1. No mass shootings
2. No terrorist attacks
3. No muslims
4. Arian waifu
5. Kielbasa nom nom :)
Why don't you come to Poland user? It's comfy here.
1. No mass shootings
2. No terrorist attacks
3. No muslims
4. Arian waifu
5. Kielbasa nom nom :)
Why don't you come to Poland user? It's comfy here.
fuck off were full
Would also like to add that we are full as well.
its poor
How does it feel that the only modernday positive thing about Poland is that it's too poor for immigrants to even want to go there?
I don't speak the language
I would but I don't want to learn that shit you call language.
Only if you're tired of it all.
My wife wont be able to work in her field there. Neither of us speak Polish so we would probably be hated. Also, you assholes invaded Germany and started WW2.
Poland is so great ye all leave it and flood the rest of our countries.....
>full of slavs
might as well move to shitskin central at that point
fuck off retard, we are full
Mettiamoci a studiare che non è una cattiva idea
Italiano in Canada?
aka cost of living is cheap
My friend lives in Krakow and lives like a king on a modest wage. I wouldn't want to live there myself but it is a great country to visit.
Si, qualche mese per studio
Anche mio cugino sta studiando in Canada. Son davvero messi male come sembra li?
nobody asked
How much for a 2 bedroom house/apartment in the central area of a city?
Not even Poles want to live in Pooland
When they come here it stops being comfy.
Sicuramente meglio qui che roma, ma ci sono un sacco di problemi pure qui. Dovessi viverci piuttosto me ne andrei in norvegia, anche se la vita costa 4 volte tanto.
Hey man, we're just sending our worst, that's why we're developing ;^)
Why are Czechs always voluntarily cucked by the Germans?
>migrating to a poor country
People do this?
In che zona sei del Canada?
I do have a Polish surname. Am I allowed back to the old country?
Yeah. I can think of some reasons why one would emigrate to Poland.
If you'd have some kind of hefty sum of money, you could have a pretty comfortable life in a poorer country due to lower prices.
Montreal, sto anche facendo turismo e qualunque posto è bellissimo. Non crederesti a quanto tutto è tenuto benissimo.
Il sistema scolastico fa schifo, sono al terzo anno di università ma sia le modalità di lavoro sia il carico di studio sono letteralmente a livello scuola media. È l'unica cosa di cui mi posso lamentare
how many layers of amerimutt are you on?
(hint: 1 is already to much).
>4. Arian waifu
read asian waifu, wanted to come, was all hyped up and then I saw I misread it.
DESU I was seriously think of Poland one America falls.
Can I bring my guns?
Why would I want to give up living in such a wonderful place, to go to that place that, putting it politely, is far less developed, and is culturally alien to me.
If I HAD to leave England, I'd rather go to muslim majority Dubai than Poland
Ok i'll come inshallah
Are you fucking stupid? They will bring their shootings and multikulti urges along with them.
It's when you have to interact with niggers and shitskins that you realize that slavs actually are pretty decent folk.
Montreal non deve essere affatto male. Io ero stato in vacanza a Vancouver per vedere degli amici e l'ho trovata terribile. La parte francofona del Canada é la migliore secondo me
How do you feel about conservative asians moving in? I'm Chinese but can grow a full beard and get mistaken for Hispanic at times.
Nice country you got there, Stanislaw. I brought some friends with me, can they stay for a while?
> Sees that everywhere else has major societal problems
> Invites everyone to come live with them
You're just stupid as all fuck ain't ya?
ja nie chce obcokrajowców
>I'm Chinese but can grow a full beard and get mistaken for Hispanic at times.
You could marry me for EU citiuenship, but I am not really into girls with beard.
I'm too stupid to learn the language.
Why are you trying to invite them here, you stupid fucking white nigger.
Mods, delete this thread
God, the nerve of this kid
If Poland continues to tell the EU to fuck off I might. If I became a citizen I would vote hard right anti-immigration and spend what I could in my local economy.
poland is shit dont come here, chink boi
Nah, I'd rather you guys stay unsullied. I'm half Ar*b and G*rman anyways. I wouldn't fit in and even though I'm productive, I don't want to be used as a pawn for leftists to use as an (((immigration success story))).
Stay safe, Poland. You're a beacon of light in my eyes.
If you had good looking girls like we do, I would move.
>pretty girls in balkans
this angers the western european
>inb4 British flag saying that Serbs are not white
>but I am not really into girls with beard.
>but into "girls" with dick
>not faggot
I'll come and see you polandball and you wouldn't know who I am. My beard has a reddish tinge. Literally whitish passing North Chinese of Turko Mongol blood. Be glad I'm no Muslim.
6. Want war with Russia
> Fuck no
Does your country have any swarthy, tan girls?
>American born half pole half italian (polish last name)
>Want to move to Poland
how can i
What can someone who doesnt know polish do for work
Poland is full of simpletons and poor peasants. I don’t consider polish people white I label them as filth
just fucking stop
6. No Future when Russian ICBMs glass your thieving shithole.
No thanks, I prefer to live.
Poopland is poor and full of beggars. They come to UK to beg for money.
Chillout dude
I don't want them to come here either
Move to Italy and stop bothering us
Thanks, bye
È splendida, ma tutto è splendido qui. Quebec City è completamente francese, almeno Montreal è una via di mezzo. A vancouver ci vorrei andare, forse ci tornerò
I'm a lawyer and I don't speak polish. Not sure how I could live there.
no offence poljski, love you guys, but the girls are too meh for my tastes there.
Met some polish dudes last night in a bar, one of them was so happy that he came here so he decided to stay a whole month.
totally dark no, but we do have girls with tight tanned asses
>getting conquered by polish beggars
why are you so weak britain
then shut the fuck up
stop promoting this country here like it is some fucking fairy land
get fucked kike nigger
No offense Maciej but why are most poles i meet so degenerate? Why does there seem to me that the intellect of a german and a pole is so diffrent? Im not trying to offend you but im just curious how you feel about this.
fuck off, we are full m8s.
Italy is being invaded by niggers right now
Spent 2 weeks in Poland.
Being poor in Poland sucks. But being solidly middle class in Poland is pretty decent. House, car, waifu, kids, go out to eat and beers no problem. Nice, safe, clean, rural or urban.
It's only a problem if you want international holidays and expensive electronics. Neither of which are important in life.
Too many christians.
polish aren't white
Pretty sure that a substantial portion of the population in Poland would see us as no different than mudshits.
I like dark haired European girls, is that common there?
70-80% brunettes here
How's the welfare system over there? I'm on my way, and taking my 11 children with me.
Good. You're most welcome to find a place here. The welfare system isn't too great, as you might suspect, but there are ways. Just ask local councils.
The Poles that live in your country (and probably rest of the West) are true scum, I agree. I have a friend who spent some time in Netherlands so I know.
What you should try to understand though is that they left Poland because even having the shittiest job out there they can make 4x as much money as they would in Poland.
However, you can't compare them to decent, normal and civilized Polish citizen who will probably just stay here and try to contribute best to society. Suprisngly, our streets are not full of bald-headed kurwa-shouting monkeys. In fact, you probably won't even meet them without going to the worst neighbourhoods.
Also remember that it's these wild degenerates who stand out in crowd. You won't recognize a decent Polish person because he simply looks like any other european citizen.
I know this is a troll but Brazilians are Catholic so they're ok in my book if they want to come here.
Poverty and alcohol. Your (Dutch) best chess player is a Russian by the way.
Because it's just a shittier version of Czech republic
Prague. Now THAT's a town! When it's full of shit-skins here, I'll move to the Czech republic.
>6. Average wage in Poland 700 euro/month after taxes
Stop inviting people to V4 you idiot.
Why the fuck you want 56% etc. in your country?
are there lots of polish koreaboos there? honest question
>people with the money to pack up and leave are "your worst"
this is why you will stare at highrise concrete buildings for the rest of your life
What is the average wage in Poland?
Nice Hitler trips. Because Poles are shit. They need to breed-out.
Because abandoning your country is degenerate
>tfw your neighbor is becoming increasing nonwhite and will become majority non-white by the time of the next census.
Turkey has Koreaboos senpai
Tricky question. The minimum wage is supposed to be around 1300 Zloty. *Divide by 4 to get Euros, but that not always the case. Doctors here are on strike often because of low wages too. But don't let the Matrix blind you from the truth.
fuck off szechter
How about that. I wasn't expecting that. Are you sure you don't just want to butcher me and my 23 children, like in that movie The Hostel?
Even more unexpected. What city, user? Brazilian Catholics are gonna start getting rooted out of here by the so-called Neo-pentecostalist churches, so you'll be able to get a lot of them if that's what you want.
korea-- what
speak like a normal human being
HAHAHAHAhAhAHAHAHAH. I feel your pain. It's exhalting.
>Because abandoning your country is degenerate
the eternal german patriot, who will never will have an empire again
No thanks, i hate cabbage.