First FLCL and now LWA. America really is saving anime

First FLCL and now LWA. America really is saving anime.

Other urls found in this thread:!x9UHnJSb!ILRFzH6RFvX9Cbx1_YaDWQ

fuck anime

Japan's capacity for animating has recently exceeded the buying power of the Japanese anime fans.
The American-funded anime will not replace Japanese anime (which is purpose-bound as multi-media franchises and advertisements, but it will create a 4th anime sphere.
#1 kids/family
#2 otaku
#3 teens
#4 Americans


>first memeshit and now memeshit
Great taste as always, murricans.

>americans getting involved in my north korean motion pictures

Memes find a way.

Yoshinari finally gets to animate western cartoons like he always dreamed of then.

>muh moe fantasia
Neck yourself

>there is only memeshit anime and moeshit anime
Throw yourself off mt reddit.