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The left and right literally hate each other now. I know I despise the left but it doesn't feel like it's ever been like this before
Abhorrent behavior. If I was an American i'd be preparing for a civil conflict. Stock up on food and essentials and be ready to dash inawoods if cities started getting torched.
Nazis watch out!
Honestly surprised
I guess I can see how she feels that way. I didn't care about that fag bar getting shot up at all.
>stupid jew takes 1 too many percocets in the morning
The rope tightens.
>VP at Take two interactive
Is this why rockstar is starting to become shit?
>notice how they did no release his ethnicity
Leftists live in a world of their own delusion don’t they?
cmon goys watch star trek and NFL =)
that's what i'm thinking
CBS should be taken off the air. Definitely explains why Colbert is obsessed with Trump though. The whole network is batshit.
Journalists first.
Innawoods is a meme.
Be ready to band together with others. In REAL SHTF, not faggot larping, militias succeed and warlordism succeeds.
If you aren't planning to copy what works, you are a fool, a child and a larper.
Mainstream is actually on this. She'll probably be fired by days end.
Of course the Jew hates us.
Kill the Jew. Kill those who object to killing the Jew. We need more escalation from both sides, but mostly the niggers and Jews.
And yet the Good Goy White Republicans still won't defend themselves from the Jew Masters that push self hatred on white people.
The brainwashing is that deep folks. Decades of anti white propaganda has made the average white person into the meekest of sheep, obediently waiting to be shorn and slaughtered. Just keep him fed and he will obey. What a pathetic bunch of losers modern white people are.
True both sides view each other as enemies. We are in a very intense political climate. Sup Forums larps about civil war but this political climate is definitely the beginning of one. It's just unlikely that we could get an event on a big enough scale to kick it off.
>Jew lawyer doesn't care about dead goyim
The only reason we're in an intense political climate is because the last 8 years of obongo drums made the left incredibly psychotic and hostile and now they feel like they can get away with anything
She's a vp at my company?
Alright I'm putting in my notice.
>Definitely explains why Colbert is obsessed with Trump though.
lol, you should read the dnc emails bra
I’m sure that’s a pure coincidence
Fucking this. Entertainment, celebs, lefties. basically went full commie the moment Obama took office. I swear there was a cultural shift around that time period. Social media hasn't helped either.
>Fucking this. Entertainment, celebs, lefties. basically went full commie the moment Obama took office.
anyone remember when democrats were anti-war, spying, and torture? i do
>her husband
This is what happens when men allow their wives to work.
Get this fucking bitch fired.
This is ridiculous.
Get this out there
Get this out there
>I hope you die horrifically too
>Preferably surrounded by screaming friends amd family
Should be the only response this merits.
These were the exact thoughts of every libcuck and cuckservative the second they heard "Country" anyway, cunts like these are just rich enough to say it carelessly... May as well make certain they know the feeling's mutual as a motherfucker.
Well, is she wrong?
The left hates western civilization.
She's not in our active directory, I work at one of take-two's subsidiaries. if she is still employed I'll file a complaint. I was a diversity hire so they'll listen to me (they never asked if I was conservative, their mistake)
String her up from a fucking lamppost, I’ve had just about enough of this
I remember that in 2000 the fucking SCOTUS had to literally decide the outcome of the election and things weren't even nearly as insane as they are now. This is one of the reasons why we hate Democucks, they think that having the first "_____" whatever means that jesus christ as literally come down from on high to grace us with his presence but instead it's just a fucking nigger who divides the country up even more and then uses all his political clout as "first negroid president" to try and change every fucking policy way way way to the left and cucks and other lefty homos eat his shit up like cupcakes and then the same cucked faggot nigger lefties have the fucking gall to blame everything bad on republicans as if we're not the party trying with every desperate breath of air just to keep shit normal and not divide our country into another civil war and to restore honor and integrity back to the people
Fucking niggers literally ruin everything
>it’s a Sup Forums says the same shit every minute and suddenly acts self righteous when someone else acts in a like manner episode
>not all Muslims
>but all country music fans
She's not (((((us)))))
Where is she wrong?
We're anonymous basement dwellers posting on an Ecuadorian fishing enthusiast forum, not VP's of multinational corporations.
Are you 12? Did you not live through the Bush administration or the Republican Congress during Clinton years?
>undercover bad goy
I'm jealous
reminder to scan through and screencap the usual liberal SM profiles... they're going to say a lot of nasty shit that will be deleted shortly afterwards, make them 100% liable for every word they say just as they do to us
This explains a lot about what gaming has become
>work 2 jobs then get multiple VP roles in, what looks like, her 30s
It was her privilege :^)
I as well find it hard to care about eurocucks getting enriched by trucks of peace. It's the fact that they hide it and pretend to be white that pisses us off.
colour me suprised, a Jew advocating for the death of non-Jews, who would have ever thought???
Talent and hard-work, goy.
>CBS Exec Fired for 'Unacceptable' Post About 'Republican Gun Toters' After Vegas Shooting
CBS Exec Fired for 'Unacceptable' Post About 'Republican Gun Toters' After Vegas Shooting
>It's like we don't have to tolerate evil murderous kikes in control of our news companies
Lmao. Literally gets out of law school, works as an entry level lawyer, then bam, VP on VP role. Really makes me think.
Holy shit, is this real life?
Good. Kike cunt.
That name is really oying my veys.
>Gold and Silber
the kikes aren't even trying to hide it anymore
>implying anyone holds themselves to the same standard as they hold other people
She just expressed the thought processes of a fucking psychopath, shooting people, at a country music festival.
she'll just become some antifa executive
>She just expressed the thought processes of a fucking psychopath, shooting people, at a country music festival.
Nah, it's cool man, they were ok to kill. They were mostly republican.
Really surprised it was that fast or even that she was punished at all.
don't h8t, i spent 6,000,000 seconds in paint doing this
>brown hair
>brown eyes
>souless blank stare
like pottery
Good, most of western civilization is owned and controlled by Jewish psychopaths... I hate western civilization too.
The lefts only crime in my eyes is thinking that handing those same kikes all of the power through communism is how you fix it. Honestly how retarded can you get?
I'm not either, fuck those rednecks.
Every single kike must be gassed
Jewish privilege : denied.
It seems that IS the philosophy. Thses fuckers are sneaky, they tried to get a satanic child murdering grandmother elected president.
Fuck this bitch its not a matter of politics people fucking died and a lot more are injured and traumatized from trying to enjoy a concert / get over your petty political talking points and realize the real tragedy here and stop making about muh side vs yours
>claim to be tolerant
>claim to be compassionate
>claim to be better than everybody else
>claim to be the fucking moral paragon
>denounce opposiiton as intolerant
>denounce opposiiton as hateful
>denounce opposiiton as racist
>denounce opposiiton as sexist
>denounce opposiiton as morally bankrupt evil nazis who just HATE people and want to make everybody suffer
>end up acting exactly like the opposition
Do you not see the reason?
you guys know shes going to get a new job in 3-6mo when the heat dies down with even higher pay right.
shes a fucking kike. they wont abandon their own. the only way to win is with some 5.56
Libs have ALWAYS been like this. The difference now is that those libs who follow politics casually are being openly encouraged to engage in violent behavior.
what are some good long shelf life foods to get? would oats, peanut, and some kind of canned meat like spam be alright?
>A conservative American's life is less worthy than a liberal's
t. a top legal executive at CBS
Look where we are now, folks. It ain't Kansas. Civil war confirmed. CONFIRMED.
shooter on the left
From your equivalence I too should get paid 300k for shitposting.
what are rockstar north hiring QA testers to work on right now?
If the shooter is in fact a leftist I guess that disproves Sup Forumss theory of the right easily being able to wipe out the left in the event of a civil war
Are you 12? I can guarantee I'm older than you
do you really believe this statement is in any way logical or is this just shit leaf-tier bait filtered through a burgers natural retardation?
>I know I despise the left but it doesn't feel like it's ever been like this before
Let me blog for a moment here...It dawned a bright a summery Tuesday June morning when user realized, shocked, this election was...different...there was a feeling of desperation in the air...almost palpable, with the dust still settling on an uneasy San Jose. You see last night Donald Trump and his unique brand of insanity had descended on the city the evening before and with it came violence and chaos. user now knew the truth, this wasn't about ideology, left or right. After last evenings events user knew his time had come, it was his moment...it was a: RACE WAR (kill al de wite people, but buy my record first).
"Hey, give me back my hat."
Kikes will just re-assign her to some other msm kike job. They don't eat their own.
It's astonishing that "freedom of the press" is absolute, but the 2nd Amendment isn't. Maybe we should regulate or pass laws against "freedom of the press".
At least this jew cunt got fired.
Just keep on twist twist twisting spin doctor.
well they are quick, props for that
Still hired by rockstar.
this article could probably constitute incitement to hate in spain, serious crime
basically anybody in media, etc justifying or inciting to commit crimes against a group because of religion, politics, race, class, etc
What a cum gurgler.
>he looks like a pretty big guy