Bulgaria is shit right now who cares what'll happen in 30 years?
> Communist
> Criticizes Bulgaria that it's shit
Oh the IRONY
Get your own statistics pls - Isn't Mohammed the most popular baby name for fifth year in a row ?
Weirdly enough, the ideas in my head don't actually shape the conditions of where I live. You could be a nazi or commie or liberal and you'd still live in a dumpster
Made me laugh
> Can't argue for shit
> Criticise where I post from
I may be from Bulgaria, but at least I'm not dumb as you both butt heads
I can argue fine, Bulgaria is objectively shit. Give me a counter-argument. Protip: you can't
Both. Stay mad commie faggot fuck lmao
What is your argument again?
What are you arguing ?
> Can argue - doesn't know what an argument is
OP posts opinion
Why are leftists such retards?
>Get your own statistics pls
I just did brainlet.
>Isn't Mohammed the most popular baby name for fifth year in a row ?
No, only retarded American brained Brits and the resident speds here believe that.
>CTRL+F "Moh": 0 Results
Everyone that damages my narrative is actually a right winger.
Ok I'll try to go slower for you. Your argument is that your country is good because muslims aren't going there. I replied (correctly) that your country sucks anyway.
You have no response to this because you know it's true.
I'm going - I have work - Can't lurk here
> Sorry I couldn't defend the argument I'm from Bulgaria
If there were ever dumber people than you two
>everyone that damages my narrative is actually a left winger
This is your brain on burgers.
I didn't call you a right-winger, I called you a burger. I knew your education system was bad but I didn't think you'd have trouble with a 6-word post
Have fun plowing the fields and whipping donkeys, stay BTFO.
>Commonly accepted facts that are taught in every Highscool around the world, in university, in every polsci course, in every history course triggers burgers
I'm not surprised.
Have fun masturbating all day and having your family raped by Pakistanis
Oh fug I should have used a shitty meme flag like you
t. turkish gypsy
But you are doing.
Liberals are for a welfare state thus
Liberals = left wing
nice meme, reddit is missing your hot takes
That may be true, but there are a lot of liberals in your movement. Like LGBTQA+ people.
These people did not read what Marx, Engels, and Lenin said about them.
The LGBTQA+ people are Idpol liberals senpai
Better two words would be:
Jewish Lies
This is a point that is worthy of discussion. LGBT/furfag/POC's identification with the radical left has just as much substance as the alt-right/alt-light/trump-crowd's with the radical right. For both of these groups this isn't much more than a second phase after the enlightened by atheism fashion statement: ironic attachment to something they know nothing about done solely to trigger the perceived opposition.
and two great words for America would be "Jewish Proxy"
whatever keeps you protected from books
Nothing wrong with burning garbage
>I've read all those books and I know they have nothing of value
but in reality
>daddy führer told me those books are bad so let's burn them
>>t. critical right-wing thinker
Taking you literally there actually is but given the backwards mentality of third wolders in North America I imagine explaining it would be completely lost on you.
>not real leftism
pftttt ahahaha
go read Mises, Hayek, Rothbard, and Hoppe then if you were serious about reading anything outside your bubble
Is this what passes for subversion these days? Yuri would be appalled.
>Mises, Hayek, Rothbard, Hoppe would call Hillary a left-winger
My opinion of them isn't that low to suppose that, user.
>muh liberals is far-right because dey lubs property
Lefty faggot intellectuals everybody. Sage with every reply.
you're right, they're all basically statists according to them
c'mon, don't you have some reading to do? You're not politically illiterate, right? what are you doing here, go read!
Who are you quoting?
that pic gave me cancer