So, why did he do it?
So, why did he do it?
Beta uprising
He’s a communist
aging shithead hippie/communist relic from the decadence of the 1960s
one of millions
10 Internets says he's a Bernie bro.
Why did you write your memoirs with your own fecal matter instead of the blood of the sharks you fucked?
because George Soros wanted the share act to die
Country music
"gosh that italian family sure is quiet."
"i'm getting fed up with this orgasim"
From what I heard it was New Country. Which would make anyone trigger happy. I'd only shoot the band though.
democrat patsy
Religion of Peace
Being fed up with being cheated on, being a muslim convert, being an upset commie from the 1960s, being just plain insane, and secretly being a mercenary who is actually still alive and maybe a different person from the guy who has been blamed for it are all on the table as possible motives.
Upset because he had no more money to bang Thai ladyboys anymore.
Gambled his all his retirement savings away and decided to take out his frustration on the concert crowd
It had nevuh been done befo.
severely underrated
Babyboomer insurgency.
just baby boomer things
then how did he have $15,000 in rifles and ammo? triple that if at least one NFA machine gun.
I'm not one for conspiracy theories, but until they give a logical motive this whole thing seems fishy.
On a side note I voted for lone nut in the strawpoll last night, what do I win?
Gambled a lot and blew what was left of his savings on the gunz.
>sell gun
>have a lot of money again
This explanation doesn't make much sense.
So what board is this guy going to be based off of?
do you really think this guy has a legally registered auto, and didn't just jury rig it to be?
get your head on straight
Imagine if he specifically called out any and all Tripfags as the sole motivation for his killing
What is a loan?
>invested a ton in bitcoins
>china bans bitcoins
>bitcoins plummet
Hard to believe because ((((( reason )))))
> promote leftist ideology by any means necessary
> false flag operation
> attack Trump supporters
> all of the above
>getting a loan for an NFA rifle that has like a 6-12 month waiting period
This doesn't seem resonable.
Only after some fag shoots up a bank or stock exchange
Shark blood is water soluble. I would have lost my memoirs to the first rainstorm.
Certainly a good story, but the fact that he had so many weapons and ammo seems to suggest it wasn't that.
Do you actually think he was honest on his loan application!? Dude owned a 400, 000$ dollar house as collateral and was at retirement age. A bank would front a guy like that a couple of grand with no questions asked.
>t. guy who worked as a cashier at a bank for a while
Either a loan or a long time collection.
I haven't bought a gun or ammo in over 5 years. My stockpile is always going to be there whatever my bank account reflects because I'm the type of guy who'd never sale.
Even if I lived out of my car, guns are gonna be in the trunk.
Thrill kill after he blew all his money on the tables since he found out that he was losing his health insurance and was going to die instantly.
He could've done a reverse mortgage.
But seriously, he was an ex-engineer for Lockheed Martin. He had tons of money going into retirement, and he retired early.
But he was an antifa protester who would have had no problem making his money back selling his firearms. High paying job too.
Country music
>couple of grand
It wasn't about the money. It was about the fact that he was going to lose his health insurance because Obamacare was kill. So he decided to go out in a blaze of hedonistic pleasure, living the high life in Vegas before tasting the sweet, sweet nectar of murder.
>High paying job
>lived in a retirement community
Don't know. But I do know one thing, we can kiss the SHARE act goodbye.
There's a difference between a retirement home and a nice little subdivision that's aimed at retirees dumbass.
>worked for lockheed martin and retired early
So you think he was poor or couldn't afford losing his health care?...
Literally what????
already done. republicans banded together and vote against/no show in sign of solidarity for victims. fuck this gay earth. why is there a mass shooting whenever pro-gun legislation is on the board?
Some of those places are pretty baller.
"Retirement Community" can sometimes just be verbal lingo that allow old people to be age discriminate. Aka have to be 55 or older to live in that neighborhood.
It's plausible that he developed cancer and so he was kicked off his insurance plan for having a "pre-existing condition" and couldn't get normal medical insurance subsidies for treatment. Only Obamacare saved him from paying market rate.
Sauce niqqa
CIA Operative
Who was posting in this thread? Ayys?
faggot mod moved it from /k/
I didn't even know they could move threads to other boards.
Where do you think /trash/ came from? All the threads there are moved from other boards.
Yeah, I was in here from /k/. I knew they could move threads, they just rarely do and delete.
It happened several times from Sup Forums to Sup Forums
I have a theory.
Maybe all these shootings really are MONARCH/MK ULTRA victims. Their CIA handlers just push the test subjects until they can get them to do something insane like this. Sorta fine tuning the project and learning what works on who and how.
Yeah. It's /k/ so we were mostly talking about the guns since nothing official has been released.
Once they say what gun it was, we will turn to conspiracy theories too.
He's a white nigger. Fucking Niggers,
>why is there a mass shooting whenever pro-gun legislation is on the board?
You really need to ask?